Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "googlevi".
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2012 Jun 14
mapa provincial de España con googleVis
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2012 Nov 29
googleVis plot and knitr/sweave
Dear R users.
I'm currently making a report with knitr (RStudio) where I would like to
plot a googleVis map. However, the map generated is an HTML file which I
don't know how to integrate it in my report.
So my question is how to include a map generated with googleVis in a PDF
created with knitr/sweave.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/googleVis...
2011 Feb 08
Update: googleVis 0.2.4 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.4 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror soon.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation API.
The functions of the package allow users to visualise data stored in R with the
Google Visualisation API without uploading their data to Google
Since the last version a lot of work has been carried out under the bonnet to make...
2011 Feb 08
Update: googleVis 0.2.4 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.4 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror soon.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation API.
The functions of the package allow users to visualise data stored in R with the
Google Visualisation API without uploading their data to Google
Since the last version a lot of work has been carried out under the bonnet to make...
2012 Mar 07
sobre googlevis
Esta mañana estoy trasteando un poco con googlevis, sobre todo para ver
si introducimos algunos gráficos chulos en la página web de la empresa (
hacemos estudios sociológicos).
Y estaba viendo esta página
http://neurochem.sisbio.recerca.upc.edu/?p=276 y no encuentro la forma
de reproducir el gráfico de las puntuaciones factoriales . Usando
2011 Jun 07
error with geomap in googleVis
Hi All,
I am unable to get the plot geomap in googleVis package. data is as follows
> head(index.ret)
country ytd
1 Argentina -10.18
2 Australia -3.42
3 Austria -2.70
4 Belgium 1.94
5 Brazil -7.16
6 Canada 0.56
> map1 = gvisGeoMap(index.ret,locationvar = 'country', numvar = 'ytd')
> plot(map1)
2011 Oct 31
googleVis motionchart - slow with Date class
I am trying to create a googleVis motion chart with monthly data. When formatting the date column as a Date class variable, the plot as presented in the browser becomes considerably slower and very prone to crashing the browser. To illustrate this issue I have modified the WorldBank demo.
### objects from demo("WorldBank&q...
2010 Dec 14
googleVis 0.2.2 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.2 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror in due course.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation
API. The functions of the package allow users to visualise data
stored in R with the Google Visualisation API without
uploading their data to Google.
We presented our initial ideas on motion charts at LondonR in early
October. Since t...
2010 Dec 14
googleVis 0.2.2 - Using the Google Visualisation API with R
Hi all,
Version 0.2.2 of the googVis package has been released on CRAN and
will be available from your local CRAN mirror in due course.
googleVis provides an interface between R and the Google Visualisation
API. The functions of the package allow users to visualise data
stored in R with the Google Visualisation API without
uploading their data to Google.
We presented our initial ideas on motion charts at LondonR in early
October. Since t...
2011 Oct 08
R-GoogleVis: I need to import my chart into powerpoint file
"Simple" question: how can I do that?
I think that I need to find a possible way to save my googlevis motion plot
into a SWF file, but how?
Thanks for the help,
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/R-GoogleVis-I-need-to-import-my-chart-into-powerpoint-file-tp3885581p3885581.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2013 Jun 11
a title on the map (function gvisGeoChart package googleVis )
I am using the package googleVis and the function gvisGeoChart
Is it possible to put a title on the map ?
Here is the call of the function :
G1 <- gvisGeoChart(PaysProjets, locationvar=''Pays'', colorvar=''NbProj'',
region= "world",
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"....
...triz (la ponente) recomendó esta versión de R y estos paquetes:
> - Disponer de una versión reciente de R (preferiblemente 2.15.3 o mayor)
> - Que la versión de R tenga ya instaladas las librerías: maps, sp,
> maptools, rgdal, rgeos, mapproj, RgoogleMaps, plotGoogleMaps, googleVis,
> ggplot, ggmap, RColorBrewer (y su dependencias).
> Y en cuanto a la Wifi. Sí, el Bar dispone de Wifi. No creo que haya ningún
> problema en que nos den la clave de acceso. Aunque por si acaso (problema
> de congestión) es mejor llevar instaladas las últimas versiones.
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"....
...rsión reciente de R (preferiblemente
>>>> 2.15.3
>>>> > o mayor)
>>>> > - Que la versión de R tenga ya instaladas las librerías: maps,
>>>> > sp, maptools, rgdal, rgeos, RgoogleMaps, plotGoogleMaps,
>>>> googleVis, ggplot,
>>>> > ggmap, RColorBrewer (y su dependencias).
>>>> > - Es recomendable igualmente poder disponer de una llave-USB
>>>> por
>>>> > si hiciera falta copiar y repartir algún conjunto de datos
2011 Jan 15
R scheduling request
Dear all,
I have used R.rps to produce a Google API chart (googleVis) with a
data request in another server.
But i don't understand how is possible to scheduling a request data
to the server and after produce a update of the charts.
Thanks in advance.
Alessandro Oggioni
2013 Apr 02
speedometer charts in R
Hi useRs.
Does anybody know if there is some function that creates speedometer chart
in R? Or if anybody has proposals where to start looking and which
functions I can modify in order to create this kind of chart?
Thanks for any help
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2016 Apr 09
Quantmod abline and axis configuration
...(h=2400, lty=3, col="lightgrey")
abline(h=400, lty=3, col="lightgrey")
But doesnt wotk.
I alo try to set ylim from 0 to max "Foa"+1000 but I?m not able ?Is it
Foa<-as.xts(read.zoo("fa.txt",col.names=c("Date","LAST"), sep="",dec=",",
chartSeries(Foa,theme="white",TA = c(add...
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"....
...>> >
>> >
>> > - Disponer de una versión reciente de R (preferiblemente 2.15.3 o
>> mayor)
>> > - Que la versión de R tenga ya instaladas las librerías: maps, sp,
>> > maptools, rgdal, rgeos, mapproj, RgoogleMaps, plotGoogleMaps,
>> googleVis,
>> > ggplot, ggmap, RColorBrewer (y su dependencias).
>> >
>> >
>> > Y en cuanto a la Wifi. Sí, el Bar dispone de Wifi. No creo que haya
>> ningún
>> > problema en que nos den la clave de acceso. Aunque por si acaso
>> (problema
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"
dependencies = TRUE)
Creo recordar que en el bar S10 *no* hay wifi, mejor llevarlos instalados desde casa.
¡Nos vemos esta tarde!
Pedro Concejer...
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"....
> - Traer un ordenador portátil.
> - Disponer de una versión reciente de R (preferiblemente 2.15.3
> o mayor)
> - Que la versión de R tenga ya instaladas las librerías: maps,
> sp, maptools, rgdal, rgeos, RgoogleMaps, plotGoogleMaps, googleVis, ggplot,
> ggmap, RColorBrewer (y su dependencias).
> - Es recomendable igualmente poder disponer de una llave-USB por
> si hiciera falta copiar y repartir algún conjunto de datos adicional.
> Saludos,
> Carlos Ortega
> www.qualityexcelle...
2012 Feb 09
Arial font in eps figures in R
...ME under /grDevices/afm, and zipping them. That didn't make a difference.
I am currently running R-2.14.1 on Windows7. If I run postscriptFonts(), the Arial font is included in the list, very much as other types of fonts.
I've seen that some R packages are now using arial as default (e.g. googleVis and R2PPT) but I cannot see how it is done.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.