search for: grantham

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "grantham".

2006 Jan 25
Only one app keeps me on Windows - Can WINE free me?
Currently, there is only one application that is keeping me on Windows, and that is the TivoDesktop software that lets me DL episodes from my Tivo, and in conjunction with the DirectDump tool, allows me to convert those Tivo files to standard MPEG-2 files for editing. Does anyone have experience running TivoDesktop under any version of Wine under any distribution? I'm rather distro agnostic
2007 Mar 15
Call for Papers FrOSCon 07 - 25.+26.08.07 - St. Augustin/Germany
...f FrOSCon Further information can be found on the web under Please send questions about the Call for Papers via email to: Contact the organizers via email: Postal address: FrOSCon e.V. c/o Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Grantham-Allee 20 53757 Sankt Augustin Germany -- "I do note with interest that old women in my books become young women on the covers... this is discrimination against the chronologically gifted." -- Terry Pratchett _______________________________________________ Xen-users mail...
2017 Jul 20
Return extra fields from passwd userdb
...userdb section cannot merge two databases together. You said "Users >> who use mail are in LDAP db", so you would one userdb with driver ldap. > > - -- Steffen Kaiser H Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser at H-BRS.DE FB Informatik | room : C179 Grantham-Allee 20 | phone : +49 2241/865-203 53757 Sankt Augustin | Germany - Deutschland | fax : +49 2241/865-8203 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEVAwUBWXB4Q3Q8rp7BXVwTAQLBtgf/UeNwRnHz4y+5r71+Ni9oL1snzikq08rO zr9v+7kc6XZjPjATEcbrdnp6F+zPgiTtEye2k/1aQhjDdAxzAWKGOATeAf...
2017 Jul 20
Return extra fields from passwd userdb
Hi, thanks for your helpful reply. I understand that default_fields is not my solution. To be more accurate, all users in ldap db need to use mail, but some users in /etc/passwd file use mail too. For this reason I set up "driver=passwd" in userdb section and in /etc/nsswitch.conf I set up "passwd: files ldap". Now I want to use dovecot per user quota to limit ldap
2017 Jul 21
Return extra fields from passwd userdb
...>>> "Users who use mail are in LDAP db", so you would one userdb with >>> driver ldap. >> >> > > > - -- > Steffen Kaiser > > H Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser at H-BRS.DE > FB Informatik | room : C179 > Grantham-Allee 20 | phone : +49 2241/865-203 > 53757 Sankt Augustin | > Germany - Deutschland | fax : +49 2241/865-8203 > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1 > > iQEVAwUBWXB4Q3Q8rp7BXVwTAQLBtgf/UeNwRnHz4y+5r71+Ni9oL1snzikq08rO > zr9v+7kc6XZjPjATEcbr...
2005 Aug 22
Tivo Desktop 2.1 - Anyone gotten this to work?
Searched the archives, and other then some discussion in March that ended with a log posting, I haven't seen anything on this. The Tivo Desktop software is the one thing that keeps me in a Windows world, and I'd REALLY like to move back to Linux :-) I'm familiar with JavaHMO and their replacement, Galleon. But while those allow you to copy shows to a Linux system, you can't play
2005 Mar 17
TiVO Desktop Support?
I'd REALLY like to go back to using Linux, but have gotten rather attached to being able to pull programs off my TiVO and play them back using TiVO Desktop. Looking through the list I see where this question has been asked a couple of times before, but no indication of an answer. SO - does anyone know how to setup Wine to run TiVO Desktop? Thanks in advance!
2004 Jun 05
Trying to install a Win Program and getting a "No Audio Playback" error
Am trying to get the Rhapsody ( music service setup on my machine running a Debian-based distribution with a 2.4.24 kernel. I compiled the 5/05/2004 build of Wine successfully on my machine (confirmed by running Notepad), and have added a "[Version]" section to my config file to tell it I'm running Win2K since Rhapsody requires win2K or winxp. The install starts, but
2003 Apr 08
authenticating samba against an Windows AD Domain contd.
Thanks for all the information you guys have sent. I've figured out how to mount shared drives with smbmount, how to view a list of shares with smbclient, etc. I can also find plenty of documentation covering setting up samba as a domain controller in a Windows environment. However, what I cannot find much useful information on is how I can authenticate users of on a Linux system against an