search for: grey60

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "grey60".

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2008 Mar 23
ggplot2 - legend for fill coulours
...s does not match the labels. My code is below. Can anyone tell me how to get around this? (R 2.2.6 for Windows, ggplot2 version 2_0.5.7) Thanks, Pedro library(ggplot2) Data: > plotdata2 x y group 1 1 0.1 grey30 2 2 0.2 grey30 3 3 0.3 grey10 4 4 0.4 grey90 5 1 0.1 grey30 6 2 0.2 grey60 7 3 0.3 grey60 8 4 0.4 grey90 9 1 0.1 grey60 10 2 0.2 grey10 11 3 0.3 grey90 12 4 0.4 grey30 13 1 0.1 grey90 14 2 0.2 grey60 15 3 0.3 grey10 16 4 0.4 grey10 > levels(plotdata2$group) [1] "grey10" "grey30" "grey60" "grey90" > as.numeric(plotdata2$gr...
2011 Sep 15
Move the x-axis labels to the top of the dotplot
...;Total tonnes (billions)", panel = function(x, y, ..., subscripts, fill, pch, fill_var, pch_var) { pch <- pch[pch_var[subscripts]] fill <- fill[fill_var[subscripts]] panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[1,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2002", at=0.40) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[2,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2009", at=0.50) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[3,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2010", at=0.60)...
2009 Mar 23
changing order of lattice plots
Hi, This is another question relating to my 2 factor figure. densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12), xlab="Element Length",type="percent", col="grey60", strip=strip.custom(style=3, bg="grey90", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.5))) I would like to flip the plot so those at the bottom are at the top and so on. I have tried using a `index.cond=list(60:1)' (I have 3 classes for Chromosome and 20 classes for Type) parameter - this approx...
2012 Apr 25
FW: Combined grouped and stacked bargraph
...tried the following code, but it does not work: barplot(cs.not.log.bp[c(1:2),], xlab = "Conservation status", ylab = "Number of species", col = c("grey90","grey80"),names = cs.names, ylim = c(0,250), space = 2) barplot(cs.not.log.bp[c(3:4),], col = c("grey60","grey30"), beside = T,add = T,names.arg = NA) legend("topright",c("IUCN Terrestrial","IUCN Marine","National CS Terrestrial","National CS Marine"), col = c("grey90","grey80","grey60","grey30"...
2011 Sep 15
Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot
...;Total tonnes (billions)", panel = function(x, y, ..., subscripts, fill, pch, fill_var, pch_var) { pch <- pch[pch_var[subscripts]] fill <- fill[fill_var[subscripts]] panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[1,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2002", at=0.40) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[2,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2009", at=0.50) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[3,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2010", at=0.60)...
2012 Apr 24
Combined grouped and stacked bargraph
...the following code, but it does not work: barplot(cs.not.log.bp[c(1:2),], xlab = "Conservation status", ylab = "Number of species", col = c("grey90","grey80"), names = cs.names, ylim = c(0,250), space = 2) barplot(cs.not.log.bp[c(3:4),], col = c("grey60","grey30"), beside = T,add = T,names.arg = NA) legend("topright",c("IUCN Terrestrial","IUCN Marine","National CS Terrestrial","National CS Marine"), col = c("grey90","grey80","grey60","grey30&quo...
2011 Sep 15
Move the main titel to the left of the plot
...;Total tonnes (billions)", panel = function(x, y, ..., subscripts, fill, pch, fill_var, pch_var) { pch <- pch[pch_var[subscripts]] fill <- fill[fill_var[subscripts]] panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[1,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2002", at=0.40) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[2,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2009", at=0.50) panel.ablineq(v=log(ave_dat[3,2]),col="grey60", lty=1, rotate= TRUE,label="2010", at=0.60)...
2012 Dec 12
Problems with plot maps
...I need plot map using ggplot() I use such code: library("ggplot2") library(cshapes) <- cshp() map <-[$COWCODE==369,] map_mp<- list( geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = map, fill = "grey70", colour = "grey60", inherit.aes = FALSE, show_guide = FALSE), scale_x_continuous("", breaks = NULL, expand = c(0.02, 0)), scale_y_continuous("", breaks = NULL, expand = c(0.02, 0))) ggplot()+map_mp but I have such error "Error in recordGraphics(drawGTree(x), list(x = x), getNa...
2012 Mar 07
confidence intervals in dotplots in a for loop
...r(unique(dat1$size)), panel=function(x,y) { panel.xyplot(x,y,pch=16,cex=1) panel.segments(dat1$lci95,as.numeric(y),dat1$uci95,as.numeric(y), lty=1, col=1) panel.segments(dat1$lci90,as.numeric(y),dat1$uci90,as.numeric(y), lty=1, lwd=4, col='grey60') panel.xyplot(x,y,pch=16,cex=1.2,col='white') panel.xyplot(x,y,pch=1,cex=1.1, col='black') }) # Since I have multiple size classes and will producing similar plots for other data sets # I've written the following script using a loop...
