search for: guitoolkit

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "guitoolkit".

2013 Jan 21
Problema gWidgets & XLConnect simultáneamente en R 2.15.2 (de 32 bits bajo Windows 7) ... con la versión anterior (2.15.1), en las mismas condiciones, no pasa. Caso 1: # Cargo XLConnect . require(XLConnect) # Después cargo gWidgets . require(gWidgets) . options(guiToolkit="tcltk") . require(gWidgetstcltk) # Llamo a una ventana para que me deje seleccionar un archivo... . file.import=gfile("Selecciona el archivo Excel a importar",filter="*.xls") -> El resultado es que no carga la ventana de diálogo con "gfile()&qu...
2012 Mar 30
Error in use of "gwindow" and ".First" function
Hi, I saved an image and planed to open it whenever I want to load it. However, when I open it, It doesn't work. The code is following, and saved it as an image. .First<-function(){ require(tcltk) require(TeachingDemos) library(gWidgetstcltk) options(guiToolkit = "tcltk") win <- gwindow("Don't worry", visible = FALSE) } Error message is following, Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk2', details: call: .tk2dde.require() error: Unable to find the 'dde' Tcl/tk package! Warning messages: 1: In...
2008 Dec 12
How to mimic select.list using RGtk2/gWidgetsRGtk2?
I want to write a function mimic the function of select.list(), here is my preliminary version. select <- function(x,multiple=TRUE,...){ ans<-new.env() g <- gwindow(title=title,wid=200,heigh=500) x1<-ggroup(FALSE,con=g) x2<-gtable(x,multiple=multiple,con=x1,expand=TRUE) gbutton("OK",con=x1,handler=function(h,...){ value <- svalue(x2) if (length(value)==0)
2009 Nov 28
how to put ggobi display into a GUI window setup by gWidgets
Hi, I want to put a ggobi display into a GUI window setup by gWidgets, but error occur said it is not a S4 object. Does anyone have any idea about how to put it in or maybe it can not be put into a widget at all? Thanks A LOT! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list
2009 May 27
invisible columns
...methods. If you really want this, you can do > it from RGtk2 (assuming you are using gWidgetsRGtk2 -- if you are > using gWidgetstcltk let me know and I'll find something similar) as > follows: > > library(gWidgets) > library(RGtk2) ## load in RGtk2 methods > options(guiToolkit="RGtk2") > > t <- gtable(mtcars[1:5, 1:4], cont = gwindow()) > > removeColumn <- function(t, col.num) { > name <- names(t)[col.num] > tbl <- getToolkitWidget(t) > ## remove a column, but store old one first to add back > col <- tbl$getColumn(...
2011 Dec 18
gWidgets: how to remove that is box drawn when moving the mouse with pressed button
...rrent position of the mouse when clicking and it over a GTK graphics object? I have seen that in the 'playwith' package the box changes to an arrow when using the 'pan' button. But I do not find the corresponding line in the code to implement that. library(gWidgets) options("guiToolkit"="RGtk2") w <- gwindow() g <- ggraphics(cont=w) par(mar=rep(0,4)) size(g) <- c(600,600) plot(1:10) Thanks! Mark ???????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Blog: R-Blog:
2012 Nov 30
How to add widgets of gWidgets to widgets of rgtk2 ???
I have a layout in gwidgets. To this, I wanted to add a Textbox(gtkEntry) created from rgtk2... The code is as follows: MainLayOut <- glayout(homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = SubGroup) MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left] <- "Number of Total Patients: " font(MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left]) <- c(weight="bold") patients <- gtkEntry()
2008 Feb 12
gWidgets process management
Hello, I'm trying to make a graphical interface for an R function I've written. A common use for the function is to call it with specific parameters, and then watch the output as it evolves. There's not necessarily a logical stopping point, so I usually use ctrl-C when I'm done to stop it. I've made a gWidgets interface to the function that gets some user info and then on a
2013 Apr 23
Automation of R input
Hi all, I have R script which during its run require an input like this: choose between one of the grouping factor available : c("Village", "Country") can I automate this part, in other word to pass for example Village when I am running the script. One more thing the script is the TimeSeriesAnalysis {ndvits}. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion. Regards, Vahe
2009 Dec 22
RGtk2 - retrieve ggraphics mouse coordinates during drag-and-drop event
...ggraphic to be returned. Right now I do not know how to get the mouse ccordinates of the ggraphic widget at any given time. How can I access the ggraphics mouse coordinates? Below you find my sample code (windows only due to ggraphics). TIA, Mark library(gWidgets) library(RGtk2) options("guiToolkit"="RGtk2") w = gwindow("ggraphics example") table <- gtable(1:10, container=w) g = ggraphics(cont=w, expand=T) size(g) <- c(500,500) Sys.sleep(1) plot(rnorm(20), col="red") ## convert from "plt" coordinates to more familiar "usr" pltTo...
2007 Aug 22
gWidgets (tcltk): problem extracting values from widgets in glayout grid
...the second case below -- or perhaps I didn't recognize it when I saw it. Is there a value for x such that svalue(x) will return "bbb", either by itself or as part of an array? Or do I need to do something else entirely? (R2.5.1; Windows XP) > #### gWidgets test > options("guiToolkit"="tcltk") > require(gWidgets) [1] TRUE > > ###### Case 1: this works ######## > wtesta = gwindow("wtesta",visible=TRUE) > wtesta1 = gedit("aaa",container=wtesta) > print(svalue(wtesta1)) [1] "aaa" > > ### Case 2: this makes an ide...
2010 Jun 17
R user interface
Hi R, I have a an excel file with a lot of data. I need to create an user interface in R, which has one single screen. It needs to contain a right pane containing the click buttons for different countries (say). If the user clicks a country, then a chart needs to be created for that country, taking the data from Excel. Is this possible and which package helps me in doing this? Many thanks in
2008 Jan 21
Need suggestions about GUI
What I want to do is: 1, creat a text box, insert text into that box. 2, select chunk of of the text by mouse, and link it to a lable. so I would like a way to get that chunk of text. Can I do such job with tcltk? Any relavant tutorial materials? Thanks -- HUANG Ronggui Bachelor of Social Work, Fudan University, China Master of sociology, Fudan University, China Ph.D. Student , CityU of
2011 Nov 28
window manager interface commands for linux
How can i replicate this in Linux: source(file.choose()) I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
2009 Sep 28
re trieve user input from an tcl/tk interface
Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I hope I signed up correctly and someone will take me by the hand and help me out. I am new to R and cannot figure out what to do here... ... I want to have an User Interface that requests input. I want to save this input to a variable to use it later on. I was able to do this with a modalDiaglog (
2010 Jan 28
Using tcltk or other graphical widgets to view zoo time series objects
Dear all, I am looking at the R-help entry below: I have a more complicatedt problem. I have a zoo time series frame with 100+ sequences. I want to cycle through them back and forth and compare them to the 1st column at any time. I need also a button to click when I need the viewed-selected sequence (that is being compared to the