search for: has_mani

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2042 matches for "has_mani".

Did you mean: has_many
2006 Apr 20
has_many :through with has_many/has_many join models
It seems that using a join model that joins with two has_many''s will fail to generate proper SQL class StudentSemesterRecord < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :semester has_many :discipline_records, :through => :semester end class Semester < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :student_semester_records has_many :discipline_records end class DisciplineRecord <
2006 Jul 23
has_many AND has_many :through ?
Hi, I am working on a scheduling app and I have a perpelextion (new word). I am wondering if the problem is my data model I have Users. Users can create Events. Users can be invited to Events created by other Users. So... user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :invitations # invitations to other users'' events has_many :events, :through => :invitations # all events
2006 Mar 30
Has_many :through problems -- please help
I''m having a lot of trouble with has_many, :through and could really use some assistance. I''ve got a User and Group class. Users can subscribe to groups, and groups should know who''s subscribed. I''ve got a join table (group_subscriptions) with group_id, user_id, and it''s own id element. Users has "has_many :groups, :through =>
2006 Aug 03
More than one has_many :through association between the same 2 models
I wonder if you can have more than one has_many :through association between 2 models. For example... I have a model Teacher and a model Class Now, 1 Teacher works in many Classes, right?. So I need a join model like class Work < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :teacher belongs_to :class end But I also would like to know if a teacher CAN teach a class before I
2006 Jul 04
has_many working correctly only on reload!
I have this code that is using svn externals with rails EDGE working fine for the past couple of months. A couple of days ago, this code died. Even after deleting vendor/rails, this code doesnt work: class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :taggings has_many :events, :through => :taggings has_many :users, :through => :taggings end class User < ActiveRecord::Base # Virtual
2006 Nov 02
Still Having Problems With :through When Going To Same Table... Help... please :-(
I am having a problem with doing a :through that goes back to the same table. The following are my two classes: >>>>> class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :spanks has_many :spanked, :through => :spanks, :source => :spanked_user has_many :was_spanked_by, :through => :spanks, :source => :user end class Spank < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :spanker,
2006 Feb 11
Rails Edge, has_many :through in searches
I have two tables, a Projects table and a Clients table. It''s basically a HABTM relationship, but I have additional project/ client-specific information in the join table. I''m trying to use the new has_many :through method to join these. It works fine when displaying records, but when I try to search, I''m having this problem: When I used a HABTM model to search
2006 Mar 31
Complex Through Statement
Quick Overview: I have an ''Employee'', some ''Merchants'' and some ''Products''. A ''Merchant'' has many ''Products''. An ''Employee'' has multiple ''Merchants'', depending on their relationship. For example, the Employee may be the enrollment contact for one merchant and the
2010 Jan 27
has_many, through with nested models?
First the data model: class Forum < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :topics, :dependent => :destroy, :order => ''created_at desc'' end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :topics, :dependent => :destroy has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :replies, :dependent => :destroy end class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
2006 May 25
Model Structure Advise
Hi, I''m starting to build a simple (?!) FAQ system, and I''d like some advice on setting up the model relationships. I was going to go with a simple system of a Category table and a FAQ table (holding questions and answers) - where one FAQ belongs to one category. That''s all nice - a simple has_many / belongs_to relationship. Then I decided to add another level - Area.
2008 Apr 11
Validating an ActiveRecord object and its has_many :through associations
Considering an object with several has_many :through => associations, what is the ''best'' way to handle validations? As an example: class Student < ActiveRecord::Base # some attrbutes like # :name # :grade # relationships has_many :students_assignment, :dependent => :destroy has_many :assignments, :through => :students_assignment has_many
2006 Mar 29
:through alternate
I''d like to use :through to create a web of associations like: class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :child_things, :through => :thing_thing has_many :parent_things, :through => :thing_thing, :some_other_option? end class ThingThing < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :thing belongs_to :child_thing, :class_name => ''Thing'', :foreign_key =>
2007 Nov 24
orphan habtm rows
HI, i use models User and Groups connected with many to many association, so i have users table, groups and groups_users. lets say i create one user and one group. next i add a group to user. so now my table groups_users has one entry i.e. group_id | user_id _________|________ 1 | 1 ok, when i delete both my group and user, above entry is not deleted, thus leaving alone without
2006 Jul 10
has_many :through and foreign key parameters
I just took my HABTM and turned it into a :through since my join table has another "non-joiny" attribute. I went from this: has_many_and_belongs_to :jobs, :join_table => ''tablename'', :foreign_key => ''x'', :association_foreign_key => ''y'' to this: has_many :jobs, :through =>
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2011 Jan 15
has_many :through with Single Table inheritance
I have the following model structure setup. class User < ActiveRecord::Base end class Parent < User has_many :relationships has_many :children, :class_name => "Student", :through => :relationships, :conditions => "related_as = ''parent''" end class Student < User has_many :relationships
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2010 Mar 01
has_many models in a form
Hi, guys. There are four models in the program, A has_many B through C, B has_many A through C, A has_many D, D belongs_to A. I have a form to create A. Inspired by Ryan Bates'' railscasts I was able to create A and D in the same form, and link A to B(created beforehand) through C in the same form as well. Is it possible to create A and B in the same form? Thanks in advance. -- Posted
2005 Dec 26
Dynamic order on has_many relationship?
I was wondering if it''s possible to some how control the :order given on a has_many depending on another attribute? Or do I need to just create multiple has_many relationships pointing to the same table but with different orders and then select which one I use in the controller instead? e.g class Category < AR::B has_many :products, :order => //something magical?// end
2006 May 12
can I fake has_one :through?
I''m having a difficult time wrapping my head around a set of models and their associations and seeing how they map into Rails. I''ll try to lay out my problem using the has_many and belongs_to structures. I have a RuleSpace, a Rule, and a Subject. A RuleSpace has_many Rules A RulesSpace has_many Subjects through Rules A Rule belongs_to (many) RuleSpaces A Rule has_many