2012 Feb 07
Lattice - different axis length
...c(0,150), layout=c(3,1), par.strip.text=list(cex=1.5), scales = list(alternating = 3, cex=1.2, tick.number=5), xlab="", col=c("grey15","grey75","grey30","grey90","grey45","grey0","grey60","grey100"), #col=c(grey(100:1/100), grey(50:1/100), grey(0:1/100)), stack=T) Unfortunately, in the first two periods there are much less data, hence the bars are much shorter in those two panels and most of the space is unused, as the axis still run to 150 as for...
2009 Mar 23
lattice multipanel strip placement - with two factors statement (the type="percent" is there to prevent plotting the actual points which detract from the figure - is there another way of doing this?): densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12), xlab="Element Length",type="percent", col="grey60", strip=strip.custom(style=3, bg="grey90", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.5))) Plotting 60 panels and associated strips on a page leaves the whole thing pretty tight and so I'd like to move the 3 class factor strips to the left margin of the whole figure. Like so (pardon the ASCII a...
2009 Apr 22
converting histogram to barchart
..., max(weights), by=binwidth) #scale density dens <- density(reference) dens$y <- dens$y * (length(weights$Weight)*binwidth) #graph it hist(weights$Weight, freq=TRUE, breaks=breakpoints, xlab=xlabel, ylab="No of Births", main=titles[i]) polygon(dens$x, dens$y, border=NA, col="grey60") #direct into open device par(new=T) #histogram hist(weights$Weight, freq=TRUE, breaks=breakpoints, xlab=xlabel, ylab="No of Births", main=titles[i]) }
2016 Apr 09
Run script R
...NULL,? ? ? legend.justification = "center",? ? ? = ? ? ? ? NULL, ? ? ? panel.background = ? element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA),? ? ? panel.border = ? ? ? element_rect(fill = NA, colour = "grey50"),? ? ? panel.grid.major = ? element_line(colour = "grey60", size = 0.1),? ? ? panel.grid.minor = ? element_line(colour = "grey70", size = 0.1, linetype="dotted"),? ? ? ## panel.margin = ? ? ? unit(c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), "lines"), ? ? ? strip.background = ? element_rect(fill = NA, colour = NA),? ? ? strip.text.x = ? ? ? e...
2011 Jul 20
Cleveland Dot plots: tick labels and error bars
...el function to create 95% conf. intervals: panel=function(x,y) { panel.grid(v=0, h=-6, lty=3) panel.segments($lower95, as.numeric(y),$upper95, as.numeric(y), lty=1, col=1) panel.segments($lower50, as.numeric(y),$upper50, as.numeric(y), lty=1, lwd=4, col='grey60') panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, cex=1.2, col='white') panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=1, cex=1.1, col='black') panel.abline(v=0, col=2, lty=2) } I tried to adapt this to my data resulting in the following code: dotplot(nut1, groups=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE, scales = list(relation='...
2011 Sep 09
Question about plot.mona {cluster}
Hello all, I what to print the banner plot that is output from the mona method in the cluster package but the problem is I dont want to print all that red ink. Here is an example: data(animals) ma <- mona(animals) ma ## Plot similar to Figure 10 in Struyf et al (1996) plot(ma) I can change the bar color by using the argument col=c(0,0) - plot(ma,col=c(0,0)) - but then the variable labels also
2005 Dec 15
Lattice graphics with combined plot types
The data is of two forms, ie one numeric and another ordinal ie 1.5 and <.5. The X Value is a factor. I'm trying to create a lattice conditioned plot with the following characteristics: 1) The plot is conditioned using the form (Conductivity~Day|Valve) 2) The plot should use a barplot for the ordinal (<.5) and dots for the numeric (1.5) 3) A line should be created specifying a
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function = "grey20", at = seq(0.6, 1.2, 0.2)) if (i %in% c(1, 4)) axis(2, col = "grey40", col.axis = "grey20", at = seq(0.6, 1.2, 0.2)) box(col = "grey60")} ## Layout m <- rbind(c(1, 1), c(2, 3)) m layout(m) layout(m) par(mar = c(3, 3, 0, 0)) for (i in 1:3) plot(1, 1, type = "n") Thank you, Andre On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 9:53 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > 1. Did you study the fun...
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
1. Did you study the functions (esp. ?layout) to which I referred you? 2. Show us your code! -- "to no avail" is meaningless! -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Andr? Luis Neves
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function = seq(0.6, > 1.2, 0.2)) > if (i %in% c(1, 4)) > axis(2, col = "grey40", col.axis = "grey20", at = seq(0.6, > 1.2, 0.2)) > box(col = "grey60")} > > ## Layout > > m <- rbind(c(1, 1), c(2, 3)) > m > layout(m) > > layout(m) > par(mar = c(3, 3, 0, 0)) > for (i in 1:3) plot(1, 1, type = "n") > > Thank you, > > Andre > > > On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 9:53 PM, Bert...
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
...1.2, 0.2)) > > if (i %in% c(1, 4)) > > axis(2, col = "grey40", col.axis = "grey20", at = seq(0.6, > > 1.2, 0.2)) > > box(col = "grey60")} > > > > ## Layout > > > > m <- rbind(c(1, 1), c(2, 3)) > > m > > layout(m) > > > > layout(m) > > par(mar = c(3, 3, 0, 0)) > > for (i in 1:3) plot(1, 1, type = "n") > > > > Thank you, > &gt...