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2005 Apr 03
Problems with Shorewall 2.2 on Fedora FC3
I installed Shorewall 2.2.2 on a vanilla install of Fedora FC3 I have not udated the kernel yet. After some fault finding I went back to the 2 interface example configuration files for 2.2.2. In shorewall.conf I have to specify the path for IPTABLES="/sbin". If I leave this commented out then shorewall reports that it cannot find iptables. When I have this line in shorewall will
2003 Jan 03
Shorewall problems
I have installed Shorewall OK and it seemed to be working OK however I am having a problem with rejecting local request to the net in my test environment. The problem is when I put in the policy file the line loc net REJECT info the PC on the local network can still ping the PC that I am using to simulate the internet. Also there is no log entry that the request has been rejected. I have also
2003 Jan 08
Shorewall and NIS
I was trying to get NIS working today and it seemed that Shorewall was blocking the NIS traffic as the ypbind worked fine on the NIS master (the shorewall server) however a client could not connect as it could not find the domain server. I stopped shorewall and tried again however it still would not connect which should eliminate shorewall. I am not sure that I have NIS set up correctly
2003 Jan 04
Another Inquiry
In the same test environment that I mentioned in my previous message I set up a caching DNS server. When I ran named I noticed in the message log a whole string of log messages saying that the DNS requests to the root servers had been rejected by the default all2all policy. Presumably this is the policy all all REJECT info that is at the end of the default policy file. I have put in the DNS