Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "gray90".
Did you mean:
2009 Mar 24
Legend containing maths symbol and values of variables
attempts weren't successful. Please help.
threshold <- 0.5
plot(NA, xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=F, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
legend(x=0, y=1, fill=c("orange", "white", "green", "gray90"),
cex=0.8, pt.cex=1.8, x.intersp=0.6, bg = "white",
legend=c(expression("Up (" >= threshold ")"), "Normal",
"Down", "NA"), bty = "n")
2009 Jun 06
stars (as fourfold plots) in plot (symbols don't work)
...ot as cool as the stars
function on its own, and now i can't figure out how to do it!
here's an example code:
test<-cbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4), c(2,4,8,16))
#this is what I want the star symbol to look like
stars(cbind(1,sqrt(test[1,3]), 1, sqrt(test[1,3])),
col.segments=c("gray90", "gray"),draw.segments=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
#this is what happens when using stars in symbols
symbols(test[,1], test[,2], stars=cbind(1,sqrt(test[,3]), 1,
Can anyone set me on the right path please?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/stars-...
2012 Sep 23
Background color in a grid plot seems to interfere with plot()
...save plot settings
for(i in 1:2) { # rows
i. <- if(i > 1) i+2 else i+1 # jumping over gaps
for(j in 1:2) { # columns
j. <- if(j > 1) j+2 else j+1 # jumping over gaps
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=i., layout.pos.col=j.))
grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="gray90")) # background
## plot
plot(1:10, 1:10, log="y", xlab="", ylab="",
xaxt=if(i==2) "s" else "n", yaxt=if(j==1) "s" else "n")
par(new=TRUE) # to be run after firs...
2011 Apr 13
FW: how to enclose two xyplot
Dear R-users,
I have to plot two xyplot, and I wish to enclose this two graphs with just one headline, the same x scale, the same grid etc.
These parameters should tie in, in order to obtain, visually, a unique graph formed by two xyplot.
I try to give an idea:
xyplot1: |_|_|_|
xyplot2: |_|_|_|
what i want: | | | |
I tried to use the command
2010 Sep 10
Greek letter included in a character vector
In the past I have used "expression" to include greek letters in axis labels,
but this time I need to include the greek letter as part of a legend. Basically,
I need to create the following vector to rename the levels of a factor:
c("Interferon-gamma", "IL-10", "IL-5"), where "gamma" obviously needs to be
printed as the greek letter
2010 May 26
persp(); help with 'tck' option
...e where I'm going wrong...
x <- seq(-10, 10, length= 30)
y <- x
f <- function(x,y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
z[is.na(z)] <- 1
# 'bg' works but 'tck' is not showing any effect...
par(bg="gray90", tck=0.01)
persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue",
ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75, ticktype = "detailed",
xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", zlab = "Sinc( r )"
) -> res
Any help would be highly appreciated!
2002 Jul 30
Problem with legend
I have a problem using the legend command.
I typed as follows:
plot(foo bar...)
legend(0.6,10, c("True Positiv", "False Positive", "False Negative","True Negative"), col = c("black",2,3,4),lty=c(1,1,1,1),pch=c(0,0,0,0), merge = TRUE, bg='gray90')
The plot and its legend is displayed ok. The I apply a dev.cop2eps on it to save the graphic. Then I start gv to view the resulting file. But now, the legend text moves outside its box.
This seems strabge to me and I have no idea why this happens.
I use R 1.4.1 under OSF4.
2007 Aug 01
If I have a calculated t can I get the probability associated with it
using an R function by giving it the df and t? I know I can do the whole
calculation using t.test() or get the t-distribution using qt(). If
t=1.11 and df =9 can I get the probability?
