Displaying 20 results from an estimated 389 matches for "hasties".
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2004 Jun 24
problem with model.matrix
This works:
> model.matrix(~I(pos>3),data=data.frame(pos=c(1:5)))
(Intercept) I(pos > 3)TRUE
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
[1] 0 1
attr(,"contrasts")$"I(pos > 3)"
[1] "contr.treatment"
2003 Mar 25
R software for Hastie book
Does anyone know whether there is an R version of the S-Plus
software that can be downloaded from the website of the book
Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and
Rob Potharst
Dr. Rob Potharst
Lecturer in Computer Science
Erasmus University email: potharst at few.eur.nl
P.O. Box 1738
2005 Dec 13
Age of an object?
It would be nice to have a date stamp on an object.
In S/Splus this was always available, because objects were files.
I have looked around, but I presume this information is not available.
Trevor Hastie hastie at stanford.edu
Professor, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
2004 Aug 06
gam --- a new contributed package
I have contributed a "gam" library to CRAN,
which implements "Generalized Additive Models".
This implementation follows closely the description in
the GAM chapter 7 of the "white" book "Statistical Models in S"
(Chambers & Hastie (eds), 1992, Wadsworth), as well as the philosophy
in "Generalized Additive Models" (Hastie & Tibshirani 1990,
2004 Aug 06
gam --- a new contributed package
I have contributed a "gam" library to CRAN,
which implements "Generalized Additive Models".
This implementation follows closely the description in
the GAM chapter 7 of the "white" book "Statistical Models in S"
(Chambers & Hastie (eds), 1992, Wadsworth), as well as the philosophy
in "Generalized Additive Models" (Hastie & Tibshirani 1990,
2014 Jan 10
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 59, Envío 5
Hola a todos,
Gracias por avisar Carlos. Intentaré formar un grupo en Logroño.
Belén Cillero Jiménez
Técnico de Estadística
Instituto de Estadística de La Rioja
bcillero en larioja.org
o?s?? ol ??d???s s???? ou ,so?u??s?p sop??lns?? s??snq ?S
De: r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org [r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org] en nombre de r-help-es-request
2014 Jan 10
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 59, Envío 5
Yo me he apuntado y me parece bien tanto la idea de reunirse, como la de comentar a través de la lista.
> De: "r-help-es-request@r-project.org" <r-help-es-request@r-project.org>
>Para: r-help-es@r-project.org
>Enviado: Viernes 10 de enero de 2014 12:00
>Asunto: Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 59, Envío 5
>Envíe los
2005 Aug 09
Digest reading is tedious
Like many, I am sure, I get R-Help in digest form. Its easy enough to
browse the
subject lines, but then if an entry interests you, you have to embark
on this tedious search or scroll to find it.
It would be great to have a "clickable" digest, where the topics list
is a set of pointers, and clicking on a topic
takes you to that entry. I can think of at least one way to do this via
2001 Jan 09
Chambers and Hastie Data Sets
Is there any place where the Chambers and Hastie 1993 Statistical Models in
S data sets can be found?
Thank you very much.
Peter B.
Peter B. Mandeville mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Jefe del Depto. de Inform?tica y Bioestad?stica rpe1531 at pasteur.fmed.uaslp.mx
Facultad de Medicine Tel: 48 26-23-45 ext. 232
Universidad Aut?noma de San
2014 Jan 10
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Yo estoy esperando que empiece... Me parece fenomenal utilizar la lista, si
al resto de gente (no apuntados) no le parece que le damos mucho la lata...
Un saludo.
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en r-
> project.org] En nombre de Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
> Enviado el: viernes, 10 de enero de 2014 11:18
> Para:
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept
Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net"
regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
The current list of models covered are:
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept
Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net"
regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
The current list of models covered are:
2014 Jan 14
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Yo también estoy interesado en el curso pero no me he apuntado nunca a
un MOOC y no sé muy bien su funcionamiento. ¿Es gratuito?, ¿para
apuntarme simplemente me registro en su web y ya está?.
Muchas gracias por toda la información.
> Hola a todos:
2014 Jan 10
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Sabréis que en unos días comienza un MOOC de Hastie y Tibshirani,
basado en el libro "An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with
Applications in R".
Se me ocurre lo siguiente:
1) Montar un grupo de estudio en Madrid de manera que podamos
reunirnos periodicamente (¿semanalmente?
2004 Jan 07
Statistical Learning and Datamining course based on R/Splus tools
Short course: Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University
Sheraton Hotel
Palo Alto, CA
Feb 26-27, 2004
This two-day course gives a detailed overview of statistical models
for data mining, inference and prediction. With the rapid
developments in internet technology, genomics and other high-tech
industries, we rely increasingly more on data
2004 Jul 12
Statistical Learning and Data Mining Course
Short course: Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University
Georgetown University Conference Center
Washington DC
September 20-21, 2004
This two-day course gives a detailed overview of statistical models
for data mining, inference and prediction. With the rapid
developments in internet technology, genomics and other high-tech
industries, we
2005 Jan 04
Statistical Learning and Data Mining Course
Short course: Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University
Sheraton Hotel,
Palo Alto, California
February 24 & 25, 2005
This two-day course gives a detailed overview of statistical models
for data mining, inference and prediction. With the rapid
developments in internet technology, genomics and other high-tech
industries, we rely
2006 Aug 18
apply least angle regression to generalized linear models
Hello list,
I've been searching around trying to find whether somebody has written such
a package of least angle regression on generalized linear models, like what
Lasso2 package does. The extension to generalized linear models is briefly
discussed in the comment by D. Madigan and G. Ridgeway. Is such a package
available? Thanks,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jul 19
Posting Guide: changed link and other comment
I have two comments regarding the Posting Guide:
(1) The link in the following sentence did not work for me:
Take care when you quote other people's comments to respect their
rights, e.g., as summarized here[a].
[a] http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/help/policy/copyright.htm
Has it been changed to the following?
(2) Regarding
2014 Jan 10
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Yo también me he apuntado al curso, pero no sé si hay alguien más en
Córdoba. Por mi encantado de montar un grupo de estudio aquí o incluso
en Granada, que sé que hay unos cuantos usuarios de R allí..
Si alguien por Andalucía está interesado en este curso le animo a que
nos pongamos en contacto y ver como podemos organizarnos.
Un saludo.
José Luis Cañadas
El 10/01/14 11:17, Carlos J.