search for: girt

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "girt".

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2007 Oct 08
Dell PowerEdge 860, Sangoma A108
...getting me a quad-core Dell PowerEdge 860 to run Asterisk. Anyone else using this model? Any tales of woe and sorrow I should know about? Then, in a couple of weeks, I'm thinking of getting a Sangoma A108 and giving that a try. Same question with that one - any quirks I should be aware of? Girts -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 08
Injecting a sound file into a bridged call there's Playback() and Background() available in the dialplan, but I need to be able to trigger the sound at will after the call's already been established. This sounds like a simple thing to wish for, yet I don't see a ready answer. Any tips would be appreciated. TIA, Girts -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2013 Nov 08
virt-install not spawning VM
Hello, In trying girt-install with below parameters I get the following error, -bash: virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name vm1 --ram 2048 --vcpus: No such file or directory What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. host:~# qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1.qcow2 20480 Formatting '/var/li...
2008 Jun 30
Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Operations error Win 2k8 samba 3.2.0rc2
Hello, I'm trying to join Samba 3.2.0rc2 with Windows 2008 domain. Net ads join returns: Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Operations error Tried to use ktpass and keytab, but it also failed. Tried googling failed to set machine spn, but got no results. What else could I try ? Some more debug info: -d 10 output (replaced domain and domain sid): [2008/06/30 13:38:10, 10]