Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "getenvironmentvari".
2007 Oct 04
Prototyping the Dir class
extend Windows::File
extend Windows::Unicode
extend Windows::Directory
extend Windows::Process
extend Windows::Handle
MAX_PATH = 260
def self.chdir(dir = nil, &block)
if dir.nil?
buf = 0.chr * 1024 # 32k is the official limit
if GetEnvironmentVariable(''USERPROFILE'', buf, buf.size) == 0
if GetEnvironmentVariable(''HOME'', buf, buf.size) == 0
raise ArgumentError, ''USERPROFILE/HOME not set''
dir = buf.unpack("Z*")[...
2006 Nov 27
R.DLL mapping by P/Invoke
...Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\R-core\\R", false).GetValue("InstallPath")
//- Fix the process PATH
dllPath + "\\bin;" + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"),
//- Load the R.DLL module into the process
sg_hModR = LoadLibrary(dllPath + "\\bin\\R.dll");
if (sg_hModR == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("Unab...
2007 Oct 17
Using R.dll in .NET IPC
...Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\R-core\\R", false).GetValue("InstallPath")
//- Fix the process PATH
dllPath + "\\bin;" + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"),
//- Load the R.DLL module into the process
sg_hModR = LoadLibrary(dllPath + "\\bin\\R.dll");
if (sg_hModR == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("Unab...
2014 Jun 13
Wine release 1.7.20
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 1.7.20 (total 88):
9616 Pronunciation Patterns 3 doesn't start
12371 Neural Noise Synthesizer (Thinstall virtualization wrapped app) fails to launch (GetEnvironmentVariableA/W needs to respect size limits for temp buffer allocation)
13432 ZDaemon: freezes when exiting launcher
13459 Oberon game launcher (incl. buttons) does not work
13719 E-texteditor installs but freezes on run
14693 Program halts when on another virtual desktop
14718 Rappelz will...
2020 Aug 01
Wine release 5.14
ntdll: Compare builtins by their device and inode number directly.
ntdll: Append ntdll.dll to the builtin_modules list.
ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add some tests for file names.
ntdll/tests: Add more tests for object names.
dbghelp: Replace another usage of GetEnvironmentVariable() with the target process's environment.
Zhiyi Zhang (23):
user32: Trace ChangeDisplaySettingsExW() results.
user32: Trace EnumDisplaySettingsExW() results.
user32/tests: Test that EnumDisplayMonitors() doesn't set error codes.
user32/tests: Add more ChangeDispl...