Displaying 20 results from an estimated 39 matches for "gridlines".
2009 Nov 20
Hmisc and Lattice question on gridlines
I have been using lattice xyplot and am quite pleased, and I can use the
type=c("b","g") to have it print gridlines into the page, yet if I want to
have a line plot with points on it, how do I get the xYplot to print
gridlines (I use Hmisc xYplot because of its bands method which allows
plotting of confidence intervals). Any suggestions? I have looked at the
panel functions but when I try it I get the gridlines...
2007 Feb 21
Different gridlines per panel in xyplot
In the example R script below, horizontal gray gridlines are drawn at y
coordinates where the points are drawn with the code:
panel.abline(h=y, v=xScale, col.line="gray")
How do I change this so that the horizontal gray gridlines are drawn at y
coordinates where the y labels are drawn? The challenge is that each panel
has different y-ranges...
2010 Apr 22
How to insert gridlines in lattice density plot
How can I insert gridlines
in the following density plot call?
Must one compose a panel function?
'data.frame': 46 obs. of 2 variables:
$ fallrates: num 5.2 7.1 7.1 9.8 3.7 7.5 5 6.2 1.5 2.9 ...
$ prepost : Factor w/ 2 levels "post","pre": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
2009 May 16
Question about barplot: gridlines & value labels
...nto help files before asking. Still cannot figure
it out. I think it's because I am totally confused what packages use
lettice, which use trellis, etc.
Sections 1 and 2 below produce the data and the data to plot. My
question is about barplot in Section 3. I am trying to:
1. add only horizontal gridlines and manipulate the type and color of
that line. tck = 1 is not flexible enough to do it.
2. make the legend come on top of gridlines and not under them
3. add plotted Y values above the bars
Thank you very much for any pointers!
### Section 1: generates my data set "data":
2009 Feb 18
interaction.plot - gridlines and formatting legend title...
...;bottomright", c("level 1","level
col=c("red","blue"), title="Legend Title",inset = .02)
I think it is not using lattice, does it? So, I was wondering if it is
at all possible to:
1. Create gridlines in an interaction.plot
2. Define the font type of the legend title (e.g., regular vs. bold as
in font=2)
3. Put actual values (on Y) next to each point in the graph.
Thank you so much for your advice!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
MarketTools, Inc.
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com
2009 May 29
ggplot2 date help (minor gridlines months and major grid lines years in a readable format)
melt.updn <- (structure(list(date = structure(c(11808, 11869, 11961, 11992,
12084, 12173, 12265, 12418, 12600, 12631, 12753, 12996, 13057,
13149, 11808, 11869, 11961, 11992, 12084, 12173, 12265, 12418,
12600, 12631, 12753, 12996, 13057, 13149), class = "Date"), variable =
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2008 Jan 25
plotting gridlines
dear all,
I have a very simple question but I could not figure out.
I need to make plots with grid in the background.
something like I old retrive like this
plot(a,b, pch=20, xlim=c(0, round(max(a))), ylim=c(0, round(max(b))))
vs=seq(0, max(a), 0.5)
for(i in 1:length(vs)){
abline(v=vs[i], col="lightgrey")
hs=seq(0, max(b), 0.5)
for(i in
2004 Mar 11
tics and grids
Whats the easiest way to set a desired interval for tics on axes in R ?
And will the 'grid' command put gridlines on all tics automatically ?
I tend to get stuck with graphs with ranges 0-1 with only 2 tics and 2
gridlines in the 0-1 range, while I would like 10 tics (or every 0.1)
please reply to pvremortNOSPAM at vub.ac.be
2009 Aug 25
Lattice graph tweaking
To: silwood-r
Subject: Removing lattice graph gridlines and editing label box colour
Is it possible to remove the background gridlines from a lattice graph (ie graph made up of multiple individual graphs with annoying blue grid in the backgroun)?
Also, Is it possible to change the colour of the individual graph label boxes? - ie the default pink...
2008 Jul 27
Lattice wireframe: How to avoid drawing lines around polygons when using shade=TRUE
I am using wireframe from the lattice package, with the shade option set
to TRUE. When I output to PDF or Postscript, a line gets drawn around
each polygon of my surface which causes ugly Moir? effects and doesn't
make sense in my application (think the plot of Maunga Whau--gridlines
don't make sense). This does not happen when I display on the screen--
then I just get the surface as intended.
