Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "germination".
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2009 Mar 06
fitting a gompertz model through the origin using nls
Dear all!
I tried to fit Gompertz growth models to describe cummulative germination rates
using nls. I used the following code:
My problem is that I want that the fitted model goes through the origin, since
germination cannot start before the experiment was started, and y-max should be
2017 Oct 20
Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)
...hursday, October 19, 2017 3:18 PM
> To: PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz>
> Subject: RE: Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)
> "Prop" is the proportion of seeds that have germinated from the total. Here is
> the code I used to transform the germination data set. When graphed, the
> logistic curve provides a reasonable fit.
> data(germination)
> germination$TotSeeds = 20
> germination$TotGerminated = 0
> tmpCount = 0
> for(i in 2:nrow(germination)){
> if((germination$temp[i]!=germination$temp[i-1]) | (germination$s...
2017 Oct 18
Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)
Hi all,
I am trying to use nonlinear regression (nls) to analyze some seed germination data, but am having problems with error codes.
The data that I have closely matches the germination dataset included in the drc package.
Here is the head of the data
temp species start end germinated TotSeeds TotGerminated Prop
1 10 wheat 0 1 0 20 0 0.0
2005 Feb 01
Split-split plot ANOVA
Does someone out there have an example of R-code for a split-split plot ANOVA using aov or another function? The design is not balanced. I never set up one in R before and it would be nice to see an example before I tackle a very complex design I have to model.
Mike Saunders
Research Assistant
Forest Ecosystem Research Program
Department of Forest Ecosystem Sciences
University of
2004 Nov 05
Problems running a 4-parameter Weibull function with nls
I am rather new to R, but both myself and another much more experience user cannot figure this out. I have a collegue who has a 800+ nonlinear regressions to run for seed germination (different species, treatments, etc.) over time. I created a looping structure to extract the parameters from each regression; I will then use the parameters themselves for further analysis. I would like to fit a 4-parameter, sigmoidal shape Weibull because it it paramatized to have a maximum ger...
2011 Apr 10
survival object
Hi All,
I am trying to do a survivorship analysis with library(survival)from a data
set that looks like this:
I followed a bunch of naturally germinated seedlings of an annual plant from
germination to death (none made it to reproduce, and died in a period of ~60
days after germination.)
I also know the size of the seed of every individual censused. So I am
trying to analyze seedling survival as a function of seed size.
I performed 5 censuses in unequal intervals of time starting 15 days afte...
2006 Nov 20
Proportional data with categorical explanatory variables
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt.
Name: nicht verf?gbar
URL: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20061120/73240e63/attachment.pl
2013 May 14
Post hoc test for GLM with poisson distribution
Hi R-people,
I performed controlled experiments to evaluated the seeds germination of
two palms under four levels of water treatments. I conducted a generalized
linear model (GLM) with a Poisson distribution to verify whether there were
significant differences in the number of seed germination (NS-count
variable) between treatments and species (explanatory variables). Thus, my
2011 Mar 02
problem with glm(family=binomial) when some levels have only 0 proportion values
Hello everybody
I want to compare the proportions of germinated seeds (seed batches of
size 10) of three plant types (1,2,3) with a glm with binomial data
(following the method in Crawley: Statistics,an introduction using R,
The problem seems to be that in two plant types (2,3) all plants have
proportions = 0.
I give you my data and the model I'm running:
success failure
2013 Apr 30
Stacked geom_bar with aggregated SE -ggplot2
...or bar analogous to each value of "cut" in the data
example. ? When I calculate the SEs appropriately ggplot2 won't stack.?
This is first time posting and I've scoured the various forums and websites
for a worked example. ??
In case it is relevant, my response variable is fitted germination of an
lmer model ("germination"), x is a categorical variable (treatment, with 3
levels), and I am using a categorical variable ("species") to stack.?
Kind regards,?
MSc student
2010 Oct 14
help with an unbalanced split plot
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to analyze a split plot experiment in the field that was
arranged like this:
I am trying to measure the fitness consequences of seed size.
Factors (X):
*Seed size*: a continuous variable, normally distributed.
*Water*: Categorical Levels- wet and dry.
