Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "grf".
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2010 Jul 28
Beginner stucked with raster + geoR package.
Hello everyone.
I am trying to build up understanding in R by trying to develop just some simple
I would like to explain you what I am trying to do and what I did so far.
I would like to put inside a RasterLayer (raster package) a Gaussian field (for
given covariance) using grf function (geoR package)
1. First I created a Raster Layer object
r <- raster() # Default values are ok
2. Then I set some values to test how if setValues worked
r <- setValues(r,1:ncell(r)/100) # Every cell of the RasterLayer takes as data
its cell number/100.
3. Tested that 2 works with...
2010 Mar 14
the error in DoSimulateRF function
...ng the following
Analysis of geostatistical data
For an Introduction to geoR go to http://www.leg.ufpr.br/geoR
geoR version 1.6-27 (built on 2009-10-15) is now loaded
grf: generating grid 300 * 300 with 90000 points
grf: process with 1 covariance structure(s)
grf: nugget effect is: tausq= 0
grf: covariance model 1 is: spherical(sigmasq=1, phi=0.1)
grf: simulation using the function GaussRF from package RandomFields
Error in DoSimulateRF(n = n, reg = register...
2008 May 08
anova p value extraction
hello all,
Quick question, how do I get the p value out of the anova?
> pb<-aov(as.numeric(diff[5,16:33]) ~ grF)
> summary(pb)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
grF 3 2.7860e+10 9.2867e+09 4.2236 0.02534 *
Residuals 14 3.0783e+10 2.1988e+09
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> str(summary(pb))
1999 Jun 27
paste and path ?
...> path
[1] "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME"
> path1 <- paste(path,"gfr.txt",sep="/")
> path1
[1] "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME/gfr.txt"
-- this is good enough
> data <- read.table("D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME/grf.txt",h=T)
> dat1 <- read.table(path1,h=T)
Error: "scan" can't open file
but doesn't work
> path1
[1] "D:/rw0641/own/own/procedures/GFR_TIME/gfr.txt" although the path is OK
- the unpasted variant is of course ok. What happened ?
> data
day month year...
2010 Apr 16
Wine Ragnarok private server help
Been on linux (ubuntu 9.10) for about a month now. Starting to get the hang of it. The only thing from windows I am missing is being able to play this game. I've read a lot of stuff on the net and tried different things. Some say i need to trick the ip but I am unable to figure out the server IP address. A lot of private servers have certain things in place to prevent hacking, so I think
2005 Dec 16
autocorrelation test
Hi all,
I would like to test the relevance of a vector field (i.e. if the
vectors are organized or not).
To do so, I would like to use an autocorrelation test, so that I have
two questions:
- is the Watson test applicable to that perpuse ?
- is the kuiper test applicable to that purpuse ?
Emmanuel Poizot
B.P. 324
2006 Mar 24
[OT] colors in a LaTex doc
Dear R People:
I know that this is COMPLETELY off topic.
Does anyone know how to put colors into a LaTex document, please?
This is LaTex via WinEdt.
I can get colors via PcTex but not in WinEdt.
Thanks in advance!
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: hodgess at gator.uhd.edu
2010 Mar 29
Error "grid must have equal distances in each direction"
Hello all,
I am trying to create a grid of large number of points 4096*4096, on
processing the data I am writing it into a file.
phi <- 0.5
N <- 4096
mu <- 90
sim$data <- (sim$data - mean(sim$data)) / sd(sim$data)
local <- array(sim$data, dim=c(N,N))
sysvar <- local * sigma
P <- mu+sysvar
2012 Nov 12
How to generate a random field with truncated marginal distributions?
...satisfying answer.
I am trying to simulate a lognormal spatial random field but I need the simulated value in a certain range. So I need some easy to use functions to generate a truncated Gaussian field to start with. To be specific, I need a function like GaussRF from the RandomFields package or grf from the geoR package to generate a random field, but I need the generated field to have a truncated marginal distributions and a correlation structure with a prescribed range. Is there an R package or functions which can do this? If there is no availabe read-to-use functions or packages,is it poss...
2004 Oct 05
Bug in optim - way to solve problem?
...s, and call the funtion "likfit" (in package geoR) from
within a for-loop. "likfit" does again call "optim". After ssuccessfully
fitting variograms to some of the data sets, the procedure crashes and I
get the error message:
Error in optim(par = ini, fn = negloglik.GRF, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower =
lower.optim, :
non-finite value supplied by optim
When I restart the procedure with the data set that first caused the error,
it is usually possible to fit the variogram successfully for this data set,
but the procedure will crash when fitting t...
2007 Oct 10
please help me
dear list
I am student M.S. statistics in department statistics . I am working in the function "nls" in the [R 2.3.1] with 246 data and want to fit the "exp" model to vectors( v and u ) but I have
a problem to use it
5.000000e-13 2.179057e+03 6.537171e+03 1.089529e+04 1.525340e+04
1.961151e+04 2.396963e+04 2.832774e+04 3.268586e+04 3.704397e+04
2005 Jan 08
Connection problems and weird WinSock warnings...
I've posted this 'enigma' on the newsgroup :
The answers were pretty rare so I post the problem here, too.
I'm getting connection problems with an application run under Wine which
isn't acting like that under a native Windows
2004 Feb 24
Delivery Failure: Ziqxzb (PR#6609)
2008 Aug 09
xy plot in version 2.7.1 for Mac (PR#12520)