search for: gmy

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "gmy".

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2018 Dec 03
Positions at GMI, Dublin, Ireland
Dear mailing list, Genomics Medicine Ireland is opening new positions for our bioinformatics team. The team will analyse the ?omics data produced at GMI, which currently includes disease cohorts such as IBD, Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, rare diseases, cancer and recently we have opened programs in diabetes and asthma. Our work will also focus on ancestry related topics, namely how
2008 Jan 10
Extracting last time value
I have a dataframe as follows: Date time value 20110620 11:18:00 7 20110620 11:39:00 9 20110621 11:41:00 8 20110621 11:40:00 6 20110622 14:05:00 8 20110622 14:06:00 6 For every date, I want to extract the row that has the greatest time. Therefore, ending up like: 20110620 11:39:00 9 20110621 11:41:00 8 20110622 14:07:00 6 I am using for loops (for every date, find largest time value) to do
2004 Dec 15
sambapasswd and Win98
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi everybody I'm trying to set up a samba server on a win98 net. Samba server is running over linux Fedora Core 3 and the domain server and dhcp server are running on a windows xp. The problem is that can connect to any resourse at the samba server, and I got the message: on Win98 client "No route host to the network" or something
2007 Dec 26
Rbind-ing a list into one item
Hi, I am doing the following: 1. I have a list of files.. Files1=list.files("some directory",pattern="some pattern") 2. I define a list as res=vector("list", length(files1)) 3. I read all the files into this list: res=lapply(files1, read.csv) I now want to rowbind all the items in the list into one big mass (all files have same number of columns). I tried
2007 Dec 19
Aggregating by a grouping
Suppose I have: Book Value A 10 B 11 C 9 D 8 A 12 C 4 D 5 B 7 I want to summarize above not by Book but by groupings of Books as in (below) I have a list ... basic_map <- list(c("A",B"),c("C,D")) Big_names <- c("A1", "A2") Names(basic_map) <- big_names So I want to get : A1 40 A2 26 How do I use tapply AND the list to get my
2008 Jan 08
Error with rbind and zoo
Hi all: I have a directory of files as in -------------> bunchafiles <- list.files(path="/data/2.3/2006", pattern="returns", full.names=T,recursive=T) .... Each file is a bunch of returns for a particular date (unique). There are like 252 files or so. With a custom function myread (below), I define a vector ----- res <-
2017 Jul 20
[PATCH 000/102] Convert drivers to explicit reset API
On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 05:25:04PM +0200, Philipp Zabel wrote: > The reset control API has two modes: exclusive access, where the driver > expects to have full and immediate control over the state of the reset > line, and shared (clock-like) access, where drivers only request reset > deassertion while active, but don't care about the state of the reset line > while inactive.
2017 Jul 19
[PATCH 000/102] Convert drivers to explicit reset API
The reset control API has two modes: exclusive access, where the driver expects to have full and immediate control over the state of the reset line, and shared (clock-like) access, where drivers only request reset deassertion while active, but don't care about the state of the reset line while inactive. Commit a53e35db70d1 ("reset: Ensure drivers are explicit when requesting reset
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list. I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without modifications. How did I try it? Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock ) Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee prep-out.log The build failed at the end: Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL Checking
2006 Apr 06
modules.dep not found
Hello, I am running xen-3.0.1-4 (installed via RPM) on Fedora Core 5 and when trying to boot a guest domain I get the following error message modprobe: Can''t open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.6.16-1.2080_FC5xenU/modules.dep (No such file or directory) modprobe: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented Should I have manually copied this directory over from domain0? Any ideas? Thanks,
2008 Jan 11
R-experts, I have a bunch of files (by date) that I can read into dataframes as below. df$today: identifier rtgmdy rtgmdy_dt rtgmdy_watch rtgmdy_nowatch rtgmdy_watch_dt rtgsp rtgsp_dt 310000031 Aa3 20050701 Aa3 NA AA- 20050510 310000086 B1 20070920 B1 NA B+ 20070828 310000106 Baa2 20040326 Baa2 NA BBB 20051003 310000170 Baa3 20070601 Baa3 NA BBB+ 20051024 310000225 Ba2 20070601 Ba2 NA
2006 Jan 07
CIFS + NFS'ing a single filesystem w/ locking
Hi, I have a Solaris 10 server exporting UFS directories using built-in NFS. I've built Samba 3.0.20b from OpenPKG ( I have a Solaris 10 (x86) client mounting the NFS share and opening OpenDocument files using StarOffice 8 (SO8, aka OO2.0). I also have a Windows 2003 Terminal Server mounting the Samba share and opening documents with SO8. This is a temporary development