Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "guestfs_int_print_".
2016 Feb 24
[PATCH 1/3] src: generate code for printing contents of structs
...de \"structs-print.h\"
+ let write_structs =
+ List.iter (
+ fun { s_name = typ; s_cols = cols } ->
+ let needs_i =
+ List.exists (function (_, (FUUID|FBuffer)) -> true | _ -> false) cols in
+ pr "void\n";
+ pr "guestfs_int_print_%s_indent (struct guestfs_%s *%s, FILE *dest, const char *linesep, const char *indent)\n"
+ typ typ typ;
+ pr "{\n";
+ if needs_i then (
+ pr " size_t i;\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ );
+ List.iter (
+ function
2016 Feb 24
[PATCH 3/3] src: print contents of structs and struct lists on tracing
- *)
- pr "%s fprintf (trace_buffer.fp, \"<struct guestfs_%s *>\");\n"
- indent typ (* XXX *)
+ pr "%s fprintf (trace_buffer.fp, \"<struct guestfs_%s = \");\n"
+ indent typ;
+ pr "%s guestfs_int_print_%s_indent (%s, trace_buffer.fp, \", \", \"\");\n"
+ indent typ rv;
+ pr "%s fprintf (trace_buffer.fp, \">\");\n" indent
| RStructList (_, typ) ->
- pr "%s fprintf (trace_buffer.fp, \"<struct guestfs_%s_...
2016 Sep 02
[PATCH 0/4] generator: Some work to split large C files
By splitting up large C files we can make parallel compiles
a bit faster.