Displaying 20 results from an estimated 618 matches for "heterogenous".
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2012 Feb 27
General question about GLMM and heterogeneity of variance
My data have heterogeneity of variance (in a categorical variable), do I need
to specify a variance structure accounting for this in my model or do GLMMs
by their nature account for such heterogeneity (as a result of using
deviances rather than variances)? And if I do need to do this, how do I do
it (e.g. using something like the VarIdent function in nlme) and in what
This is my first
2005 Aug 17
GLM/GAM and unobserved heterogeneity
I'm interested in correcting for and measuring unobserved
heterogeneity ("missing variables") using R. In particular, I'm
searching for a simple way to measure the amount of unobserved
heterogeneity remaining in a series of increasingly complex models
(adding additional variables to each new model) on the same data.
I have a static database of 400,000 or
2007 May 23
problem with read.table
Dear all,
I try to use read.table to get the data from a tab delimited file, and some
of the data is shown below:
3185 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F
3187 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)
3188 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 (H')
3189 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 (2H9)
3190 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K ///
2010 Nov 22
Probit Analysis: Confidence Interval for the LD50 using Fieller's and Heterogeneity (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
A similar question has been posted in the past but never answered. My
question is this: for probit analysis, how do you program a 95%
confidence interval for the LD50 (or LC50, ec50, etc.), including a
heterogeneity factor as written about in "Probit Analysis" by
Finney(1971)? The heterogeneity factor comes into play through the
2010 Feb 25
Heterogeneous Correlation Matrix with Survey Weights
I have a data set containing categorical and ordinal factors, as well as
sampling weights (i.e., survey weights reflecting unequal probabilities of
selection). I want to fit a structural equation model with sem(). I have
run sem() on weighted covariance matrices using advice from John Fox (see
<http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e5/help/08/12/8773.html> and
2009 Oct 02
Robust ANOVA with variance heterogeneity
Dear list members,
I am looking for an alternative function for a two-way ANOVA in the case of
variance heterogeneity. For one-way ANOVA, I found oneway.test(), but I
didn't find anything alike for two-way ANOVA. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you!
Maike Luhmann
Freie Universit?t Berlin
2010 Sep 18
modeling variance heterogeneity in lme4
Hi all,
I have major heterogeneity in variances across labs (100-fold). There is no
apparent variance heterogeneity across y-hat. By using lme4 in the following
way, am I accounting for the variance differences in labs?:
lmer(y ~ fixed1 + covariates + (fixed1|labs))
I'm not sure that it is - I think it is only allowing the means (slopes
[conditional means] & intercepts) to differ
2012 Aug 09
Factor moderators in metafor
I'm puzzled by the behaviour of factors in rma models, see example and
comments below. I'm sure there's a simple explanation but can't see it...
Thanks for any input
John Hodgson
------------------------------------- code/selected output -----------------
## Set up data (from Lenters et al A Meta-analysis of Asbestos and Lung
2020 Jul 28
[RFC] Heterogeneous LLVM-IR Modules
Let's allow to merge to LLVM-IR modules for different targets (with
compatible data layouts) into a single LLVM-IR module to facilitate
host-device code optimizations.
Wait, what?
Given an offloading programming model of your choice (CUDA, HIP, SYCL,
OpenMP, OpenACC, ...), the current pipeline will most likely optimize
the host and the device code in isolation. This
2005 Jan 05
cubic spline smoother with heterogeneous variance.
Hello. I want to estimate the predicted values and standard errors of
Y=f(t) and its first derivative at each unique value of t using the
smooth.spline function. However, the data (plant growth as a function
of time) show substantial heterogeneity of variance since the variance
of plant mass increases over time. What is the consequence of such
heterogeneity of variance in terms of bias in the
2006 Aug 03
Looking for transformation to overcome heterogeneity of variances
Dear All
My data consists in 96 groups, each one with 10 observations. Levene's
test suggests that the variances are not equal, and therefore I have
tried to apply the classical transformations to have homocedasticity
in order to be able to use ANOVA. Unfortunately, no transformation
that I have used transforms my data into data with homocedasticity.
The histogram of variances is at
2010 Jul 22
Heterogeneous variance in two-way mixed ANOVA
I have heterogeneous variance in a two-way mixed effects ANOVA, with more than 2 groups in each factor. Is there something like oneway.test or a Brown-Forsythe test that will let me test for differences in means?
2007 May 23
Replicated LR goodness-of-fit tests, heterogeneity G, with loglm?
I have numerous replicated goodness-of-fit experiments (observed compared to expected counts in categories) and these
replicates are nested within a factor.
The expected counts in each cell are external (from a
scientific model being tested). The
calculations I need within each level of the nesting factor are a heterogeneity
G test, with the total G and the pooled G across replicates. Then I
2013 Nov 12
Expanding legacy gluster volumes
Hi there,
This is a hypothetical problem, not one that describes specific hardware
at the moment.
As we all know, gluster currently usually works best when each brick is
the same size, and each host has the same number of bricks. Let's call
this a "homogeneous" configuration.
Suppose you buy the hardware to build such a pool. Two years go by, and
you want to grow the pool. Changes
2010 Dec 22
Estimate "between-axes" vs "within-axes heterogeneity of multivariate matrices
...authors mention some measure for the assymetry
of the yielded compoenents ( uncentered -> unipolar, centered -> bipolar) I
find the concept a bit hard to understand.
Isn't there a quick way (function) to just say (with numbers of plots of
course) "well, it seems that the data are heterogenous looking at between-
axes" or the other way around "it looks like the variables differ within,
more than between"?
Apologies for repeating the same question (trying to understand the problem
myself). Thank you, Nikos
2015 Jun 05
[LLVMdev] Supporting heterogeneous computing in llvm.
We would be very interested in learning more about this.
In my group, we (Prakalp Srivastava, Maria Kotsifakou and I) have been working on LLVM extensions to make it easier to target a wide range of accelerators in a heterogeneous mobile device, such as Qualcomm's Snapdragon and other APUs. Our approach has been to (a) add better abstractions of parallelism to the LLVM instruction
2003 Jan 21
Modified F-test for heterogeneous error variances
Dear R-help:
Does anyone know of a package in R that will do Welch's modified F-test
for heterogeneous error variances? Are there other statistical techniques
available in R that test the equality of means when homoscedastisity
is violated? 't.test' does this in the pairwise sense when var.equal =
With best wishes and kind regards I am
Corey A. Moffet
2008 May 02
isotonic/ordered heterogeneity tests
dear R-help:
one of my students is struggling to test an ordered alternative
hypothesis on a set of groups (e.g., mu_a <= mu_b <= mu_c).
There has been some literature on this topic -- a lot of
this goes back to Bartholomew (1961); Gaines and Rice
(see refs below) are the ones who've popularized it in the
ecology community. The topic is closely related to isotonic regression,
2006 Jan 16
Snow Rmpi Heterogeneous Cluster
Dear R-users,
I am trying to make Snow and Rmpi working on an heterogenous cluster of
linux computers. The master computer is built on a 64 bit architecture
whereas all nodes are built on a 32 bit architecture. LAM/MPI was
installed successfully on all machine. LAM boots correctly on the master
computer and it recognizes all nodes defined in the lamhosts file.
2009 Sep 17
Dealing with heterogeneity with varComb weights
I am trying to add multiple variance structures such as the first example
vf1 <- varComb(varIdent(form = ~1|Sex), varPower())
However my code below will not work can anybody please advise me?
also if you have two variables with the same weights function would you
write that as: