search for: gm1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "gm1".

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2012 Apr 02
gamm: tensor product and interaction
Hi list, I'm working with gamm models of this sort, using Simon Wood's mgcv library: gm<- gamm(Z~te(x,y),data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) gm1<-gamm(Z~te(x,y,by=Factor)+Factor,data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) with a dataset of about 70000 rows and 110 levels for Group in order to test whether tensor product smooths vary across factor levels. I was wondering if comparing those two models would be enough to conclude? I saw a preceding p...
2012 Apr 25
random effects in library mgcv
...of group1, Factor2 is a binary variable for individuals of group 2 I use gam models of this sort with random effects coded using a s( ..., bs="re") term: gm<-gam(Y~Factor+te(x1,x2,by=Factor) )+s(Individual,bs="re"),dat=Data,family=binomial(link=logit),method="REML") gm1<-gam(Y~Factor+te(x1,x2)+ te(x1,x2,by=Factor1)+ te(x1,x2,by=Factor2)+s(Individual,bs="re"),dat=Data,family=binomial(link=logit),method="REML") 1)First question: is it OK to use gam() to model a binary variable with random effects coded as a "bs="re" term"?...
2011 Mar 26
another import puzzle
...The package passes the routine parts of R CMD check. The following test shows that, with lme4 loaded, coef(summary([object of class "mer"])) works in the global environment, but not in a function defined inside the namespace of the package. The output ends with: > coeftab.default(gm1) [1] "summaryDefault" "table" Error in object$coefficients : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Calls: coeftab.default -> coef -> coef -> coef.default which indicates that inside the function, summary() is calling summary.default instead of seeing the summary m...
2008 Aug 20
bug in lme4?
Dear all, I found a problem with 'lme4'. Basically, once you load the package 'aod' (Analysis of Overdispersed Data), the functions 'lmer' and 'glmer' don't work anymore: library(lme4) (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) (gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), family = binomial, data = cbpp)) install.packages("aod") library(aod) (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) (gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd...
2008 Jul 16
Likelihood ratio test between glm and glmer fits
Dear list, I am fitting a logistic multi-level regression model and need to test the difference between the ordinary logistic regression from a glm() fit and the mixed effects fit from glmer(), basically I want to do a likelihood ratio test between the two fits. The data are like this: My outcome is a (1,0) for health status, I have several (1,0) dummy variables RURAL, SMOKE, DRINK, EMPLOYED,
2010 Mar 14
likelihood ratio test between glmer and glm;- logLik(obj1) L1 <- logLik(obj2) L01 <- as.vector(- 2 * (L0 - L1)) df <- attr(L1, "df") - attr(L0, "df") list(L01 = L01, df = df, "p-value" = pchisq(L01, df, lower.tail = FALSE)) } gm0 <- glm(cbind(female,male)~date,family = binomial, data = liz3) gm1 <- glmer(cbind(female,male)~date+(1|dam),family=binomial,data= liz3) lrt(gm0, gm1) and I have compared the deviances as follows: (d0 <- deviance(gm0)) (d1 <- deviance(gm1)) (LR <- d0 - d1) pchisq(LR, 1, lower.tail = FALSE) As in some of the examples posted, although the varianc...
2003 May 26
chan_h323 and extensions.conf
Hi all, I try to ask helps again about chan_h323 extensions. I define this in h323.conf: [general] port = 1720 bindaddr = allow=gsm allow=ulaw gatekeeper = DISABLE context=default [gm1] type=friend host= context=default [gm2] type=friend host= context=default and I have in extensions.conf : [demo] ... [default] include => demo exten => 1020,1,Dial(H323/gm1@ exten => 1025,1,Dial(...
2008 Nov 30
methods not found inside function?
...sed to the function no longer calls the S4 method ... Any explanations/workarounds for this ... ? cheers Ben Bolker ## before loading the lme4 package: > summary function (object, ...) UseMethod("summary") <environment: namespace:base> ## now load lme4: library(lme4) gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), family = binomial, data = cbpp) ## examine "summary": > summary standardGeneric for "summary" defined from package "base" function (object, ...) standardGeneric("summary"...
2009 May 20
Plot data from table with column and row names
Dear All Sorry for what appears a trivial matter - I'm new to R and am stumbling ahead. I have a table of numerical data (36 rows by 12 columns) such as below: GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 ...etc GM12 Run1 1 2 1 2 3 ... Run2 2 1 3 2 1 ... ... Run36 2 1 1 1 1 I would like to plot simple line graphs of some of the runs or all 36 to compare together but I can't even get a plot to have the GM1-...