*Density*: Categorical Levels- high, medium and solo
*Plot*: Counts from 1 to 20
The *response variable *(Y) was the
2010 Jul 12
Custom nonlinear self starting function w/ 2 covariates
I'm trying to adjust a non linear model in which the biological response
variable (ratio of germinated fungus spores) is dependent on 2 covariates
(temperature and time). The response to temperature is modeled by a kind of
beta function with 2 parameters (optimal and maximum temperatures) and the
time function is a 2-parameter Weibull. Adjustments with nls or gnls work,
but I need to
2012 Oct 03
can't see colors with "col" in boxplot()
I am trying to color the data points on my boxplot but I only get the
default black.
Not sure why. Any ideas?
Thank you,
Here is my code.
> dat.g100 <- dat.sg[100,] # selected gene (row) from a dataframe of
37 columns
> d1 <- as.matrix(dat.g100[,1:18]) # subset 1
> d2 <- as.matrix(dat.g100[,19:37]) # subset 2
# boxplots
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))
> boxplot(d1,
2003 Jul 01
crossed random effects
I have a data set on germination and plant growth with
the following variables:
mass (response)
sub (fixed effect)
moist (fixed effect)
pop (fixed effect)
mum (random effect nested within population)
iheight (covariate)
plot (random effect- whole plot factor for split-plot
I want to see if moist or sub intera...
2012 Nov 27
Order function
I have a set of data with 2 columns: time, size.
There are 20 sets of data. The data is looking at whether the size of a seed
affects the time it takes to germinate.
How do I then create a numerical variable called 'order' with values 1 to 20
in order to plot a graph or order against time?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Order-function-tp4651022.html
2012 Apr 15
R CMD check with non-standard .libPaths
...ry(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :"
[170] "170: there is no package called ?hglm?"
Checking installed.packages() shows that hglm is indeed installed in
the appropriate directory. agridat "Suggests:" hglm. The
"crowder.germination" example in agridat tries require(hglm) and fails;
it therefore doesn't fit the relevant HGLM model -- when the example
tries to reference this model a few lines later, the example fails.
Admittedly this could be seen as a bug in the example (it shouldn't try
to access a model it knows...
2009 Nov 08
Repeated measures on a factorial unbalanced in a blocks with split-plot design
Hormone - Levels: SH, CH (S = without; C=with; H=Hormone)
Time - Levels: 19/08/09, 04/09/09, 18/09/09, 08/10/09, 20/10/09 (DD/MM/YY)
Nutrition - Levels: Completa, Sem (without)
Macronutrition - Levels: Ca, K, Mg, P, Sem (without)
Time is the measures day. It reflect the days after germination.
Blocks : 4
plants per sub-plots: 16
Each plot was divided in two parts equals. In each part, there was 6
sub-plots with 16 plants (2x8 plants).
In the first part of the plot, it was treated with CH and other-one
was treated with SH. No randomization here.
Factors Nutrition and Macronutrition w...
2009 Nov 22
Repeated measures unbalanced in a split-split design
...to analyze it as a
mixed-effects model. For the diameter and height measurements, you can
probably get away with using normal errors, but for the counts, you
may well have to use a generalized linear mixed model."
So, I am trying to analyze my data with car package.
I have:
time (days after germination) -> 4 levels (38, 53, 73, 85)
Hormone -> 2 levels (SH, CH) on sub-plots
Block -> 4 blocks
Treatment -> 6 levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) on sub-sub-plots
Plant -> subjects
I measured Diameter (mm), Height (cm), HD (height/diameter), and
Number of Leaves (count) at each time point. But...
2004 Sep 28
Bitrate Peeling (no. really)
Maybe you guys remember us, I'm from the Neuros forums. I've got to say,
having a player that supports Ogg Vorbis has really turned things around
for everybody. We're still struggling with higher bitrate Vorbis
streams, but that is only because of our terribly underpowered DSP.
Anyway, to the point of my email.
Recently the discussion of bitrate peeling has been floating
2020 Sep 14
Interpretación de salida de un GLM
Estimada comunidad, tengo unas dudas que son muy básicas creo, pero es mi
primera incursión en GLM.
Estoy ajustando un modelo binomial a unos datos de germinación. El modelo
es muy sencillo, tengo un factor "Condicion" con dos niveles: "a" y "b"
(nivel de humedad en suelo). Por otro lado, tengo una variable explicativa
"HF" (horas frío=estratificación) que