search for: haoda

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "haoda".

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2012 Dec 28
Any simple way to make this happen?
...o translate it to y <- c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5); i.e. for each number in x, we need to generate 1:x and put it in y. The program need to evaluate this type of calculation for millions of times in simulation. Is there any elegant way to make this happen without iteration? Many thanks!! Best, Haoda [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 17
R plot
...ts(10,-10) The last point is missing because it is out of range of the first plot. I just try to switch from Matlab to R. In Matlab, it always can automatic adjust the xlim and ylim for such case. Is it possible auto adjust in R? Otherwise keep tracking xlim and ylim is really annoying. Best, Haoda
2009 Jul 14
How do I know where is R? - VB Programming
Dear all - Is there anyone know how to let VB or C# know where I install R automatically(i.e. auto detect R directory)? Many thanks! Best, Haoda
2010 Dec 12
R Plots for Recurrent Events - Suggestions are needed
...ics57.htm) And do you have some other recommendation in visualize recurrent events? I did some research online. Some people use ggplot2 to plot MCF, but it requires some additional coding. Your help and suggestions are highly appreciated. Warm regards from Haoda
2009 Jan 04
Lattice xyplot help please.
...plitPD, subscripts = TRUE,cex = 2, panel = function(x, y, pvalue,subscripts,...){ panel.xyplot(x,y,...); panel.abline(h = 51.95); grid.text(paste("p-value =", pvalue[subscripts]), .25, .15, gp = gpar(cex = .8))} ) I really appreciate your time to help me. Best, Haoda Appendix - Data > pvalue [1] 0.88313298 0.02224550 0.80000000 0.12663046 > splitPD PD TRT GLG GLG_ind 1 -8 30 38.5 0 2 -81 30 58.6 1 4 -33 30 35.0 0 5 -18 30 41.1 0 6 -45 90 64.3 1 8 -39 90 41.9 0 9 -45 90 56.2 1 10 -98 90 53....
2009 Jul 08
A Lattice Question = CFB_M, type = c('g','l'),strip = strip.custom(style =4), as.table=TRUE,xlab = 'Time',ylab = 'FBG CFB',main = '3mg Change from Baseline FBG',panel=function (xx,yy,...) { panel.xyplot(...); panel.lines(xx,yy,...);}); Many thanks!! Best, Haoda
2008 Dec 20
Help in Lattice!
...46 30 1.5 -5.5657e-01 274 46 30 2.0 -2.1659e-01 I use xyplot(Value ~ Visit | factor(ID), data = dataM, typ = 'o',layout = c(3,3),as.table=TRUE); to plot each patient longitudinal observations. How can I add dose information to each panel? e.g., adding "Dose = 30" Best, Haoda
2009 Jul 20
HELP: BRUGS/WinBUGS/RBUGS Response is a combination of random variables
Hi, Is there anyone know if BUGS language allows the combination of variables as response such as Y[i] <- a*X1[i]+b*X2[i] Y[i] ~ dnorm(c,d) It seems doesn't work in my model. The problem is between two ######. The error message is > modelCheck("BayesBioMarker.BUGS") model is syntactically correct > modelData(paste("BUGS_data.txt",sep="")) data
2009 Jun 29
Hi group, I found a module for adaptive kernel density estimation for Stata users, but unfortunetly I don't have access to Stata, can I find a similar approach using R? Thank u so much 4 ur time. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 09
How to Populate List
...ssion out-of-sample predictions       (Wouterse, Fleur (IFPRI-Senegal))   106. Re: R2WinBUGS under Linux/WINE fails (Harlan Harris)   107. Re: R2WinBUGS under Linux/WINE fails (Uwe Ligges)   108. Re: \dQuote in packages (Uwe Ligges)   109. R Help Question (Amy Wesolowski)   110. A Lattice Question (Haoda Fu)   111. subsetting a dataframe with a string logical expression       (Tracey Frescino)   112.  Substituting numerical values using `apply' (Olivella)   113. Re: Tex fonts in R plots (Paul Murrell)   114. Re: Unix commands on R (Emmanuel Charpentier)   115. Re: Unix commands on R (Zhiliang M...