Displaying 20 results from an estimated 950 matches for "h1".
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2009 Jul 12
get DB data to rhtml file
set_primary_key "id"
require ''Mystuff''
class MystuffController < ApplicationController
def read
@me = Mystuff.find( :all)
<p><%mystuff.each do |mr|%></p>
<% end %>
Thanks for you help on yet another stupid newbie question.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2009 Oct 13
Nokogiri: to_s WITHOUT html surrounding's tags?
Hi all
n = Nokogiri::HTML("<h1>H1</h1>")
# => <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"
Is there a method that only outputs the stuff I...
2007 Jul 15
NNET re-building the model
...e to use the weigths, from
the fitted model, to iterpret some of variables impornatce.
I used the following command:
mts <- nnet(y=Y,x=X,size =4, rang = 0.1,
decay = 5e-4, maxit = 5000,linout=TRUE)
X is (m x n) Y is (m x 1)
And then I get the coeficients by:
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1
i5->h1 i6->h1 i7->h1 ...
b->o h1->o h2->o h3->o h4->o ...
I understood that I should get the predicted Y (hat(Y)) by:
2017 Mar 20
Fwd: Possible memory problems with mallloc when called with .C()
...p(const void *a, const void *b) {
return (*(double*)a - *(double*)b);
double superior(double x, double i, double m){
double op1 = r_abs(x-(i)/(m));
double op2 = r_abs(x-(i-1)/(m));
return max(op1,op2);
double termino1, termino2, f, g, t, h1, h2, l=1.0, m=n-k;
unsigned long int i, j, filas;
double **matrixA, **matrixB;
matrixA = (double **) malloc((k+1)*sizeof(double *));
matrixB = (double **) malloc((k+1)*sizeof(double *));
for (i=0; i <= k; i++) {
matrixA[i] = (double *) malloc(n*sizeof(dou...
2020 Sep 30
Creating a global variable for a struct array
Let me clarify my question.
I have a struct array h1 as follows:
dhash h1[10];
I want to get a Constant* to variable h1. It looks like I can use ConstantStruct::get(StructType*, ArrayRef<Constant *>) to do this.
My question is how to get the second argument of type ArrayRef<Constant *> from the above variable h1.
2006 Nov 09
Single precision data behaviour with readBin()
...10-03) on an i686 pc with Mandrake
10.2 Linux. I was given a binary data file containing single precision
numbers that I would like to read into R. In a previous posting,
someone suggested reading in such data as double(), which is what I've
> zz <- file(file, "rb")
> h1 <- readBin(con = zz, what = double(), n = 1, size = 4)
> h1
[1] 0.0500000007451
Except that I know that the first value should be exactly 0.05. To get
rid of the unwanted (or really unknown) values, I try using signif(),
which gives me:
> h1 <- signif(h1, digits = 8)
> h1
[1] 0.050...
2018 Mar 26
murmurhash3 test failures on big-endian systems
...s, The Road Ahead, pg. 265
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/src/lib/murmurhash3.c b/src/lib/murmurhash3.c
index 45dcc22..d0336a1 100644
--- a/src/lib/murmurhash3.c
+++ b/src/lib/murmurhash3.c
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ void murmurhash3_32 (const void *key, size_t len, uint32_t seed,
h1 = fmix32(h1);
+ h1 = cpu32_to_be(h1);
memcpy(out, &h1, sizeof(h1));
@@ -206,6 +208,9 @@ void murmurhash3_128(const void *key, size_t len, uint32_t seed,
h1 += h2;
h2 += h1;
+ h1 = cpu64_to_be(h1);
+ h2 = cpu64_to_be(h2);
memcpy(out, &h1, sizeof(h1));
2006 Apr 01
Textile headaches
I have the newest version of RedCloth installed (3.0.4). I want the
following output:
<p>Some text</p>
This is what I tried but no luck:
irb(main):002:0> require ''rubygems''
=> true
irb(main):004:0> require_gem ''RedCloth''
=> true
irb(main):006:0> RedCloth.new("h1. Header\r\nSome Text").t...
2005 Jun 30
vecortizing uniroot() for numerical solutions
# Hi All,
# I need to solve a somewhat complex equation at many parameter
values for
# a number of different parameters.
# A simplified version of the equation is: 0= (d1/(h1^2))-(h2*(d2^2))
# I'd like to solve it across a parameter space of d1 and d2, holding
# h1 and h2 constant.
# It seems that uniroot() can do it, but I don't see how to
vectorize it.
# This works just fine:
R12 = function(d1, d2, h1, h2) (d1/(h1^2))-(h2*(d2^2))
2006 May 12
Stupid? question about if else logic
this seems so stupid, I keep thinking I''ve dealt with this before but I
have this code
<% if @image.portrait == 1 %>
<%= image_tag(url_for_file_column ''image'', ''file'', ''thumb'') %>
<% else %>
<%= image_tag(url_for_file_column ''...