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2012 Aug 08
Confidence bands around LOESS
...arge # makes it larger.
legend("topleft", c("Smoothing Curve", "Detected", "NonDetect"), col = c(1,
"black","red"), cex = 0.75,
text.col = "black", lty = c(1 ,-1, -1), pch = c(-1, 19, 17),
merge = TRUE, bg = 'gray90')
* *
#Add title
title(main="Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing Curve")
# Done
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2011 Oct 19
Square ended segments
...n")lablist.y<-as.vector(c("Code 1", "Code 2", "Code 3"))axis(2, at=seq(2, 27, length=3), labels = FALSE)text(y = seq(2, 27, length=3), par("usr")[1], labels = lablist.y, srt = 35, pos = 2, xpd = TRUE) grid(nx=80, ny=3, lty="solid", col="gray90")box() segments(XX$Code.begin,27, XX$Code.end, 27, lwd=6, lty="solid", col="black")points(c(XX$Code.begin, XX$Code.end), rep(27, 14), pch=15, cex=.83)
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2012 May 09
Matrix heatmap
I would like to organize my data as follows:
I have a table that contains various data, and the numbers represent a level
of similarity between these data,
eg RF00013 has 100% similarity with the data RF00014.
I would leave my table as a heatmap where darker colors represent higher
similarity, and the lighter colors represent less level of similarity.
I'm using version 2.11 of R.
2008 Oct 15
Lattice key title color
Dear R users,
is there a way to define the color of the title for the legend in
The help page on xyplot has a lot of details on key options just as the
new book, but no mentioning of a color attribute for the title.
Should I use ltext or is there any other way?
Best wishes,
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2013 Mar 14
Create patterns within a plot?
Dear All,
As an attempt to highlight the overall pattern in a Forest plot, I would like to "highlight" the area around HR=1. I cannot find any simple tools for painting a grey ribbon between 0.9 and 1.1. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!
Cheers, Patrik
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2010 Nov 26
lattice: strange behavior (?) when using trellis.device(color=FALSE)
Dear expeRts,
I am not sure if I found a bug...
I would like to create a function that itself creates a lattice plot without
colors. Following http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help at r-project.org/msg64699.html
I use trellis.device() to set the colors to FALSE. Whenever I call the minimal
example below *with* trellis.device(), Quartz opens a window (I am working on a
MAC), which it shouldn't,
2003 Apr 16
Dear r-help,
Please, be so kind, tell me what does mean the parameter of layout.show()?
I use R 1.6.2... Windows NT 4.0
Unfortunately I cannot understand phrases from the help
"n: number of figures to plot."
what figures?
"`layout.show(n)' plots (part of) the current layout, namely the
outlines of the next `n' figures."
what figures?
2009 May 16
Question about barplot: gridlines & value labels
I promise I looked into help files before asking. Still cannot figure
it out. I think it's because I am totally confused what packages use
lettice, which use trellis, etc.
Sections 1 and 2 below produce the data and the data to plot. My
question is about barplot in Section 3. I am trying to:
1. add only horizontal gridlines and manipulate the type and color of
that line. tck = 1 is not
2009 Feb 11
changing settings on a barchart (lattice)
I apologize - I never used lattice before, so my question is probably
very basic - but I just can't find the answer in the archive nor in
the documentation:
I have a named numeric vector p of 6 numbers (of the type 6 numbers
with people's names to whom those numbers belong). I want a simple bar
I am doing:
trellis.par.set(fontsize=list(text=12)) #
2009 Mar 11
Working up examples of barplots with customized marginal items
...n't write on top
### of them. You can grab shades of gray like "gray30" or such.
### I'll just specify 4 colors I know will work. I prefer
### the light gray colors because they can be written over.
mycols <- c("lightgray","gray70","gray80","gray90","gray75")
barplot(x, names=mynames, las=2, col=mycols)
### Still, I don't like the solid shades so much.
### fill up the bars with angled lines.
### density determines number of lines i...
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
"gray84", "#D6D6D6",
"gray85", "#D9D9D9",
"gray86", "#DBDBDB",
"gray87", "#DEDEDE",
"gray88", "#E0E0E0",
"gray89", "#E3E3E3",
"gray90", "#E5E5E5",
"gray91", "#E8E8E8",
"gray92", "#EBEBEB",
"gray93", "#EDEDED",
"gray94", "#F0F0F0",
"gray95", "#F2F2F2",
"gray96", "#F5F5F5&q...
2007 Oct 04
A rebel boxplot question
Dear R list members
I am trying to improve a boxplot with 2 data sets. I run somethinkg like
boxplot(data1 ~ month, add=F, col = "red", ...)
boxplot(data2 ~ month, add=T, col = "blue", ...)
The problem is that the data from February are missing for data2, so R
think that must take little more space between the data classes in data 2
and then both data gropus are not aligned.