search for: guilsson

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "guilsson".

2004 Dec 06
OT Linux/Gateway alternative for WAN compression/accelerator
...o ''cache'' TCP/UDP traffic between them. I crawled on Internet and I only find very expensive solutions for this. Some of them appeared in this comparison article: Does anyone knows a Linux based cheaper alternative ? [Guilsson]
2004 Oct 19
Which CPU is best for Shorewall, a PIII-450 Celeron or a PII-266??? ================================== Joakim Hellström Chief System Engineer United Computer Systems Scandinavia AB Klostergatan 56 S-582 23 Linköping, SWEDEN Phone 1: +46 (0)13 13 97 92 Phone 2: +46 (0)13 13 96 00 (recep.) Fax: +46 (0)13 13 97 35 GSM: +46 (0)708 13 97 35 URL:
2004 Oct 14
Transparent Redirect to external host
Hello all, After perusing the documentation, faqs, and mailing list archives, I have not been able to find a way to do the following. I''m hoping "you" can help. I want to transparently redirect all outbound SMTP connections to an SMTP server of *my* choice. This way, regardless of what a user on my network has set their SMTP server to be within their MUA, I will redirect
2004 Nov 19
FW outgoing connection with multiple public IPs
...47), I read Setup Guide to try to solve my problem but I cannot figure out how to change the outgoing connections originated on the firewall to use another external IP instead of the main IP for the firewall, only for TCP and SMTP connections. Did I miss something ? Any links to read on ? Thanks [Guilsson]
2004 Oct 04
DNAT strange thing ???
Hi list, This is my first post there. CONTEXT : -------------- I have a little lan behind a shorewalled box (internet) -- NET_IP [gateway] LOC-IP -- (lan X.Y.0.0) internet -> net zone connected to the gateway via a ppp interface lan -> loc zone connected to the gateway via eth1 NET_IP and LOC_IP are defined in shorewall params file GOAL : --------- i want to forward http and
2004 Sep 23
Shorewall and OpenVPN woes
Ok. I''m knocking down one problem at a time. I''ve managed to figure out how to bridge my tap0 and my eth1 with br0. This is good stuff. But if I have shorewall running, I can''t ping the local network at all. If I have shorewall not running, I can ping the local network. Here is my setup. Firewall/NAT box: eth0 - DHCP from cable provider eth1 -
2004 Aug 25
Tricky problem of public proxy server
Hello All, I have installed Shorewall 2.0.7 and configured , I am using masq to share internet for users. I have problem of perticular sites . I blocked site IP address. and succeeded but i have problem of Public proxy addresses , some user use anonymous proxy Ip and get thru it and use blocked sites. I blocked Public proxy adresses but it lot of them( I mean more than one public proxy
2004 Sep 20
Change in Shorewall Support
Folks, I can''t keep this up. The demands that my job and my personal life are currently placing on me are such that supporing Shorewall to the extent that I have been doing is just not possible any more. I will continue to be active on the development list and will continue to develop Shorewall if at all possible. I will also continue to read the user''s list and will help
2004 Oct 23
New Contribution
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Adem has contributed a nice IP Subnet chart which I''ve placed at Thanks Adem! - -Tom - -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2004 Oct 04
htthost proxy
I recently installed Shorewall 2.0.9 onto my RedHat 9 linux system running the latest 2.4 kernel. I think I have everything working except for passive mode stuff and IRC DCC and fserve stuff. I am reading the postings and files and so, I hope I can figure those things out on my own. My question pertains to a proxy tunnel (httport) and host (htthost) that I use. The htthost is in my local zone
2004 Oct 06
Problem with local email after shorewall installation
Hi, Summary of problem: Local mail on the firewall stopped working after installing shorewall Background yesterday I installed shorewall, based on the debian package from (which seems to be a 2.0.3 package) on an otherwise virgin debian woody set up. Configuration was done based on the two-interface setup. Kernel is unpatched. A 2.4.23 kernel, with
2005 Mar 18
Easy Accounting?
I have an office setup with shorewall and when there''s bandwidth problems, I''d like to know who''s hogging my bandwidth and how (port). What would be the best approach to have shorewall show me something like: IP | Port | Bytes In | Bytes Out I have 20 PCs connected via DHCP. I looked at the documentation and thought that accounting may be close, but accounting
2004 Dec 01
Running SNMPD at Shorewall 1.4.x
Hi, I need to running snmpd at shorewall gateway (1.4.10g). How to make the rules necessary to do it ? I have 3 interfaces, eth0 (public), eth1 (private) and eth2 (dmz). When I runnig mrtg, I have this message: --- cfgmaker gw-host@localhost > ~netbox-sp/eth0.cfg --base: Get Device Info on gw-host@localhost: SNMP Error: no response received SNMPv1_Session (remote host:
2004 Oct 19
Problem with Internal accessing internal via web
I am not a member of the mailing list. Shorewall version 2.0.9 ip addr show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet brd scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 4: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
2004 Nov 16
Block Windows Messenger
Hi, I''m trying to block Windows Messenger by Shorewall 1.4.10b, but I]m don´t have success. If the rules below, all access are blocked /etc/shorewall/rules # Windows Messenger Rules REJECT:info loc net tcp 1863 REJECT:info fw net tcp 1863 But if use the rules below, any access are allowed, why ???? /etc/shorewall/rules # Windows
2004 Sep 22
Strange DNAT problems with shorewall 1.4.8
I''ve had some issues with my network, and I''ve had to reconfigure my Gibraltar CD. It runs shorewall 1.4.8, and I have a 2-interface setup, so I downloaded the relevant files from the install page. Masq and such works, but I''m having a problem with my port forwarding. It works for port 22, but it doesn''t seem to work for any other port. I''ve turned
2004 Nov 27
Finally making some progress
I *think* we are finally making some progress in tracking our elusive performance problems. After employing a second 10Mb link from our ISP, along with another firewall box and proxy, we were able to determine the problem *is* our firewall. We don''t know exactly why yet, but our sporadic slow web access seems to have gone away since swapping a new firewall in this morning. The
2004 Dec 05
Having moved from a "cascading LANs" configuration to two independent LANs on eth0 and eth1, I still get some "state INVALID" for which I am not sure what the cause is. Can somebody help me understand its probable origin? Thanks, Costantino [see attachment]
2013 Sep 19
DNAT from external to a internal device which doesn't have default gateway
I need to access externally (via Internet) one device in internal network which has no default gateway configured. As the device doesn''t have default gateway, the response to SYN (ie, SYN/ACK) don''t come back to Internet. What I need is a setup to make this connection appears to come from firewall''s internal IP address instead of the public IP of originating requester