search for: guitarport

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "guitarport".

2006 Jun 15
Hello, school is over so I can get back to more serious things like fixing wine bugs. At some point someone asked for the software from to be fixed. I tried it today, and it installs and works. I haven't got the hardware it's supposed to work with, but if anyone is aware of bugs in this software that I can get to without any additional hardware, please let me know. Ivan.
2004 Oct 03
USB Support
Hi guys and gals, Reading at the newsletter archives a few months back, I saw that someone was going to work on getting USB support to work under Wine. If I understood correctly, this would be done so apps requiring USB would have something to hook into. For example, I have a Guitarport ( whose software app runs under Wine, but when running its requirements check feature, it can't find a USB controller. Anybody know what happened to this? Or, is there something I'm missing? (That is, is this hook already in existence?) Thanks! Hiji _____...
2008 Dec 22
new to ubuntu need to run wine?
hey my name is doug and i recently installed ubuntu i am very happy with the os hiowever i have a program for playing guitar on the computer and its for windows can any body help me? the priogram is gearbox and it runs a line6 toneport usb guitarport please help im having guitar jam withdrawels!!!!