search for: have_text

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "have_text".

2010 Sep 30
response.should have_text leads to undefined method `has_text?'
One of my controllers directly renders some JSON output that I would like to test with RSpec. For that I use ''response.should have_text("foobar")'' in my spec file, but that leads to a Failure/Error: response.should have_text("enim") undefined method `has_text?'' for #<ActionController::TestResponse: 0xb6736944> I read here somewhere that webrat should be in the Gemfile, but that also did...
2007 May 19
have_text matcher does not support should_not.
...llo Guys, Doing conversion of some test for some controllers, still with integrated views. Anyway, I have this: it "should not see Join This Group button on profile page as member" do get "show", :id => response.should be_success response.should_not have_text(/Join This Group/) end But running with spec (0.9.4), drop me the folling error: Matcher does not support should_not. See Spec::Matchers for more information about matchers. Which is contradictory, since RDoc state otherwise:
2008 Dec 10
rspecing rjs - form.reset(''form'')
Hello, > > I couldn''t find much info on this. > > How do you rspec this: page.form.reset("form") > > I looked in the have_rjs source code and I can''t find anything on form > reset. > > Thanks, > > -- > Andrei > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 05
spec''ing view render partial collection, local variable not found
...partial collection but I get the following error 2) NoMethodError in ''/games/_game.rhtml should show game name'' undefined method `body'' for #<#<Class:0x316580c>:0x2f1154c> /Volumes/EXTERNAL/web/ `matches?'' ./spec/views/games/_game.rhtml_spec.rb:39: def before game = mock_model(Game, :name => ''The Battle for Blaze'', :salt_grains => 5000000, :people => 5000000, :days => nil, :created_at => "Mon Oct 0...
2007 Sep 25
simple story, extract link
hi, I just started fooling around with story runner, thought I''d start with a dead simple scenario: The first thing I do when describing a site to someone is go to the home page, and begin exploring public pages from there. So, that seems like a good first story to spec out. And I''d really like to extract the actual link from the rendered page (rather than just
2007 Oct 16
RailsStory runner - empty response
...e view of the system }, :type => RailsStory do Scenario "Publisher with no videos" do When "visiting", "/" do |page| get page end Then "viewer should see", "companies/show_initial" do |template| response.should have_text(/Welcome/) end end end When I run the story, I get the error: kwigger:~/workspace/rspec-stories alvin$ ruby stories/all.rb Running 1 scenarios: Story: View Home Page As a user I want to view my home page So that I can get a birds eye view of the system Scenario: Publisher with no...
2007 May 21
Just upgraded to 1.0.0, should render_text isn''t working for me
I finally got around to upgrading from 0.8.2 (!!). I had a spec which looked like specify "should render abc123" do controller.should_render :text => "abc123" get :key end With 1.0.0, the new spec is it "should render abc123" do get :key response.should render_text("abc123") end However it doesn''t work, giving me the error: undefined
2007 Jun 15
Is it still possible to use should_have_rjs
Hi I''ve come back to a Rails project after about a month doing other work, and there''s a lot of changes. I was on the 0.7 branch before and I''ve upgraded to RSpec 1.0.5. I used the spec translator, fixed the cases where it barfed on unusual line contents, and all my model and controller specs now pass. But I''m getting 53 failures on my view specs,
2007 Oct 02
flash in story runner
hi, is there a way to assert a flash message directly in story runner? Or do I have to go through the response text instead. Then "flash message should say success" do #flash[:notice].should == "User successfully invited" response.should have_text(/User successfully invited/) end linoj
2008 Apr 11
request.params causing errors
Hello, I have a rhtml file that goes through the request.params. One of my test generates that file, but rspec pops an error saying : undefined method ''params'' for ... I''m not sure what to do with this, since request.params actually works with rails. Any idea? Thank you Olivier Dupuis -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jun 03
Build rspec-rails as a gem?
I can''t figure out how to build rspec-rails as a gem when just cloned from github... there isn''t any .gemspec file or rake task that does this. Any help? -- Posted via
2008 Jun 02
Cannot log in/authenticate within RSpec Story
...;domain\\username'', :password => ''password''} follow_redirect if redirect? end When "I visit the post details page" do get(''/posts/1'') end Then "there should be a link to add a new comment" do response.should have_text(/.*Add New Comment.*/) end -------------------------------------------------- The "Add New Comment" text will only show up within the view if !session[''username''].nil? The login controller looks like this: -------------------------------------------------- def l...
2007 Dec 20
Story runner rake task
What''s the status on a rake task for the story runner. If nothing is in progress, where could I start to try and build one? JD
2007 Sep 23
Story Runner, autoincrementing
I''ve written a story and I run into a snag. I''ve written the create_forum method and told it to set the id to 1 but when it creates the forum the id is autoincremented. My forums table is empty but the id keeps incrementing the newest record on creation. When I run the story it comes out as something like 59 which fails my story because I''m asking it to look at /forums/1
2007 Sep 08
Writing specs for scriptaculous helper
...lves. For instance, I have a div containing a bunch of thumbnails which I''m going to make sortable with sortable_element. I''m trying to figure out a good way to write a spec for this type of call. so far the closest I have gotten is to write something like response.should have_text''Sortable.create\ ("gallery_1_thumbnails"'') Which works, but seems a bit ugly (and could possibly break if Scriptaculous changed. It just seems a little too "hard coded". Is there a better way? Thanks, Leslie
2009 Oct 13
RSpec, flash messages and redirection
...thing like "I should see ''some text''" that text is set on a flash message in the controller and displayed by = flash[:notice] in the layout view, so the relevant part of my view says, in haml: .notice = flash[:notice] The rspec evaluation for that says: response.should have_text("blah") The spec fails saying that the text "blah" cannot be found on the response, shows the HTML code that rspec got and, in fact, the text is not there. But, if I run the application, the text is shown, even when I run the application on test mode (RAILS_ENV=test script/serv...
2012 Jun 14
response.should have_content("1 movie") does not seem to work for me
Hey everybody I have worked quite to near the end of The RSpec Book, but now I''m having some troubles. I''m trying to get the last few Cucumber steps to work, which are: Then /^Caddyshack should be in the Comedy genre$/ do visit genres_path click_link "Comedy" save_and_open_page response.should have_content("1 movie") response.should
2008 Jan 21
attachment_fu and story runner, any updates
I''m trying to write a story for a Rails app which involves using the attachment_fu plugin to upload images. After blunting my pick on this for a while, google found me this: So it seems that there''s a hole in Rails integration testing and multipart form posting. David offered to incorporate a patch to story runner at the end of the
2007 Oct 01
how to spec views
I''m trying to spec a view but haven''t done much view specing. This view render different partials depending on authentication of the user: annon, admin, player So I I''ll write if conditionals in the view with the partials it "should render signup propaganda for annon users trying to view games" do render "/games/index.rhtml"
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/render_observer.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/view.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/extensions/action_controller/base.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/matchers/assert_select.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/matchers/have_text.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/matchers/redirect_to.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/matchers/render_template.rb rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails.rb rspec_on_rails/MIT-LICENSE rspec_on_rails/spec/rails/autotest/mappings_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour_factory_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/s...