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2010 Jan 29
Vector from Matrix
Dear Mailing List Members, the problem I've been grappling with für quite some time now is the following: I have a 100 rows x 200 columns matrix. data.set <- matrix(rnorm(20000, 100, 200)) Now I would like to get a vector of length 100 which collects the values from the following procedure: Take the sum of the minima of the two values from each row of columns 1 and 101, and divide it
2010 Jul 19
Reshaping data
Dear All, I have some data in the following shape: ID begin_t1 end_t1 begin_t2 end_t2 Thomas 11/03/04 13/05/06 04/02/07 16/05/08 ... ... ... ... ... Jens 24/01/02 23/05/03 07/06/03 14/11/05 I would like to reshape this data to have the following form: ID Begin_Time End_Time Thomas 11/03/04 13/05/06 Thomas 04/02/07 16/05/08 ... ... ... Jens 24/01/02 23/05/03 Jens
2008 Jan 11
Problems with rspec + remote db
...o such file or directory - dropdb -U "coleira" coleira_test C:/ruby/bin/rake: No such file or directory - createdb -E unicode -U "coleira" coleira_test after doing a "rake spec --trace" I found out that this is happening at the rake db:test:purge task, so I''m gessing that it is trying to run "pgsql" from my machine. I tested migrating the database and it all went fine. Is it not possible to use RSpec with a remote db? Any help will be fine, thanks in advance =) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because...
2007 Feb 09
AoTuV branch
when will be merged the vorbis-aotuv branch into the reference library of vorbis? I feel that the development of vorbis is almost null if the aotuv don't exist... it will be nice to have the reference library using the last tunings as soon as posible... I gess it will be 1.1.3? or there are other surprises that can make it 1.2.0? __________________________________________________ Correo
2010 Mar 23
Transform data set
Dear R Experts, I am having some trouble creating a variable in R. I have data on self-placement of voters, their placement of parties, and which party they feel closest to. The data is structured like this: Party_Close lrplaceself lrplaceParty1 lrplaceParty2 ... party1 2 4 5 party2 5 6 4 party1 6 2 1 etc... I want to format the data set so it looks like this: Party_Close
2007 Oct 19
Name length of function argument? (PR#10357)
Hi, I've just been programming a function to calculate the likelihood in a probit model. The function looks like this likelihood <- function(Y,X,p) { Z <- p[1] +p[2]*X P <- Y*pnorm(Z) + (1-Y)*(1-pnorm(Z)) -prod(P) } out <- optim(likelihood,p=c(0,0),Y=wells$switch,X=wells$dist, hessian=TRUE) X and Y are vectors containing column data. This works fine, however, if I rename p to
2010 Apr 23
Event History Data Recoding
Dear R list, I have an event history data set that is structured like this: Legislative act Discussion Agreement Time Event Act1 2006-05-30 2006-06-19 20 1 Act2 2004-03-01 2004-06-14 105 1 . . . I have information on the meetings in the legislature between adoption periods in a separate variable (the
2004 Jan 05
slow and max connection errors
Sorry about not being specific enough. I will try and be more so in the future. Here is what I have currently: Apple X-serve running Yellowdog (a Redhat 9 port for ppc) with 1GB of RAM, 3 60GB HD not setup as RAID. They are individual partitions (/var and /, /home and /shared). The shared partition is strictly for Samba file sharing. I build in a matching user in both the system and in
2011 Sep 02
Maximum Likelihood using optim()
Dear mailing list, I would like to use the optim() command in order to maximize the logged likelihood of the following function, where p is the parameter of interest and should be constrained between 0 and positive infinity. y = 1/2 * ((te - x)/(te - tc))^p x and y are given by x <- c(5.18, 6.28, 7.00, 7.08, 7.54, 7.90, 8.24, 8.64, 12.17, 12.89, 14.27, 15.38, 15.80, 16.46, 20.41, 21.27,
2007 Oct 18
Run-time error '429'
Hello, I'm running wine on my Lenovo X60s under Ubuntu 7.04 I received a small program-executable made somehow with Matlab. A simple flow simulation model. Installation and executing the file with wine seems to be unproblematic first. However, there are some functions in the program where it crashes with the following message: Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create
2011 Sep 26
Conditional Evaluation
Dear mailing list, how can I identify all those rows of matrix B which fulfill some condition based on another matrix A? More precisely, A <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1, -9, 1, -9, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -9, 1, 0, -9, 0, 1, 1, 1, -9, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE) B <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,
2010 Mar 30
Create a new variable
Dear R-list, Sorry for spamming the list lately, I am just learning the more advanced aspects of R! I have some data that looks like this: Out Country1 Country 2 Country 3 ... CountryN 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 I want to create a new variable that counts the number of zeros in every row whenever Out is equal to 1, and else it is a zero, so it would look like this: new_var 0 0 2 I
2003 Dec 19
Question re labels in r-part (continuation of a thread from a while back)
Hello again I have modeled a tree using rpart, with the DV being a log transformation of the variable I am really interested in (I transformed the DV due to extreme skewness). By default, text.rpart labels the nodes with the value of yval, which in this case is not what I want; I'd like the labels to be on the original metric, but label in text.rpart requires a "column name of
2015 Sep 17
Re: error: internal error: Failed to reserve port 5908
Try setting autoport to yes in the graphics section of your xml... then libvirt will autosearch for a free port. You can get the port number by running 'ps aux | grep [vmname]' and look in the line for the port number. I gess you have another service running that is using port 5908... -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van:
2010 Mar 29
Finding common an unique elements in character vectors
Dear R-list, I have a problem which I think is quite basic, but so far google has not helped me. I have two vectors like this: vector_1 <- c(Belgium, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal) vector_2 <- c(Denmark, Luxembourg) I would like to find the elements in vector_1 that are not in vector_2 so that i get a vector with these countries: Belgium, Spain, Greece,
2005 Nov 09
playlist module causing machine hangup
Hello, I had a big trouble with ices (ices-2kh60). It is reading a playlist file containing "-" to tell "read stdin". But I think that when stdin is having problem, then ices become mad. It tries hundreds of time per second to play the playlist file content, generating huge amount of traces, which are rotated, but causing a denial of service on the server which become
2011 May 30
JBOD recommendation for ZFS usage
Dear all Sorry if it''s kind of off-topic for the list but after talking to lots of vendors I''m running out of ideas... We are looking for JBOD systems which (1) hold 20+ 3.3" SATA drives (2) are rack mountable (3) have all the nive hot-swap stuff (4) allow 2 hosts to connect via SAS (4+ lines per host) and see all available drives as disks, no RAID volume. In a
2015 Sep 17
error: internal error: Failed to reserve port 5908
After saving a particular VM running WinXP, any attempt to resume it (even when no other VM's are running) generates the following error: olympus ~ # virsh restore /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/ error: Failed to restore domain from /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save/ error: internal error: Failed to reserve port 5908 This started sometimes towards the end of last year with only the
2012 Mar 21
Trouble installing the XML package
Hello everyone, I am probably not the only one having trouble with this package but here goes. I want to install XML on Ubuntu. I installed libxml2-dev and everything works out fine until I get the following: Error in reconcilePropertiesAndPrototype(name, slots, prototype, superClasses, : No definition was found for superclass "namedList" in the specification of class
2010 Mar 24
R-help ordinal regression
Dear colleagues, i am carrying out an ordinal regression model. I try it on SPSS but I "flirt" with R as well. I have a few questions. 1. What is the most reliable/tested/trusted package for ordinal regression in the R world? 2. Also, I have a statistical question. What is the danger of having to many 'empty cells' in ordinal regression? How many empty cells are too many? Do