search for: getunits

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "getunits".

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2015 Dec 04
InstrStage, Interpretation of getUnits()
Here is the code <> for InstrStage::getUnits() /// \brief Returns the choice of FUs. unsigned getUnits() const { return Units_; } This method returns an integer. How does one interpret it? As far as I see it it should tell me what resources are used by a given stage but I can't figure out what a return value means. Would anyone care to...
2016 May 08
Debug info scope of explicit casting type does not seem correct
That happens because we create the subprogram below as a context to the “DW_TAG_typedef” that was created as a type to “DW_TAG_pointer_type” that was added to the retained type list because of the explicit cast to (T*). This is the code that creates DW_TAG_subprogram: DIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateSubprogramDIE(const DISubprogram *SP, bool Minimal) { ... // DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine may refer
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Hi David If you look at line there is IR verification which asserts that only in case of `spFlags = DISPFlagDefinition`, the compilation unit (`unit` field) should be present. Otherwise, it should *not* be present. In the crash case, `spFlags = DISPFlagOptimized`. So, I guess, `unit` field should *not* be present,
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Hi- Here is the simple C++ function: ----------- void foo() { } ----------- Let's say, above function is compiled to generate LLVM IR with -g flag using the command line `clang++ -g -O0 -S -emit-llvm foo.cpp`, we get below IR ----------- ; ModuleID = 'foo.cpp' source_filename = "foo.cpp" target datalayout =
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
I am bit confused - `unit` must be present for definitions, and `optimized ` is also a `definition`, so, `unit` must be present for `optimized ` too. Am I right? Mahesha On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 10:14 PM David Blaikie <dblaikie at> wrote: > definition and optimized are orthogonal (a function could be both, or > neither) - one says this DISubprogram describes a function
2020 Jun 01
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Let's forget about my malformed IR if it is adding additional confusion here. I mentioned it here to ease the conversation, but if it is causing confusion rather than making the discussion flow easier, then we better ignore it. The whole triggering point for this email initiative is - one of the applications is crashing with the stack trace that I mentioned earlier. The crash is during the
2015 Nov 16
DFAPacketizer assert failure
...s occupied by a MCInstrDesc and // change the current state to reflect that change. void DFAPacketizer::reserveResources(const llvm::MCInstrDesc *MID) { unsigned InsnClass = MID->getSchedClass(); const llvm::InstrStage *IS = InstrItins->beginStage(InsnClass); unsigned FuncUnits = IS->getUnits(); UnsignPair StateTrans = UnsignPair(CurrentState, FuncUnits); ReadTable(CurrentState); assert(CachedTable.count(StateTrans) != 0); CurrentState = CachedTable[StateTrans]; } This happens at the packetization stage, i.e. scheduling seems to work. My schedule description is not very differe...
2016 May 07
Debug info scope of explicit casting type does not seem correct
Hi David, OK, I got that DIE in Compile Unit scope may point to a DIE in subprogram scope. But how about that we are emitting a subprogram entry that has no attributes? 0x0000002b: DW_TAG_subprogram [3] * 0x0000002c: DW_TAG_typedef [4] DW_AT_type [DW_FORM_ref4] (cu + 0x0040 => {0x00000040}) DW_AT_name [DW_FORM_strp] (
2012 Apr 19
[LLVMdev] Target Dependent Hexagon Packetizer patch
...If it doesn't, we ignore the instruction. >> + const MCInstrDesc& TID = MI->getDesc(); >> + unsigned SchedClass = TID.getSchedClass(); >> + const InstrStage* IS = ResourceTracker->getInstrItins()->beginStage(SchedClass); >> + unsigned FuncUnits = IS->getUnits(); >> + return !FuncUnits; >> +} >> + >> +// isSoloInstruction: - Returns true for instructions that must be >> +// scheduled in their own packet. >> +bool HexagonPacketizerList::isSoloInstruction(MachineInstr *MI) { >> + >> + if (MI->isInlineAsm...