search for: getdoparworkers

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "getdoparworkers".

2012 May 08
revolution foreach oddity
...eturns the same numbers. The only way I can get revolution to give different numbers is using 1 instead of 8 in registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(8, type = "SOCK")) but that seems to defeat the point. library(foreach) library(doSNOW) registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(8, type = "SOCK")) getDoParWorkers() getDoParName() getDoParVersion() mySamples <- foreach (jj = 1:4, .combine=cbind) %dopar% { return(sample(1:10,10,replace=TRUE)) } mySamples ########## r 2.14.1 ########## > library(foreach) > library(doSNOW) > registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(8, type = "SOCK")) > get...
2011 Jul 02
%dopar% parallel processing experiment
...nction ARGV <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) if (ARGV[1] == "do-onecore") { ?library(foreach) ?discard <- foreach(i = 1:A) %do% uniroot( minfn, c(1e-20,9e20), i ) } else if (ARGV[1] == "do-multicore") { ?library(doMC) ?registerDoMC() ?cat("You have", getDoParWorkers(), "cores\n") ?discard <- foreach(i = 1:A) %dopar% uniroot( minfn, c(1e-20,9e20), i ) } else if (ARGV[1] == "plain") ?for (i in 1:A) discard <- uniroot( minfn, c(1e-20,9e20), i ) else cat("sorry, but argument", ARGV[1], "is not plain|do-onecore|do-multic...
2012 Feb 02
bigkmeans not parallel
I'm using bigkmeans in 'biganalytics' to cluster my 60,000 by 600,000 matrix. I'm using a 8 core Linux VM. I have register parallel backend with >registerDoMC() And I checked how many cores registered with >getDoParWorkers() It returns 8, which is the number of cores I have on my machine. And I run the test below, whose results shows improved speed due to parallel. check <-function(n) { + for(i in 1:1000) + { + sme <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10,10) + solve(sme) + } + } times <- 100 # times to run the loop s...
2012 Feb 21
Running Amelia with parallel processors in Windows
...elia, but the data set is large so it takes a long time. As a result, I'm trying to run the multiple imputation with parallel processors in Windows, but am having trouble. Here is a quick example: ###### library(foreach) library(doSNOW) registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK")) getDoParWorkers() getDoParName() getDoParVersion() data(africa) iterations <- 4 foreach(i = 1:iterations) %dopar% { amelia(x = africa, m=1, cs = "country", ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc") } ###### When I run the foreach loop, I receive the following warning Error in { : task 1 f...
2011 Oct 27
help with parallel processing code
Hello R gurus, I have the code below for which i need help and pointers to make it run in parallel on a dual core win7 computer with R 2.13.x, using foreach, iterators,doMC. library(scatterplot3d) # Loads 3D library. library(fields) library(MASS) library(ROCR) library(verification) library(caret) library(gregmisc) ##simulated data d=replicate(9, rnorm(40)+10)
2011 Apr 19
doSMP package works better than perfect, at least sometimes. package. They occasionally get kicked for their closed-source addon to R, but it's clear that their releases of packages like doSMP and foreach are important contributions to the community. ###### Toy test code follows:###### # Toy SMP memory.limit(3000) require(doSMP) require(reshape2) getDoParWorkers() w<- startWorkers(workerCount=3) registerDoSMP(w) timeSMP <- function(g, n) # g = number of groups to process # n = size of each group. { for(rep in 1:3) { times <- NULL dd <- data.frame(k=rep(1:g, n), x=runif(g*n)) ddSplit <- split(dd, dd$k) tt<-system...