Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "groupvar".
2008 Dec 11
call lattice function in a function passing "groups" argument
...uld do something like
densityplot(~ x, d, groups = y)
If however I wanted to call the function "densityplot" within a function and
pass the "groups" argument as an argument of that function, how would I have
to proceed? It is not as straightforward as
f <- function(data, groupvar) {
densityplot(~ x, data, groups = groupvar)
probably because the lattice function "densityplot.formula" preprocesses
the "groups" argument with
groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(formula))
It there a way how I could pass the "groups" argum...
2004 Oct 12
lm#contrasts#one level in factor: bug or feature
(R.1.9.1; win2000)
Since it's about the tenth time I had to write an "if" around this to catch the error ...
Let's look at the line
Here res is of numeric type and groupvar is a factor. On first sight, it would be logical that if groupvar had only one (single) level we would get:
Error in "contrasts<-"(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") : contrasts can be applied only to factors wi...
2004 Mar 19
using "unstack" inside my function: that old scope problem again
...roblem, but I can't understand the answers. Can
one of you try to explain this to me?
Here's my example. Given a regression model and a variable, I want to
use unstack() on the vector of residuals and make some magic with the
result. But unstack hates me.
PCSE <- function (tmodel,groupVar) {
myres1 <- resid(tmodel)
resUnstacked <- unstack(myres1, form = myres1 ~ groupVar));
E <- as.matrix(resUnstacked)
SIGMA <- (1/nrow(E))*(t(E) %*% E)
OMEGA <- diag(x=1, nrow=nrow(E), ncol=nrow(E)) %x% SIGMA
X <- model.matrix(tmodel)
XPRIMEXINV <- solve(t(X) %*% X...
2012 Jan 01
How to pass in a list of variables as an argument to a function?
...arC=c("g", "h", "i"),
varD=c("old", "new")),
n=1000, fail=rbinom(2700,1000, 0.01))
# add in one more column
myData$pass = myData$n-myData$fail
# List of grouping vars. ?I would like to pass this object around and
use it as arguments in functions
myGroupVars = c("varA", "varB", "varC")
# create a new column that is the combination of the grouping vars
(used in plotting with lattice)
# Question 1: ?Is there a way to replace "varA, varB, varC" in the
function below with an object?
myData = transform(myData, group...
2008 May 23
Percentages for categorical data by group
...entage of each group that choose each
response. For example I want to know what percentage of group 1 (which may
have a value of 34456) choose response 1 and so on.
Here is some code I wrote that generates a data frame like the one I have.
pop <- matrix(1:100000)
groupIDs <- sample(pop,500)
groupVar <- sample(groupIDs,23000,replace=TRUE)
responseVar <- sample(1:5,23000,replace=TRUE)
example.data <- data.frame(groupVar,responseVar)
Is there a fast way to calculate these percentages beyond writing loops to
manually count the responses for each of the groups?
2002 Jul 03
lda from MASS function
Hi all,
I am using the lda function from the MASS library to measure the discriminance of different variables with respect to different
grouping variables by using
lda( RESULTVARS[, 1:750] , GROUPVAR , tol=0 ) where RESULTVARS contains some 750 different variables.
Occasionally there is a variable within RESULTVARS that has the same values for all values of GROUPVAR, ie no variance so I get the
Error in svd(X, nu = 0) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
As I understand it...
2011 Oct 23
code review: is it too much to ask?
...standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and confidence interval (default 95%).
## If there are within-subject variables, calculate adjusted values using method from Morey (2008).
## data: a data frame.
## measurevar: the name of a column that contains the variable to be summariezed
## groupvars: a vector containing names of columns that contain grouping variables
## na.rm: a boolean that indicates whether to ignore NA's
## conf.interval: the percent range of the confidence interval (default is 95%)
summarySE <- function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, conf....
