Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "gossett".
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2008 Jul 27
Radiant CMS 0.6.8 "Incise" Release
...ask to support BRANCH, TAG, and REVISION.
* Update to Haml 2.0.1. [Jim Gay]
* Fix radiant:update:configs task to properly evaluate environment.rb
[Sean Cribbs]
* Fix page subclass loading issues. [Sean Cribbs]
* Add <r:unless_ancestor_or_self> and <r:unless_self> tags. [Tim Gossett]
* Add specific installation modes for gzip and bzip2 compression. [Sean
* Added extension installation scripts. [Sean Cribbs]
* Added find attr to r:if_content and r:unless_content to expand based on
finding ''any'' or ''all'' specified parts [Jim Gay]
* Ad...
2005 Nov 13
FW: pxelinux and bar
...hey also support FAT32 or NTFS with
compression. Note the 512MB limit still applies unfortunately.
-----Original Message-----
From: syslinux-bounces at zytor.com [mailto:syslinux-bounces at zytor.com]On
Behalf Of Sebastian Tyler SSgt WPC/J6G
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2005 9:14 PM
To: Grant Gossett; syslinux at zytor.com
Subject: RE: [syslinux] pxelinux and bar
I think you're over-engineering your solution. I use the keeppxe option
along with 3COM's universal NDIS driver, and it works great on
everything we have (which includes quite a variety of NICs).
If you really want...
2005 Nov 04
pxelinux menu questions
Hello all,
I have a few questions about the menuing system that I haven't been able
to find in the archives (it would be nice if they were available in a
searchable form other than having to click on a month-by month basis and
read through them - if they are searchable I would love to find a way to
do this but it hasn't jumped out at me).
My first question is : What is menu.c32? I
2006 Nov 22
Problem with "additional" submenus
Hello all,
First off, thanks for the great work.
I have recently added "more submenus" to a functioning advanced menu
that only had one "submenu off of the main menu before" The addition of
the new submenus has caused the main menu to not function correctly and
I have been pouring over the code for several weeks and I just cannot
see the error that I have introduced. This
2005 Nov 10
pxelinux and bar
Has anyone been able to boot a bartpe image successfully using pxelinux or
does anyone know if this is impossible?
For those who don't know, bartpe is a legitimate way to make a trimmed
down installation of Windows XP or Server 2003 using your installation
For more information on bartpe see:
Basically the pebuilder gathers the minimum files needed to
2006 Nov 27
Chaining from PXELinux to some other boot loader
I am using PXELinux to boot BartPE and some other application and it works fine. There are some other Boot application which I am using 3COM MBAUTIL PXE.mnu and floppy images. I have problem chaining from pxelinux.0 to 3com pxe.0 (pxe.mnu).
BIOS->(DHCP-TFTP)->pxelinux.0 works fine.
BIOS->(DHCP-TFTP)->3COM pxe.mnu works fine, the menu appears and I can choose a floppy