search for: get_key_cod

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "get_key_cod".

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2006 Oct 19
[ wxruby-Bugs-6235 ] KeyEvent#get_key_code not working properly on OS X
...:43 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: current Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 4 Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Assigned to: Kevin Smith (qualitycode) Summary: KeyEvent#get_key_code not working properly on OS X Initial Comment: The wrong values are getting returned from KeyEvent#get_key_code on OS X, unicode builds. This is visible in the caret sample; if the arrow keys are used to try and move the cursor, rubbish characters are instead inserted into the sample - because the...
2007 Apr 14
how to simulate key_down event(when event.get_key_code()==Wx::K_DOWN) in ListCtrl or TreeCtrl?
...the selected item change into the next one item, just like user press a Wx::K_DOWN(arrow key down on keyboard) . but not jump to some item started with a "J" charater. evt_tree_key_down(TreeTest_Ctrl) { | e | on_tree_key_down(e) } ... def on_tree_key_down(event) keycode = event.get_key_code() case keycode when 74 # ''j'' ''s keycode #what should I write here? ............... end end that''s the basic, when I know how to write, i will organize the program''s struct. thanks! cy
2011 Mar 01
Bonsoir Alex, en utilisant "event.get_key_code" avec les touches du pavé numérique(clavier azerty) j''obtient les résultats suivants: par exemple: 1 = 324 2 = 325 3 = 326 Est-ce que j''obtient les mêmes résultats avec les mêmes touches avec un clavier querty? merci. _______________________________________________ wxr...
2008 Jan 14
Focus on TextCtrl
Hello. I have a problem with set focus on a TextCtrl in wxRuby. I must do something like Login TextCtrl and set focus on a next TextCtrl by clicking Tab key. -- Posted via
2003 Nov 25
Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?
...piece of code (adapted from samples/etc/test.rb): def initialize(title) super(nil, -1, title,,-1),,590), Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | Wx::FRAME_SHAPED) evt_paint { onPaint } evt_char { | evt | puts "Got char evt: "+evt.to_s if evt.get_key_code.chr =~ /\s/ next_image end } @bitmap = nil @file = nil end (I''ve added the constant for Wx::FRAME_SHAPED to try and allow resizing programtically. Doesn''t seem to work, but that''s a seperate issue). I''m using a class based on Kevin'&...
2007 Jul 04
[1107] trunk/wxruby2: Add the 2.8 get_modifiers method to KeyEvent; remove some deprecated
...#alt_down":#KeyEvent_altdown </span><span class="cx"> * "KeyEvent#cmd_down":#KeyEvent_cmddown </span><span class="cx"> * "KeyEvent#control_down":#KeyEvent_controldown </span><span class="cx"> * "KeyEvent#get_key_code":#KeyEvent_getkeycode </span><ins>+* "KeyEvent#get_modifiers":#KeyEvent_getmodifiers </ins><span class="cx"> * "KeyEvent#get_position":#KeyEvent_getposition </span><span class="cx"> * "KeyEvent#get_raw_key_code&q...
2006 Nov 23
[754] trunk/wxruby2/samples/bigdemo: Rubified samples and added in missing client data sample code
...return x </span><span class="lines">@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ </span><span class="cx"> end </span><span class="cx"> </span><span class="cx"> def on_key(event) </span><del>- key = event.get_key_code() </del><ins>+ key = event.get_key_code </ins><span class="cx"> if key >= 32 and key <= 127 </span><del>- @typedText += key.chr() </del><ins>+ @typedText += key.chr </ins><span class=&quot...
2004 May 22
Tabbing between Notebook pages
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: wxTony.rbw Type: application/octet-stream Size: 10436 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2004 Jan 08
pictorG #evt_tree_begin_drag(self.get_id) { |e| # puts e.get_item #} evt_tree_item_right_click(self.get_id) {|e| ShowMenu(e.get_item,e.get_point) } evt_menu(ID_EDITLAB) { edit_label get_selection } evt_tree_key_down(self.get_id) {|e| case e.get_key_code when K_F2 edit_label get_selection end } end def build_from_tree parent,tree m = parent.nil? ? {|p,l| @root=add_root l} : {|p,l| append_item p,l} unless tree.kind_of? Tree parent,tree else # tree is real tree node =