2010 Feb 18
Extract p-value from aftreg object
...ct specific p-values for covariates
from an aftreg object? After fitting a model with aftreg I can find
all different variables by using str(), but there's no place where
p-values are kept. The odd thing is that print() displays them
> testdata
start stop censor groupvar var1 var2
1 0 1 0 1 0.91663902 0.0847912
2 1 2 0 1 0.60470753 0.6487798
3 2 3 0 1 0.09599891 0.2195178
4 3 4 1 1 0.86384189 0.6667897
5 0 1 0 2 0.07747445 0.8782836
6 1 2 0 2...
2010 Feb 12
Access dataframe with variable name in function
...I want to write a function that returns a certain column of a
dataframe. The function accepts two argument: the dataframe and the
name of the column, but the column is not given as a "string" but as
a variable name.
> testdata
start stop censor groupvar var1 var2
1 0 1 0 1 0.91663902 0.0847912
2 1 2 0 1 0.60470753 0.6487798
3 2 3 0 1 0.09599891 0.2195178
k <- function(df, col) df[col]
k(testdata, var1) should return the...
2010 Feb 19
eha aftreg performance
Generally it's not a problem for me as I can use the linux version,
but maybe you have an idea what makes it so slow. If I can provide
you with more details or help on fixing it, let me know.
Here's the dump for reconstruction:
> library(eha)
> testdata
start stop censor groupvar var1 var2
1 0 1 0 1 0.91663902 0.0847912
2 1 2 0 1 0.60470753 0.6487798
3 2 3 0 1 0.09599891 0.2195178
4 3 4 1 1 0.86384189 0.6667897
5 0 1 0 2 0.07747445 0.8782836
6 1 2 0 2...
2012 Mar 12
Replicating Stata's xtreg clustered SEs in R
I'm trying to replicate a time-series cross-sectional analysis
(countries over years) with SEs clustered by country. ?The original
analysis was done in Stata 10 with: xtreg [DV] [IVs] fe
Using plm() in R (cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plm/index.html),
I've replicated the coefficients. I sought to estimate
country-clustered SEs with vcovHC(), and tried a variety of
2010 Feb 05
AFTREG with ID argument
Dear all,
I have some trouble using the "id"-argument with aftreg (accelerated
failure time regression analysis from the eha library).
As far as I understand it, the id argument is used to group
individuals together if there are time-varying covariates and the
data is arranged in counting process style.
Unfortunately, i cannot figure out how to use the "id"-argument. The
2011 May 05
Using functions/loops for repetitive commands
I still need to do some repetitive statistical analysis on some outcomes
from a dataset.
Take the following as an example;
id sex hiv age famsize bmi resprate
1 M Pos 23 2 16 15
2 F Neg 24 5 18 14
3 F Pos 56 14 23 24
4 F Pos 67 3 33 31
5 M Neg 34 2 21 23
I want to know if there are statistically detectable differences in all of
the continuous variables in
2008 Mar 26
ggplot2 argument handling odd
Hello there,
I'm trying to do lots of plots in one for-loop. But somehow ggplot does
not evaluate arguments as expected. Here is an example:
pl <- list()
pl2 <- list()
cDat <- as.data.frame(cbind(x1=0:100,x2=0:10,x3=1:20))
for(obs in c("x1", "x2")) {
pl[[obs]] <- xyplot(cDat[,obs] ~ cDat[,"x3"], main=obs)
2012 Apr 19
Column(row)wise minimum and maximum
Currently, the "base" has colSums, colMeans. It seems that it would be useful to extend this to also include colMin, colMax (of course, rowMin and rowMax, as well) in order to facilitate faster computations for large vectors (compared to using apply). Has this been considered before? Please forgive me if this has already been discussed before.
Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
2002 Apr 16
Classification Analysis
Hi everyone,
Could somebody explain to me what is the package/function for
classification analysis. I am performing analysis of music files in the form
of MIDI files. I end up with about 750 dependent variables from the
analysis, I also have a number of independent/grouping variables that I set
manually. What I would like is to be able to predict which group a
particular MIDI files belongs to