search for: goldenrod

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "goldenrod".

2012 Mar 15
Adding mean values to boxplots
...ab <- 'Percentage (%)' main = 'Productivity Overview - 6 mnths'; par(mai=c(1.5,1,1,0.2), las = 2, xpd=TRUE, cex.axis=0.8, cex.lab=0.8); col = c('forestgreen', 'forestgreen', 'forestgreen', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'goldenrod', 'goldenrod', 'goldenrod'); b <- results[,4:12] boxplot(b, col=col, ylab=ylab, main=main, boxwex=0.4); What i'd like to do is add the mean value, demarcated by the black line in the middle of each box, to the plot. The only way I've managed to add values previously...
2009 Jan 22
ggplot seq
...25 by 2. I am trying to concatenate the breaks but it sorts the seq() in ascending order. Is there a way to workaround it? see scale_x_continuous below: boxP <- ggplot(WFBox, aes(Week, FL,group=Week)) boxP + geom_boxplot(outlier.colour="pink",outlier.size=3,outlier.shape=21,fill="goldenrod",colour="blue") + scale_x_discrete(breaks=c(seq(27,51,2),seq(1,25,2))) Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2004 Jul 25
Colors in survival plots
Hi, Sorry to trouble the list - I would like to ask a question - I can't find the answer in the r-help archives. I am trying to plot 2 survival curves in different colors. What I have tried is this plot(survfit(sim.surv ~,col="red") but both the survival curves turn red... Your advice would be most appreciated! Thank you. Min-Han
2004 Feb 26
Help with multicolored points in one plot
Hello all, I have a situation where I'd like to plot points from multiple groups of data in one plot. I'd like each group's points to be colored a different color. I've seen people comment on how you can alternate colors by providing a range of colors and then it will loop through each color as it plots individual points. However, that just goes by individual points and not by
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
...FFFF", "cyan1", "#00FFFF", "cyan2", "#00EEEE", "cyan3", "#00CDCD", "cyan4", "#008B8B", "darkblue", "#00008B", "darkcyan", "#008B8B", "darkgoldenrod", "#B8860B", "darkgoldenrod1", "#FFB90F", "darkgoldenrod2", "#EEAD0E", "darkgoldenrod3", "#CD950C", "darkgoldenrod4", "#8B6508", "darkgray", "#A9A9A9", "da...