Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "githubsubmodules".
2016 Jul 28
[RFC] One or many git repositories?
>> If we go down this path improvements can be made to the bot so that each
>> submodule update commit only includes one submodule update. That would be
>> fairly simple to add.
> Nice! Thanks Chris!
> I'll update the GitHubSubModules proposal with those links.
> cheers,
> --renato
2016 Jul 28
[RFC] One or many git repositories?
> On Jul 28, 2016, at 12:05 PM, Justin Lebar <jlebar at google.com> wrote:
>>> The decision of whether or not to include these projects
>>> affects only read-write consumers of these projects -- of which there
>>> are relatively few people.
>> Maybe there are few, but the impact is non-insignificant. Also I think the opinions of the
2016 Jul 26
[RFC] One or many git repositories?
Hi Duncan,
> […]
> 2. Those working on projects *outside* the monolithic repo will get the downsides of both: a monolithic repo that they are only using parts of, and multiple repos that are somehow version-locked.
> 3. For many (most?) developers, changing to a monolithic git repo is a *bigger* workflow change than switching to separate git repos. Many people (and at least some