search for: herps

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2011 May 11
hierarchical clustering within a size limit
Hello List, I am trying to implement a hierarchical cluster using the hclust method agglomerative single linkage method with a small wrinkle. I would like to cluster a set of numbers on a number line only if they are within a distance of 500. I would then like to print out the members of this list. So far I can put a vector: > x<-c(2,10,200,300,600,700) into a distance matrix: >
2006 Jul 06
read.xport issues
We are trying to read a sas export file into R. (Works fine on Mac by ftping the export file from solaris box and then importing to R with read.xport, this gives rational numbers etc.) Trying to do this on an IBM Power p655 running linux, reading the same sas export file as used on MAC, in this case the results are not rational. Many of the numbers are interpreted as INF etc. Is it possible
2012 Jan 13
Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
I'm trying to create maps of reptile abundance in different states & counties using data from, which provides lists of specimens with the places that they were found. First I would like to parse the list by state using 2-letter abbreviations, since I'm focusing on certain regions. To do this, I've been trying to create a vector (state2) that gives all state names as
2008 Dec 23
CentOS, PHP, Basic GIS
I have no experience with GIS whatsoever. I really know squat about it. I'm currently working on a project to plot locality data for wildlife on a map of Shasta County. This is for a new herpetological club that hopes to track strength of our local herp populations, since it seems evident that in the last 20 years we lost one species of frog and are close to losing another (probably less
2010 Dec 02
problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph
Hi all (and especially Frank), I'm trying to use x=T, y=T in order to run a validated stepwise cox regression in rsm, having multiply imputed using mice. I'm coding model.max<-fit.mult.impute(baseform,cph,miced2,dated.sexrisk2,x=T,y=T) baseform is baseform<-Surv(si.age,si=="Yes")~ + + excited + worried + intimate.friend + am.pill.times +
2010 Jan 14
<video src="*.ogg">
When I tried to view Basil's video streams yesterday, it worked with Firefox 3.5.x on both Linux and Windows, but failed with Chrome 3.0 on Windows XP.? I get opposite results with The only browser I've tried that plays that video is Chrome 3.0 on Windows XP. The <video> tag I'm using is about as simple as can be. <video
2009 Jan 28
destroy means destroy, right?
Hi, I just said zfs destroy pool/fs, but meant to say zfs destroy pool/junk. Is ''fs'' really gone? thx jake
1997 Jul 29
1998 Oct 10
fallback password mechanism ?
hi, we are running a server in a mixed environment, where encrypted (98/NT) and non-encrypted passwords (95) are used. I've now configured smbd to use encrypted passwords ("encrypt password" in smbd.conf) and was relieved to see that non-encrypted passwords work, too. however, at the server side (linux2.0.35, smb-1.9.18p10), one has to add all users in the samba-password file.
1997 Dec 29
domain logons across subnets
hi, I tried to make a win95 machine to perform a domain-logon to an NT server, which is in a diferent subnet, behind a linux-router. on this linux-router, I also installed samba. I noticed in log.nmbd, that the client always queries for a "0x1c" type, but never gets a response from nmbd. Thus , I "hacked" the "wins.dat" file, and restartet nmbd: HBLADOMAIN#1e