2010 Mar 31
Simplifying particular piece of code
Hello, everyone I have a piece of code that looks like this: mrets <- merge(mrets, BMM.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="BMM.AV120", stdev="BMM.SD120")) mrets <- merge(mrets, GM1.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="GM1.AV120", stdev="GM1.SD120")) mrets <- merge(mrets, IYC.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="IYC.AV120", stdev="IYC.SD120")) mrets <- merge(mrets, FCA.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="FCA.AV120", stdev="FCA.SD1...
2010 Feb 04
Retrieve estimates from glmer()
Dear all, I am running glmer() in R. How can I retrieve the estimates of fixed effects and the variance of the random effects from the result? Thank you so much. Joe ___________________________________________________ ±zªº¥Í¬¡§Y®É³q ¡Ð ·¾³q¡B®T¼Ö¡B¥Í¬¡¡B¤u§@¤@¦¸·d©w¡I [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Mar 29
multiple plots in vis.gam()
Hi, I'm working with gamm models of this sort: gm<- gamm(Z~te(x,y),data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) gm1<-gamm(Z~te(x,y,by=Factor)+Factor,data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) with a dataset of about 70000 rows and 110 levels for Group if I use plot(gm1$gam), I obtain 3 different surface plots, one for each level of my factor but I would like to create more complex contour plots for those 3 graphics an...
2008 Aug 16
Panic in nfs/ffs after upgrade from 6.2 to 6.3-RELEASE
...d from the timestamp seem to be just prior to the crash, but shouldn't lead to the crash of the nfs server. The lack of logout after the 15:22:54 one suggests that this was the point that the file server went offline. The only directory that was mounted at that time was in /export (/dev/mirror/gm1a): alson@damaged:~$ gmirror status Name Status Components mirror/gm0 DEGRADED ad4s1 mirror/gm1 COMPLETE ad8s1 ad10s1 The server had been up for about 250 days with similar (and usually significantly heavier) load with 6.2-STABLE before the upgrade. The evening a...
2012 Sep 18
Lowest AIC after stepAIC can be lowered by manual reduction of variables
...s since all (or its interaction) have a p-value < 0.1, I get a model with 4 variables and 2 interactions and an AIC of 33.879 So my questions: Why didn't the stepAIC give me the model with AIC=33.879? And which model should I think of as the best? For my calculations I used these formulae: gm1<-glm(cpi~time+tank+...,data=d1) gm2<-stepAIC(gm1) summary(gm2) #to get the "best" model -> AIC=40.008 #afterwards I reduced manually using the formula: summary(glm(cpi~time+tank+...,data=d1)) giving me a model with AIC=33.879 Hope you understand what I did, and that you can help...
2010 Apr 13
transpose but different
...ata.frame(cbind(id,group)) a id group 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 1 5 5 2 6 6 2 7 7 3 8 8 3 9 9 3 10 10 3 11 11 3 12 12 3 Result should be (gm = groupmember) id group gm1 gm2 gm3 gm4 gm5 gm6 gm7 etc. 1 1 2 3 4 NA NA NA NA 2 1 1 3 4 NA NA NA NA 3 1 1...
2013 Nov 07
Error running MuMIn dredge function using glmer models
Dear list, I am trying to use MuMIn to compare all possible mixed models using the dredge function on binomial data but I am getting an error message that I cannot decode. This error only occurs when I use glmer. When I use an lmer analysis on a different response variable every works great. Example using a simplified glmer model global model: mod<- glmer(cbind(st$X2.REP.LIVE,
2009 Nov 11
lme4 glmer how to extract the z values?
Hello, I am using glmer() from lmer(lme4) to run generalized linear mixed models. I can't figure out how to extract the z values for the fixed effects that are reported using the summary function . Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Spencer [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 21
glmer -- extracting standard errors and other statistics
Hello, I am using glmer() from lmer(lme4) to run generalized linear mixed models. However, I am having a problem extracting the standard errors for the fixed effects. I have used: summary(model)$coef fixed.effects(model) coef(model) to get out the parameter estimates, but do not seem able to extract the se's. Anybody have a solution? Thanks, John
2009 Mar 17
update on mcmcsamp for glmer
I've searched the help archives of both lists and apologize if I missed the answer to my question: Is there an update on developing mcmcsamp for glmer? I'm using R v. 2.7.2 (on our Unix server - will hopefully be updated soon) and 2.8.1 on my PC and get the message for both: gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),family = binomial, data = cbpp) temp<-mcmcsamp(gm1, 1000) Error in .local(object, n, verbose, ...) : Update not yet written Here is the session info if that's helpful: PC: > sessionInfo() R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) i...
2012 Jun 19
ANOVA help find genes that are statistically significant across the four experiments. I carried out one-way anova as follows: sTest<-read.table("myData.dat",header = T, row.names = 1) group <- gl(4,4,16, label=c("Glucose","Citrate", "Tide","Dawn")) gm1 <- (x~group, data=sTest) I received error messages that "x" is unknown, and did not know how to go further from here. Please help!!! James [[alternative HTML version deleted]]