2011 Sep 22
computation of header ids
I'm using the header id extension from markdown extra and in my
perception it gets wrong when I use attributes on headers, for instance:
>>> md = markdown.Markdown(['extra'])
>>> md.convert('# My header {@class=red}')
u'<h1 class="red" id="my_header_classred_1">My header </h1>'
I would have expected:
u'<h1 class="red" id="my_header">My header </h1>'
An other example:
>>> markdown.markdown("# Test {@style=position: absolute...
2009 Aug 03
[PATCH] New commands to list devices by UUID and label
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "daemon.h"
+#include "actions.h"
+#include "hash.h" /* Gnulib hash table. */
+/* Hash used in the first pass. */
+struct h1 {
+ dev_t dev; /* device */
+ char *dname; /* d_dname entry (ie. UUID or label) */
+static size_t
+hasher1 (const void *h1v, size_t table_size)
+ const struct h1 *h1 = h1v;
+ return (unsigned) h1->dev % table_size;
+static bool
2003 Sep 25
apply on a 4D array
I am trying to multiply a 3D array of 4x4x4 by the 4 3D arrays of a 4D array
with dimensions 4x4x4x4 (the last dimension being the one that I want to
split by).
(4x4x4 array)
> hiaAry
, , a1
i1 i2 i3 i4
h1 9.5936098 6.001040 0.08772 0.3138600
h2 1.2003500 1.454570 2.79248 0.0000000
h3 0.1346500 0.201220 0.39256 0.5464000
h4 0.0109000 0.012270 0.16417 0.2766900
, , a2
i1 i2 i3 i4
h1 195.08275 74.23508453 39.23165 14.89689
h2 1.80127 7.41649055 6.97972 2.77784
2018 Mar 26
murmurhash3 test failures on big-endian systems
Hi Aki,
On 15:55 Mon 26 Mar , Aki Tuomi wrote:
> On 26.03.2018 15:49, Apollon Oikonomopoulos wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The dovecot Debian package currently fails to build on all
> > big-endian architectures[1], due to murmurhash3 tests failing. The
> > relevant output from e.g. s390x is:
> >
> > test-murmurhash3.c:22: Assert(#8) failed:
2011 Apr 19
RSpec/Webrat Checking output is properly escaped
The relevant RSpec test code is:
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
it "should automatically sanitize any HTML or script characters"
post :create, :post_id => @post.id,
:content => "<h1>Oh Hai!</h1><script>",
:user_id => @user.id,
:format => ''js''
# get json response
json = JSON.parse(response.body)
json[''html''].should_not be_nil
2008 Jul 10
fs quota check with server does not support rquotad
OS: Solaris 10
Dovecot version : 1.1.1
file system of /var/mail : NFS from Solaris
file system of /home : other NFS server that not support rquotad.
Here is my setting that works:
plugin {
quota = fs:INBOX:mount=/var/mail
quota2 = fs:home:noenforcing:mount=/home/h1
The above settings works. Dovecot able to report the quota information
on /var/mail. However, when I try to append some mail to mail folders on
my home drive, dovecot will produce following errors. The mail will be
appended multiple times until I kill my mail client.
2013 Feb 15
Errors when running 'puppet agent --test' command
...command. My result when I tried this is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Puppet Labs\Puppet Enterprise\bin>puppet agent --test
info: Retrieving plugin
err: /File[C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/var/lib]: Failed to generate
nal resources using ''eval_generate: Error 500 on SERVER: <h1>Passenger
error #2<
An error occurred while trying to access
'': Cannot stat ''/var/opt/lib/pe-puppetmaster/config.ru'': Permission denied
p>Apache doesn''t have read permissions to that fi...
2009 Jan 20
two-sample test of multinomial proportion
Hi all,
This is perhaps more a statistics question than an R question, but I
hope it's OK anyhow.
I have some data (see below) with the number of tests positive to
subtype H1 of a virus, the number of tests postive to subtype H3, and
the total number of tests. This is for two different groups, and the
two subtypes are mutually exclusive.
What is the best way to test if the proportion of H1 tests to all
positive tests differ between the two groups?
I could run prop.test...
2009 Sep 13
regrex_crawler -- a crawler which uses regular expression to catch data from website
(/Fork of.*?<a href=".*?">/)
The results are as follows:
A rails plugin/gem to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
<div class="wikistyle"><h1>Bullet</h1>
<p>The Bullet plugin/gem is designed to help you increase your...
A crawler which use regular expression to catch data.
<div class="wikistyle"><h1>Rege...
2010 Nov 09
convergence message & SE calculation when using optim( )
...em is that I
wanna express the lambda coefficient, in the passion likelihood
function, as a linear function of other covariates (and thus of other
coefficients). The codes that I am using (except data frame) are the
following (FYI the parameters need to be positive):
myfun <- function(coeff, H1, H2, p, Range)