search for: has_role

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "has_role".

2008 May 21
before_filter with multiple roles
I have multiple roles in my application. Now I want to block a method for all users except the administrator and a manager. When I do this: before_filter (:check_administrator_role), :only => [:administration] before_filter (:check_taskmanager_role), :only => [:administration] The user must have both roles. How can I change that to an "OR" combination? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 11
Should I use exclamation marks for methods that change associations?
I''ve been getting some good feedback on the Authorization plugin ( Josh Susser suggested I use exclamation marks when I''m setting roles. The basic ways of setting roles uses the #has_role, #has_no_role, #accepts_role, and #accepts_no_role methods: user.has_role ''site_admin'' user.has_role ''moderator'', group user.has_no_role ''site_admin'' user.has_role ''member'', Group a_mode...
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Access Control
I''m trying to jump on the TDD/BDD bandwagon, but am having trouble understanding how i should mock my user. The user has a habtm relationship to a roles model (acl_system2 plugin), but I''m not sure how to tell rspec about a model. My code: describe UsersController do integrate_views before(:each) do @user = mock_model(User)
2006 Jul 11
Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz forward to setup and should be to use. But when i try to give the same permission on two differents users on the same object i get an error. (Well , Im kinda new to all this rails stuff) r = Red.find(1) u1 = User.find_by_login("ismael") u2 = User.find_by_login("ismael2") u1.has_role "proprio", r u2.has_role "proprio", r ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''5'' for key 1: INSERT INTO roles_users (`updated_at`, `role_id`, `id`, `user_id`, `created_at`) VALUES (''2006-07-11 13:58:35'', 5, 5, 20, '...
2006 Oct 09
Problem setting variables in ApplicationController. assign it a value while in the application controller results in an ''undefined method'' error. ApplicationController .... def current_user @cu = ::User.find(session[:rbac_user_id]) || "not logged in" end --- ++Application.rhtml ++ Admin menu <% if current_user.has_role?("Admin") %> menu one menu two <%end%> Apparently the current_user is not created by the time the application.rhtml is rendered. I think it might have something to do with the special nature of the ApplicationController. But, I don''t fully understand what is happen...
2008 Apr 25
Spec migrations?
...ION=59` m1 = => true) m1.save_with_validation(false) m2 = => true) m2.save_with_validation(false) m3 = => true) m3.save_with_validation(false) `rake db:migrate VERSION=60` Member.find("manager").should be_true Member.find("manager").should be_true Member.find("manager").should be_true end end
2007 Aug 10
How to spec a model method
...t be_nil end it "should know what role it has" do #User.should end end The last spec is incomplete... basically, I will want the code to be something like this: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :user_roles has_many :roles, :through => :user_roles def has_role?(role) self.roles.count(:conditions => [''name = ?'', role]) > 0 end end How would I spec the last method? Thanks -- dp -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Jan 27
around_filter and with_scope
i got two controller (with restful actions) where my code is quite ugly and not very dry. every action looks quite like this: if @logged_user.has_role?("admin") User.find(params[:id) else[:id]) this is a security check that enforce a simple spec: normal user should read/write information only about their group''s users, but "admin" users can read/write about all users. The other...
2009 Feb 25
Secure but elegant destruction method
.... . . /users/n/destroy But I want to give a User the possibility to delete [him|her]self. Currently the only way I can think of it is this: 1) Remove the filter (*) 2) Re-code the destroy method so: def destroy @user = User.find(params[:id]) if logged_in_user == @user or logged_in_user.has_role?(''administrator'') if @user.destroy flash[:notice] = "User deleted" else flash[:error] = "There was a problem deleting this user." end redirect_to :action => ''index'' end But, is this the best way to do it? Tha...
2009 Apr 29
problem with nil.user
...ministrator will have extra privileges (administer users, edit pages). The error is: ''Couldn''t find User without an ID'' So the app is looking for a logged in user when the homepage is accessed. Heres my code: site/index view: <% if is_logged_in? and logged_in_user.has_role?(''Moderator'') -%> <%= link_to ''Administer Users'', :controller => ''user'', :action => ''show'' %> <%= link_to '' | Edit pages'', pages_path %> <% end %> application helper:...
2008 Oct 25
Returning a variable to before_filter
...hat will check whats the user role and then based on that return a string / hash / array to the before_filter something like this: class MonqiClassesController < ResourceController::Base before_filter :check_user_access_level , grant_access def check_user_access_level if current_user.has_role?(''staff'') return grant_access = {:only => :index} end end end i am planing on using case and then return the set of actions they can preform maybe there''s a better way or someone already saw that somewhere thanks Ami --~--~---------~--~----~------------...
2009 Mar 14
null object pattern
I am trying to create a null object in my application. I would like to assigned a null user object for anonymous/ mot-logged-in user, i.e. if session variable has nil data. In my User model, I have created a subclass like this: class UnassignedUser < User def save false end def update false end def username "Unassigned" end def county_id
2009 Jun 23
roles, STI and convention
Hi, I have been using the restful_authentication plugin and the default roles setup that it came with. I have a system with 1 admin, 20-30 clients(customers) and 500+ users all of whom can login. I found that often when using certain role-based functions like user.has_role?, mysql would send an IN() query with the id of every user in the system (500+). This seemed a lot of overkill for what it was doing. There''s no overlap between roles, and all of the user types authenticate at the User object level rather than the subclass. Now I''m using STI and r...
2006 Jun 02
Set instance variable for all actions in the Controller
Can I set an application wide instance variable that is available for all actions...and their views? eg. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base @current_user = User.find(session[:user_id]) end and everywhere I can call and I can get that object? Even down in the views? I could not get this to work... Thanks in advance, Jeff -------------- next part
2008 Jun 20
before_save model callback rspec testing
hi all, i''m learning rspec and i can''t figure out how to test if a callback is executed in a model. my model code is: class User < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :encrypt_password ... def encrypt(password) self.class.encrypt(password, salt) end thanks a lot, cs. -- Posted via