I have tried everything from playing with trellis.par.set() to changing
the code of panel.3dwire, but nothing seems to remove these gridlines.
Any idea would be greatly appreciate...
2012 Nov 07
change colour of geom_step by scale_colour_manual
...o be in the (options)
panel.grid.major = theme_line(size =
0.5, colour = '#FFFFFF'),
panel.grid.minor = theme_line(colour =
NA) # colour = NA to suppress gridlines, reappear if colour='black'
[version 2- producing wrong colour]
#try greyScale, didn't work
all <-qry_r3_AFF0_CumRate_pooled
all <- subset(all, trt_label %in% c(...
2008 May 07
figure margins too large for a barplot in png, pdf ok
I've used to have a script with a barplot command it in, preceded by a
-- worked before R 2.6.2. When I tried it in R 2.6.2, which I have
for a while but didn't run with that script, it complained, the
margins too large, and I've googled the messages from our list where
neither height nor width had been specified. Yet here they are
specified here....
2011 May 03
Controlling the extent of ablines on plot
Hi all,
I'm attempting to make a quite-specific plot where the axes cross at the
origin and with gridlines for guidance. I've been using ablines to create
the reference lines because I want a lot of control as to where they are
placed on the axis. This command works very well for such control.
These ablines don't seem to work when I specify the origin as 0,0. They go
beyond the x-axi...
2003 Nov 16
Newbie: Barchart Gray with White Grid?
mostly) with white borders, white (on white background) axes, white
grid *under* the bars, and both x- and y-axis labels (both the numeric
or categorical label, and the axis titles...I don't quite remember the
correct terms in R).
I wasn't able to find a way to display only the gridlines parallel to
the x-axis, or to overlay that grid on top of the bars, or to turn off
the numeric labels on the x-axis without touching the y-axis, or to
show the x-axis as a gray line without showing the y-axis.
Has anyone done this? How?
Thank you,
2007 Mar 20
grid on a wireframe plot
As for now I use the following command :
print(wireframe(m,main="% my title", colorkey=TRUE,
col.regions=rainbow(100), drape=TRUE,aspect =
scales=list(arrows=FALSE)),split=c(1,1,3,2), more=TRUE)
How can I show the gridlines in a 3D surface plot of this type?
I already tried with panel.grid, but it doesn't seem to work in
combination with panel.cloud (wireframe). I also searched for
information about the box.3d, without success.
Thanks in advance.
Peter Schmidtke
2007 Jul 12
ggplot2 / histogram / y-axis
Is there a way in ggplot to make a histogram with the left-hand y-axis
label as frequency, and a right-hand y-axis label as percentage?
2009 May 27
contour lines on persp plot
...ugated tin roof
x<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of x values to sample
y<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of y values to sample
z<-outer(x,y,FUN=fn) #applies the funct. across the combos of x and y
persp(z,col='lightgray',shade=.5,border=NA,) #plots without gridlines
2010 Jan 28
qplot themes
I'm having trouble editing the qplot layout. I'm using the geom="tile"
option and I want to do a few things:
1. move the vertical and horizontal gridlines so that they appear on the
edge of each tile (right now they're in the middle)
2. bring the gridlines to the foreground and change their color
I've been playing around with the opts(...) options but so far can't get any
of them to work correctly. Has anyone done this or have an exampl...
2011 May 23
panel.first problem when plotting with formula
I wrote a little function called bgfun that adds gridlines and a background,
but it's not working with I plot using the formula.
I have some theories on what's happening, but even if my theory is right, I
don't know how to fix it.
Someone have a straightforward silver bullet?
Thank you,
bgfun = function(color='honeydew2',lin...
2008 Sep 16
Setting user colors in barchart
Dear R Users,
I have a basis question regarding the use of color in the lattice package. I
read the ?barchart help page and searched the R archives but could not
understand how to do it.
I just need to plot a barchart using specific colors for my groups, e.g.
green and red instead of the default lattice colors. How do I do that?
If I say:
barchart(x ~ a_factor, groups=my_groups,