search for: group_ids

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 658 matches for "group_ids".

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2010 Sep 06
nlme Output
Everyone - What do the NaN's mean here? Is this analysis a problem? Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood Data: tmp.dat AIC BIC logLik 1611.251 1638.363 -797.6253 Random effects: Formula: ~1 | group_id (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 0.0003077668 9.236715 Fixed effects: AvgTrials ~ time + factor(group_id) + time * factor(group_id)
2006 Jun 29
sql question for rails
Hi, i was hoping someone could help me out with a small yet quite time-boggling task...i have a two tables users, groups joined in as a habtam relashinship (has and belongs to many) and i need to select from the mydb (mysql if it matters) users out of the User model, in accordance with TWO groups in one rails opperation to improve performance...basicly, say i have ten groups and ten users,
2005 Dec 15
How to delete a record
hey, i my database i have users and groups, each user can get in different groups my db structure: table groups: id, name, basegroup, firm_id table users: id, firstname, lastname, email table groups_users: group_id, user_id my relation is a many to many: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many
2006 Sep 25
@article.article_groups.delete_if... Dosn't work!
If I try: @article.article_groups.delete_if {|x| x.group_id == x.group_id } It does nothing. If I try: articletmp.article_groups.each{ |x| @article.article_groups.delete(y) } It deletes some of the groups. @article.article_groups.clear works. Why dosn''t the to first examples work as expected?? Do I have to put groups I don''t want to
2006 Feb 14
...hod --password 42 create_package(group_id, package_name) creates the named package under the specified group. example : rubyforge create_package 1024 traits rubyforge login && rubyforge create_package traits notes : in order to use group_ids by name, rather than number, you must edit the rubyforge[group_ids] translation table in your config.yml. add_release(group_id, package_id, release_name, userfile) release a file as release_name under the specified group_id and package_id. example : rubyforge add_r...
2006 Jan 22
suggest for "ambiguous column" when JOIN associated tables
Today I face with incorrect behavior in ActiveRecord. It take place when I try to use :include parameter for .find method. Where are two typical cases: 1. You have record with self-referential joins CREATE TABLE keywords (id, group_id); class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group, :class_name => "Keyword", :foreign_key =>
2006 Feb 21
Select articles from group with id ''1'' and id ''2''
I have to tables: "articles" and "groups". Between I have article_groups as a jointable. Now I want to select every article who is a member of group with id ''1'' and id ''2''. Whats best way to get that? Extract from schemas: CREATE TABLE articles ( id int auto_increment, ingress text NOT NULL, story_text longtext, constraint fk_items_users
2006 Jan 25
Rails day 2: where is my association?
I?m following along a few tutorials on the web and trying to implement my own example, but I must be missing something because I can?t get has_many or belongs_to to work like I expected. now I have watched all the videos and made a cookbook several times with different interfaces. what I''m looking for is *not* a code snippet to solve something (because I already have that),
2006 Mar 29
Self-referential many-many joins with :through
I thought I had this nailed but.. now I''m seeing spots.. I''ve included my models below, feel free to ignore them. I''m really just after an example that works. I couldnt find one on the wiki... which is fair enough considering Ricks patch: that fixed them only went through 5 days ago.. Cheers -henster
2006 Aug 01
has_many :through a belongs_to relationship
I have users who belong to a group. I also have a room that belongs to a group. I want to use a has_many through association to link the room and the users as such: class Room < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group has_many :users, :through => :group end The SQL generated for the search is incorrect: SELECT users.* FROM users INNER JOIN group ON users.group_id = WHERE
2006 Apr 17
database design Q
I am in the middle of setting up mysql database for my RoR application. and here is some questions in my mind hope you can help. 1. this is a photoblog story telling like system, where people can creat their own groups the database tables are: people, groups, articls, pictures People to Groups are many-to-many relationships People to Articles are one-to-many Group to Articles are one-to-many
2006 Mar 26
validate_uniqueness_of {combination of fields} ???
I''ve looked at the validates documentation and it appears that validates_uniqueness_of works on only one field at a time. So I can, for example, validate that "sam" is unique to the record set, and that "smith" is unique to the record set. My problem is that each record includes two fields, the _combination_ of which must be unique to the record set, but each of
2007 Sep 13
refreshing indexes?
...cord and the session has the group_id''s of the groups the user belongs to in an array. Question 1: If I add acts_as_ferret :fields => [:group_id, :document_text] can I do an activerecord search like... Document.find(:all, :conditions => [''group_id in (?)'', session[:group_ids]) ? Question 2: These documents are dynamic, so they are deleted, updated, edited etc. How do I handle indexing in these circumstances? Delete all and recreate -or- is there a way to just delete an index by document_id and recreate it just for that document. I am going to try this in the app but...
2010 Nov 18
lme Random Effects and Covariates
1. I'm attempting to test for Random Effects. I've grouped the data on subject (grid) but want to use lme to build the model without subject as a RE then add it and do anova between the 2 models. This is the result I get and it appears it's adding Random Effects. tmp.dat4 <- groupedData(Trials ~ 1 | grid, data = tmp.dat4) mod2a <- lme(Trials ~ factor(group_id) + reversal,
2008 Jun 06
joining tables
Hi I have 3 tables as 1) user_groups id | contact_id | group_id | group_user_type_id 2) contact id | name_first | name_last | 3)contact_email_addresses contact_id | contact_email_address_type_id | emailaddress Now I have group_id sa for example 68 What I want is from contact_email_addresses table get all the emailaddress with contact_email_address_type_id=2 for the contacts
2008 Oct 15
dbAppy questions/clarifications
In the example in the documentation, I see: rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select Agent, ip_addr, DATA from pseudo_data order by Agent") out <- dbApply(rs, INDEX = "Agent", FUN = function(x, grp) quantile(x$DATA, names=FALSE)) Maybe I am a bit thick, but it took me a while, and a kind hint from Phil, to figure much of this out. It is clear that the SQL
2006 Aug 08
problem inserting parameters in link_to_remote
I want a page that lets users add members to a group from a longer list, or remove members from that group. I can use Ajax to transfer a name from the long list to the group, or drop an existing name from the group. But. If I add a person to the group, and try to remove without refresh, it doesn''t work. My link is formed by <%= link_to_remote ''add'', :url => {
2009 Feb 04
delete_if does not work on associations
I tried to user delete_if on an association: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :memberships, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :memberships ... end This is the controller method, trying to use delete_if. Although some elements are removed (s2 < s1), the save method does not update the association. def intersect_or_remove_group other_group =
2010 May 31
ActiveRecord model relationship with YAML file
Hi, I have an ActiveRecord model Group and a YAML table stored in config/users.yaml just like: - {login: titi, password: 123456, group_id: 2} - {login: toto, password: 987654, group_id: 7} And I would like to link them by a sexy way. Can you help me? I would be happy if I can do this (as example): # => 2 Many thanks for any help! -- Posted via
2007 Aug 24
SURVEY: wxRuby API style
Hi As we''re getting closer to a stable release of wxRuby, I''d like to get your views on the API style. There''s a survey here: I''d like to know if you''d like to see two wxSugar syntax features become part of core, standard wxRuby version 2.0. These are: 1) Allow ruby-style