search for: grou

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "grou".

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2018 Jul 16
ClamAV reporting virus found in 4.8.3 from source
Hello,     I'm sure it's a false positive but figured I post any way. My weekly full scan of my servers reported the following results. /root/samba-4.8.3/bin/default/source3/lib/netapi/examples/group/group_deluser.inst: Unix.Trojan.Vali-6606621-0 FOUND /root/samba-4.8.3/bin/default/source3/lib/netapi/examples/group/group_adduser.inst: Unix.Trojan.Vali-6606621-0 FOUND /root/samba-4.8.3/bin/default/source3/lib/netapi/examples/group/group_deluser: Unix.Trojan.Vali-6606621-0 FOUND /root/samba-4...
2004 Aug 06
ices not quite random
Hello, I just got iceast + ices setup. I'm streaming from a playlist and it streams/play just fine, however, it doesn't seem to be that random. It is randomly picking through the first "grou" but not the rest. e.g. the playlist.txt file has full paths to the ogg files, which are in different subdirectories according to artist. But, it will only play from the first artist. Any ideas on how to get this to work? Thanks, Bryan --- >8 ---- List archives: http://www.xiph...
2007 May 08
Problems with LDAP
Hi, I'm using OpenLDAP in CentOS 4.4 I'm trying to create a grou of users: # Grupos do TIM dn: ou=futebol,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt objectClass: organizationalUnit description: Grupo de Futebol ou: futebol # Grupo do futebol dn: uid=futeboladas,ou=futebol,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt objectClass: top uid: futeboladas objectClass: groupOfNames cn: Futeboladas...
2015 Sep 26
Fw: 32 bit data
Begin forwarded message: Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 13:46:13 -0700 From: John La Grou <jl at> To: Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd at> Subject: 32 bit data Erik, could you please post this to the FLAC mailing list. I've tried a couple times, but nothing happens. Tks. ......................... There are reasons to support 32-bit data. The emerging...
2017 Aug 23
Data too big for a specific library package to handle
....4, factor.5, factor.6, factor.7, factor.8) x<-dat2fre(x) analysis<-CFA(x) #error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.1 Gb (the error message for the real data indicates 56 Gb) ?_____ Kevin Parent, Ph.D Korea Maritime University Vice Chairman of Education and Training, Korea Toastmasters Schoolmasters, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2019 May 16
Second VPN network fails to start
...R org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units === Authentication is required to start 'tinc at VPN1.service'. Authenticating as: NETsolutions (nsasia) Password: ==== AUTHENTICATION COMPLETE === nsasia at db2:/etc/tinc$ ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group defaul t qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP grou p default qlen 1000 link/ether 42:d...
2004 Oct 19
Problem with Internal accessing internal via web
...I can''t get to it from the external IP. Do I need to setup some kind of route in the routing table or is it a rule that I am missing somewhere? Here is my rules file contents RATE USER/ # PORT PORT(S) DEST LIMIT GROU ACCEPT fw net all ACCEPT loc fw all ACCEPT fw loc all ACCEPT net loc: tcp 80 ACCEPT net loc: tcp 1127 #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE Any help would be appriciated/ Thanks Jamie
2005 Jun 07
Group Problems
Hello all, I am having a some problems with groups. If I use this command "net rpc group list -Uroot%not24get" as the root users I get an error. "Could not connect to server The username or password was not correct" If I try to add groups I also get the same error. and I don't know if this is relevent or not...
2003 Jul 31
3.0 beta 3 - NT and Unix group mapping
Hello everyone! I've been testing the 3.0 beta 3 (I've just upgraded from 2.2.7), and made a PDC configuration with Windows XP Pro clients. Everything works fine, however, I'm fine tuning the NT and Unix group mapping; in particular, I want to map the Unix group 'users' to the NT group 'Power Users'. I've tried: net groupmap modify ntgroup="Power Users" unixgroup=users with no success. If I do, however net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=users u...
2013 Jan 24
group by + sum
Hi.. I need some support... table: week_id, user_id, project_id, hours ex. => 33, 2, 1, 10 34, 2,1,15 33, 2, 2, 20 35, 3, 1,20 etc. Want to display a sum of hours per week_id per user_id I have: @hours = HourUser.includes(:user).group_by { |h| h.week_id } @hours.keys.sort.each do |hour| @hours[hour].collect(&:stunden).sum Hours are summed up, but not sorted by user_id.. How to get that? Thanks Werner -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group....
2011 Jun 05
Trouble installing SWAT on a Samba 4 Alpha 13 build onUbuntu Server
...folder in smb.conf like this: [finance] Path=/some/wehere Read only= no And then configure the permission like this message says: Then!!! Log in from a domain member (xp or whatever windows) with your administrator. And set in the security tab for this "finance" the rights of user and grou By Daniel Muller. But YOU CAN'T change the permission if your sistem NOT SUPPORT both the "user" and "system" xattr namespaces. You can view if your kernel suport this doing this (Example on Debian Squeeze): #cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR #cat...
2013 Feb 11
Certificate verify fails without indications
...-qa | grep openssl: On Centos (master and working nodes) openssl-devel-1.0.0-25.el6_3.1.i686 openssl-1.0.0-25.el6_3.1.i686 on Red Hat 4 agent: openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1 openssl-devel-0.9.7-1 Hope someone could help.. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at
2008 Feb 03
USB UPS on Solaris
Is anyone here running a USB UPS on Solaris? I'm looking to upgrade my UPS (from a SmartUPS 620 with RS232 comms), and most of the modern UPSs use USB ... TX, Huge.
2013 Jul 16
"puppet module install simondean/iis" gives error "Error: cert already in hash table"
...* *Notice: Downloading from ...* *Error: cert already in hash table* *Error: Try ''puppet help module install'' for usage* * * Any idea how to proceed with this? kind regards, Arno -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For mo...
2013 Sep 13
[windows server 2008 r2] puppet errors in 3.3.0 on exchange database servers
...lClassPuppet13.09.2013 15:12 CESTerrFailed to apply catalog: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined method `gsub'' for nil:NilClassPuppet13.09.2013 15:12 CEST All other windows hosts run perfectly fine. Any ideas? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For mo...
2013 Mar 06
Windows Remote Desktop Services (Could not find a suitable provider for dism)
...stalls fine and reboots the host etc, but upon running the agent again, I get the same error as above: *err: Could not find a suitable provider for dism* * * If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated regards Jim -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at
2013 Jul 22
chocolatey, windows, powershell and fault bucket
...ucket , type 0 Event name: PowerShell I tried to google it but I did not find anything relevant apart from some discussions about running powershell in a thread or something similar.. Any hint on how to fix this? Thanks f. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For mo...