search for: getclientrect

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "getclientrect".

2008 Mar 07
...rb, part of the wxRuby project // Do not make changes directly to this file! Is this still the case, or was this just a one-time conversion? 228 out of 441 files in that directory don''t have the comment. I ask this because I''m investigating why I can''t seem to call GetClientRect (or get_client_rect, or just client_rect) on Wx::Window. It''s not in swig/classes/include/wxWindow.h, but I don''t know if this file should be hand-edited or if there is some XML file hiding from me somewhere. I''m sure one of you guys could probably fix this prob...
2008 Jan 24
Problems when compiling MFC application;<br> <font size="2">hello.cpp:48: error: expected `;' before "rect"</font><br> <font size="2">hello.cpp:49: error: `rect' was not declared in this scope</font><br> <font size="2">hello.cpp:49: error: `GetClientRect' was not declared in this scope</font><br> <font size="2">hello.cpp:51: error: `CPaintDC' was not declared in this scope</font><br> <font size="2">hello.cpp:51: error: expected `;' before "dc"</font><br> <f...
2002 Feb 05
Still no luck on command line parse [Bug 417]
...fd ds=01e7 08247d08:Call USER.31: ISICONIC(0x0027) ret=03a7:16b4 ds=01e7 08247d08:Ret USER.31: ISICONIC() retval=0x0000 ret=03a7:16b4 ds=01e7 08247d08:Call USER.272: ISZOOMED(0x0027) ret=03a7:16c0 ds=01e7 08247d08:Ret USER.272: ISZOOMED() retval=0x0000 ret=03a7:16c0 ds=01e7 08247d08:Call USER.33: GETCLIENTRECT(0x0027,01e7:d8b4) ret=03a7:2435 ds=01e7 08247d08:Ret USER.33: GETCLIENTRECT() retval=0x0063 ret=03a7:2435 ds=01e7 08247d08:Call USER.258: MAPWINDOWPOINTS(0x0027,0x0000,01e7:d8b4,0x0002) ret=03a7:2444 ds=01e7 08247d08:Ret USER.258: MAPWINDOWPOINTS() retval=0x45fa ret=03a7:2444 ds=01e7 08247d08:Cal...
2004 Mar 11
lotus notes 6
..."C:\\Program Files\\lotus\\notes\\nlnotes.exe", setting to 0xdeadbeef err:module:import_dll No implementation for USER32.dll.InvalidateRect imported from L"C:\\Program Files\\lotus\\notes\\nlnotes.exe", setting to 0xdeadbeef err:module:import_dll No implementation for USER32.dll.GetClientRect imported from L"C:\\Program Files\\lotus\\notes\\nlnotes.exe", setting to 0xdeadbeef err:module:import_dll No implementation for USER32.dll.IsWindow imported from L"C:\\Program Files\\lotus\\notes\\nlnotes.exe", setting to 0xdeadbeef err:module:import_dll No implementation for U...
2005 May 25
err:local:LOCAL_GetBlock not enough space in GDI heap
...a program in win32 that does some drawing. After running it for a while it stops drawing the colors for the shapes I draw using GDI functions and it throws multiple time this error: err:local:LOCAL_GetBlock not enough space in GDI heap 10bf for 36 bytes The WM_PAINT message looks like this: GetClientRect (m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, &rc); hdc = BeginPaint (m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, &ps); // Create an off-screen DC for double-buffering hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdc, rc.right, rc.bottom); hOld = SelectObject (hdcMem, hbmMem); // Draw...
2001 Sep 01
Wiso Sparbuch terminates with: X Error of failed request ..
...l=00000000 ret=407a68b1 0823cd40:Ret x11drv.GetDC() retval=00000001 ret=4070dbce 0823cd40:Ret user32.GetWindowDC() retval=00000880 ret=6256959a 0823cd40:Call user32.GetWindowRect(00000c24,40603e3c) ret=6256cec3 0823cd40:Ret user32.GetWindowRect() retval=00000001 ret=6256cec3 0823cd40:Call user32.GetClientRect(00000c24,40603e4c) ret=6256ced4 0823cd40:Ret user32.GetClientRect() retval=00000001 ret=6256ced4 0823cd40:Call user32.MapWindowPoints(00000c24,00000000,40603e4c,00000002) ret=6256cee9 0823cd40:Ret user32.MapWindowPoints() retval=006e0262 ret=6256cee9 0823cd40:Call gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(0000088...
2005 Apr 27
does anyone have success with wxruby with wxwidgets 2.6?
...invalid window handle when trying to run samples/minimal/minimal.rb: warning: 19:11:41: In file ../src/msw/frame.cpp at line 441: ''SetMenu'' failed with error 0x00000578 (Недопустимый дескриптор окна.). warning: 19:11:41: In file ../include/wx/msw/private.h at line 335: ''GetClientRect'' failed with error 0x00000578 (Недопустимый дескриптор окна.). warning: 19:11:41: In file ../src/msw/statbr95.cpp at line 185: ''StatusBar_SetParts'' failed with error 0x00000578 (Недопустимый дескриптор окна.). (unreadable russian letters mean just -- "inappropriate...
2002 Mar 01
UI regression
Hi, Earlier this year I "upgraded" from wine 20010510 to 20011226 in order to see if some kind of resource leak was fixed which caused screen redraws to get progressively slower and slower and slower and slower, .... That was fixed but there seemed to be a significant number of graphics and UI regressions. I've just upgraded to 20020228 to see if things were any better and within
2002 Aug 06
Getting a GUI to work with Vorbis code
...painting SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.GetSafeHdc(), 0); // Center icon in client rectangle int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2; // Draw the icon dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); } else { CDialog::OnPaint(); } } // The syste...
2019 Mar 29
Wine release 4.5
...str. mshtml: Propagate nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration errors. mshtml: Add IHTMLWindow7::getComputedStyle implementation. mshtml: Expose getComputedStyle to scripts. mshtml: Handle removeAttribute("filter") calls on detached style objects. mshtml: Add IHTMLElement::getClientRects implementation. mshtml: Add IHTMLRectCollection implementation. mshtml: Alloc proper BSTR size in return_nscstr. mshtml: Add IHTMLDocument7::createElementNS implementation. mshtml: Add IHTMLDOMNode3::get_namespaceURI implementation. mshtml: Add IElementSelector::query...