Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "hgt".
Did you mean:
2001 Nov 16
case conversion and/or string comparison
This is no doubt trivial but after searching the help files and the web, I
cannot seem to find it.
1) How do I convert 'hgt' into 'HGT' in R?
2) How should I have used the help facilities to find this?
At the end of the day, all I want to do is case insensitive string
matching... i.e. 'if ("HGT" == 'hgt') print('this should be true')'
I tried using some of the regular exp...
2005 Feb 16
Repeating grey scale in graph?
x <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5)
y <- c(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
z <- matrix(z, nrow=length(x), ncol=length(y), byrow=TRUE)
#persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5,
# box= TRUE, axes= TRUE, ticktype = "detailed", main="Title of plot")
hgt <- (z - min(z))/ (max(z) - min(z))
cols <- grey(hgt)
persp(x, y, z, col = cols, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5,
box= TRUE, axes= TRUE, ticktype = "detailed", main="Title of plot")
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
2000 Oct 26
persp plot question..
Dear All,
I have been trying to to do this for a few days now. I can generate
persp plot OK and can generate it in colour using the command
However, I was wondering if it is possible to shade the 3d surface like a
contour plot. i.e. black for large z, white for small z, say
Thanks in advance
2002 Apr 23
Bug: persp and colors (PR#1476)
to their z-value. The colors seems to be transposed, i.e. the color of a facet A
to be used for a facet B which is a (defined?) way off....
An example:
nx <- 21
ny <- 21
x <- seq(-1, 1, length = nx)
y <- seq(-1, 1, length = ny)
z <- outer(x, y, function(x,y) x^2 + y^2)
hgt <- z / max(z)
persp(x, y, z, col = gray(1 - hgt), theta = 70, phi = 40, expand = 0.4)
Now the z-value should define the color, but the color pattern seems to be
Oliver Niggemann
r-devel mail...
2003 Jul 15
Excel can do what R can't?????
...with it, and if
you come up with something, PLEASE let me know- In the meantime, I've got
to start fiddling with excel and figuring out how to automate the solver
Briefly, the point of the program is to approximate the model output from
an iterative calculation, Wtmod and Hgtmod, to user-specified endpoints Wt
and Hgt, by seeking the optimal values of p, ACT involved in the iterative
Also, if your interested in recent correspondence that explains the point
of the program a bit, and how the function ties in to the iterative
process, search the R help forum...
2008 Mar 05
problem with geepack
...ll. Since I have replicate observations
on the same individuals I was thinking to use the geepack library.
The data are organised in a dataframe with the following variables
Date = date of sampling,
Size = dimensions (mm)
Activity duration of activity (min)
Water = duration of splashing by waves
Hgt = resting eight of each specimen before activity begin
Individual = a code indicating the id of the specimen.
I have up to 12 replicate observations for individual. Some observation
are missing and I organized the data frame to have exactly 12 rows for
each specimen, with NAs where there is a mi...
2011 Jan 19
lme-post hoc
...level3 var4 2501 62
2 level3 var3 2507 58
2 level3 var2 2508 56
2 level3 var1 2513 63
3 level3 var3 3601 73
3 level3 var2 3603 59
3 level3 var1 3609 56
3 level3 var4 3612 61
modela<-lme(height~variety*fertilizer, random=~1|replication)
hgt <- glht(modela,linfct=mcp(fertilizer="Tukey"))
Any body can help me to proceed tukey (or lsd) with lme that would be highly appreciated.
University of Saskatchewan
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 23
Coloring leaves, twigs and labels in plot.dendrogram()
...r <- 1:1
.midDend <- function (x)
if (is.null(mp <- attr(x, "midpoint"))) 0 else mp
############################## 80 Characters Wide
########## Body follows
type <- match.arg(type)
leaflab <- match.arg(leaflab)
hgt <- attr(x, "height")
if (edge.root && is.logical(edge.root))
edge.root <- 0.0625 * if (is.leaf(x))
else hgt
mem.x <- .memberDend(x)
yTop <- hgt + edge.root
if (center) {
x1 <- 0.5
x2 <- mem.x + 0.5...
2011 Apr 11
joining data based upon a moving time window?
...4/4/2003 17:01:33
2 3 4/6/2003 16:03:07
5 6 4/8/2003 15:03:08
3 7 4/10/2003 14:03:06
4 5 4/2/2003 13:02:00
4 5 4/4/2003 12:14:43
4 3 4/6/2003 11:00:56
3 5 4/8/2003 10:02:06
2 4 4/10/2003 9:02:19
Weather Data
DateTime WndSp WndDir Hgt
4/2/2003 17:41:00 8.17 102.86 3462.43
4/2/2003 20:00:00 6.70 106.00 17661.00
4/2/2003 10:41:00 6.18 106.00 22000.00
4/2/2003 11:41:00 5.78 106.00 22000.00
4/2/2003 12:41:00 5.48 104.00 22000.00
4/4/2003 17:53:00 7.96 104.29 6541.00
4/4/2003 20:53:00 6.60 106...
2003 Jul 14
problem with coding for 'optim' in R
> #Weight at time 0
> Wo<- 9.2
> #Hg concentration at time 0 (ugHg/g wet weight)
> Hgo<- 0.08
> #Weight at time t
> Wt<- 32.2
> #Hg concentration at time t (ugHg/g wet weight)
> Hgt<- 0.110
> #Prey methylmercury concentration (as constant)
> Hgp<- 0.033
> #Prey caloric value (as constant)
> Pc<- 800
> #Energy density of fish (as constant, calories)
> Ef <- 1000
> #Maturity status, 0=immature, 1=mature
> Mat<...
2010 Dec 13
Problem with retrieve.nc of clim.pact
...the package to the latest versione (don't
ask me what was the previous R version, cause I don't remember).
However, now i am in serious trouble.
When i try opening the netcdf file, i use
just as was doing in the past.
but know, i obtain not more a 3D matrix but a 4D one!
[1] "ordinary"
[1] "Attribute time_origin not found"
[1] "The chronology is not straight forward: dt= 24 interval span= 275376
data points= 11475"
[1] "ncid$...
2000 Oct 27
Bug in hsv() (PR#712)
Ross posted this code:
persp(x, y, z, col = cm.colors(10)[floor(9 * hgt + 1)], theta = 35)
I hadn't seen the cm.colors function before; it's very nice! I wanted
to modify it a bit to allow the start and end colors as well as the
max saturation to be specified, and I think I may have turned up a bug
in the hsv() function. Here's the evidence of the bug:...
2009 Jul 23
[PATCH server] changes required for fedora rawhide inclusion.