search for: histdata

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "histdata".

2009 Nov 04
Weird errors with R CMD check/ggplot2 in examples: how to debug?
[Environment: WinXp, R 2.9.2, all packages up to date; building under (StatET 0.8, eclipse 3.5.1) or from a batch file] I'm in the process of creating a package, HistData, on R-forge, containing interesting data sets from the history of statistics and data visualization. It contains several examples that use ggplot2, which I've declared as a Suggests: in the DESCRIPTION file. The examples work fine when run in a separate R session. However, they fail under...
2004 Mar 01
How to plot Histogram with frequence overlaid by distribution curve
Hi, I am facing the problem that I want to plot a histogram chart set freq to true and overlay with normal or weibull or exponential distribution curve. The sample code is shown as below: >samp<-c(-8.2262,-8.2262,-8.2262,-8.20209,-8.09294,-8.07321,-8.07321, -8.07321,-8.07175,-8.04948,-8.04948,-8.04948,-8.03848,-8.03848,
2011 Oct 21
lattice::xyplot/ggplot2: plotting weighted data frames with lmline and smooth
In the HistData package, I have a data frame, PearsonLee, containing observations on heights of parent and child, in weighted form: library(HistData) > str(PearsonLee) 'data.frame': 746 obs. of 6 variables: $ child : num 59.5 59.5 59.5 60.5 60.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 ... $ parent : n...
2001 Nov 23
Rose diagrams in R?
I am looking for a function (or package) to plot histograms of directional data such as wind direction. I believe these are called rose diagrams. Is there an R script for this? If not, can it be constructed in a function calling primitive graphic calls (lines, circles, boxes or polygons)? The stars function is not quite right. -- David Finlayson Geomorphogist and GIS Specialist NearPRISM -
2012 Oct 17
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms pass the parameters to this web form?. > year="2012" ,month="August" > I am not getting the table values. > > thanking you > veepsirtt > options(RCurlOptions = list(useragent = "R")) > library(RCurl) > url <- "" > wp = getURLContent(url) > > library(RHTMLForms) > library(XML) > doc = htmlParse(wp, asText = TRUE) > form = getHTMLFormDescription(doc)[[1]] > fun = createFunction(form) > o = fun(mmm = "9", yyy = "2012",url=" >...
2011 Oct 12
NOTE: unstated dependencies in examples
Using R 2.13.1, I am now getting the following NOTE when I run R CMD check on my HistData package * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... NOTE 'library' or 'require' calls not declared from: gplots sp Under R 2.12.x, I didn't get these notes. I have ~ 25 .Rd files in this package, and AFAICS, every example uses library or require for the functions...
2009 Oct 30
.Rprofile replacement function setwd() causing errors
...ssignInNamespace("setwd", function(dir){ .Internal(setwd(dir)) utils::setWindowTitle( short.path(base::getwd()) ) }, "base") However, this causes errors in some cases where setwd is used by other functions, particularly example(): > library(HistData) > example(Snow) Error in setwd(olddir) : cannot change working directory > traceback() 6: setwd(olddir) 5: open.srcfile(srcfile, first) 4: open(srcfile, first) 3: getSrcLines(srcfile, lastshown + 1, srcref[3L]) 2: source(zfile, local, echo = echo, prompt.echo = paste(prompt.prefix,...
2005 Mar 24
Bloomberg data import
Dear R Folks, I know that Enrique Bengoechea ( Credit Suisse ) had posted some code snippets for importing Bloomberg historical data into R. I found them to be very useful. Has anyone succeeded in getting the below items from Bloomberg to R? (a) historical economic release data, (b) tick/intra-day data (c) bulk data such as Index membership info, etc. If someone is willing to share their code
2010 Nov 04
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi RUsers, Suppose I want to see the data on the website url <- "" for the index "S&P CNX NIFTY" for dates "FromDate"="01-11-2010","ToDate"="02-11-2010" then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable() I am using this code webpage <-
2010 Feb 28
R help question: How can we enable useRs to contribute corrections to help files faster ?
Hello dear R users, *Here is the background for my question:* I just had a look at the help file for ? Yeast in the "HistData" package. In it, I found a small spelling mistake where the word "*c*istribution" was written instead (so I imagin) "*d*istribution". I thought maybe I should e-mail the developer. Since there is no link to contacting the developer inside that help page, I went and googled...
2005 Mar 31
Bloomberg data import SOLVED
...ays check the class of blCon before proceeding! # First tick data ticker <- "IBM US Equity" fields <- c("Last Price","Volume") comFrom <- new("COMDate",38442.4583333333) comTo <- new("COMDate",38442.58247696760) z <- as.integer(0) histData <- try(blCon$BLPGetHistoricalData(Security=ticker, Fields=fields, StartDate=comFrom, EndDate=comTo, BarSize=z)) # Notes: # Passing in just a 0 instead of an int 0 (as z) crashes Rgui # For tick data, only one ticker is allowed in each call. # Beware of asking for a long date range; tick data ca...
2009 Jul 18
remote database queries
With good and faithful python remote database queries look something like this: url.urlopen("username/pssword at host",query) where query is something like "select * from table where ...." Does R support queries on remote hosts with username and password? What does a simple example look like? Thank you.
2010 Jul 18
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * allan (1.0) Alan Lee Automates Large Linear Analysis Model Fitting * andrews (1.0) Jaroslav Myslivec Andrews curves for visualization of multidimensional data * anesrake (0.3) Josh Pasek This