search for: gerentes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 87 matches for "gerentes".

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2002 Sep 13
Extra sheet after printing a job
At the end of a print job in my hp930c paralell printer in my samba-server (Suse Linux 8.0), an extra (blank) sheet is ejected. How can I correct this ?? Thanks Gilberto Antonangeli Gerente de Inform?tica / IT Manager HYPERLINK ""Thomas T?cnica Coml. El. Transm. * 55 11 5031-1144 fax 55 11 5031-0677 HYPERLINK
2023 Jan 27
Te estamos buscando
Estamos en busca de capacitadores, Gerentes y supervisores de capacitaci?n y en general a todas las personas que deseen ser capacitadores y profesionalizarse como Gerente de Capacitaci?n Profesional para participar en este seminario de formaci?n superior a nivel nacional e internacional. Detalles: Disponibilidad el 22 de Febrero Evento...
2017 Apr 27
Problem with Samba 4.6
Hi, I use samba 4 like domain controler, file server and print server. I am using 4.4.13 version and all its ok. I decide test the new version 4.6 and I have a problem with print server. I can upload 64bits drivers but I cannot upload 32bits drivres. Always give an error. I try upload driver with Windows 7 64 and 32 bits. Some one can help me? King regards. André Freire Gerente de Tecnologia
2006 May 31
how to decrease answer time !
Dear list i am using Asterisk 1.2.5 with A@H . here is my problem. if i dial a number (consider 79) i have to wait around 20 seconds before my Asteisk box response. now i want to decrease this waiting time . any idea how to do that ? thanks Salaque
2006 May 18
more that 5 time beats for effect.pulsate
hi again How can i extend 5 times for effect.pulsate beats? I need that continue beat until other event client happened about my other mail, is there other solution more elegant that this? : new Effect.Pulsate(leccion[i_leccion],{duration: 5,from: 1}); thanks again rag
2005 Jan 10
Fixed Point Speex in Microchip's PIC and Motorola's
Hmmm.... it's a shame.... what are the minimum requirements for Fixed Point Speex? John Villar Gerente de Proyectos Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A. Alain wrote: > Hi, no chance to run it on anything from Microchip, theyr best > processor is 16 Mips 8 bits only. For what I have been readind on this > list for more than a year you need a lot more than
2019 Apr 25
Domain Provision Freeze
Hi, I use Samba4 domain controler since 4.0 version over Debian. Today I use Debian 9.8 and Samba 4.9.6 without problems in many productions environments. Last week I decide make a test with Debian 9.8 and Samba 4.10. All ocours very fine trough compile process but when I try create domain with 'samba-tool domain provision" nothing happen. The shell freeze and the process don't go
2003 Jun 05
deleting of files in samba ???
Dear Sirs, we're having some inconviniences on files used in a private system, developed to "suit" the company. this system's files are located in /var/wsystems and permissions are granted 4777 acordingly to all files. When we start up and work in this system with ONE user alone, we have no problems whatsoever... however when we start up the whole intranet in this system, most
2003 Jun 05
deleting of files by samba ???
Dear Sirs, we're having some inconviniences on files used in a private system, developed to "suit" the company. this system's files are located in /var/wsystems and permissions are granted 4777 acordingly to all files. When we start up and work in this system with ONE user alone, we have no problems whatsoever... however when we start up the whole intranet in this system, most
2004 Jan 08
Strange behavior deleting filters
Hi list, I''m playing with tc and found a strange behavior when I try to delete filters. For example, this simple scenario: tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: htb default 100 tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 128Kbit tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate 258Kbit tc class add dev eth1 parent 1: classid 1:100 htb rate 32Kbit tc filter add dev eth1 parent
2023 Jan 30
Estamos buscando Capacitadores, Gerentes, supervisores de capacitaci?n y en general a todas las personas que deseen trabajar y profesionalizarse como Gerentes de Capacitaci?n Profesional para participar en un evento de formaci?n superior a nivel nacional e internacional. Detalles: - Disponibilidad el 22 de Febrero 2023 - Event...
2023 Jun 15
Buenas tardes, no se si pudo recibir mi ultimo mensaje, pero dejo nuevamente la invitación
Para m? es un gusto saludarle, me complace invitarle foralmente este 27 de junio al Taller Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeraci?n Industrial, un curso para t?cnicos de mantenimiento, gerentes de edificios, t?cnicos de HVAC o cualquier persona que busque desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades (y algunos trucos de oficio) de la operaci?n general y el mantenimiento de sistemas de AC&R. GU?A DE TEMAS ? C?mo leer con precisi?n el sistema y mediciones de componentes. ? Propiedades del ai...
2004 May 26
Unable to find a suitable server
Good afternoon you all. I'm running a redhat enterprise 3.0. I have manually installed samba-3.0.4 as a pdc. On a different computer i'm trying to set up a bdc but i get "Unable to find a suitable server" Am I missing something? Thanks in advanced... Rafael Paris Gerente de Sistemas Casino e-mail: pagina web/page: Telefono/Phone: 0058
2004 Jun 03
Windows PDC and Samba PDC
In our company we have two separated domains, I mean, there's not trust relationship at all. I can see the windows 2000 domain in the browse list but not the computers that belong to that domain. How should I set up my samba server or the windows client to fix the small problem??? Cheers, Rafael Paris Gerente de Sistemas Casino e-mail: pagina web/page:
2009 Feb 10
Calculating variables
Dear fellows: This is the problem: I have 5 variables A, B, C, D and E with a range from 1 to 100 with 0.1 steps. Depending on the different values these have, the results of the formula change: alitemp <- ((Abase/llmcc$Clase)*PClase)+(((1/llmcc $Categoria)*Abase)*PCategoria)+((Abase*llmcc$Phi)*PPhi)+((Abase*llmcc $Rf)*PRf) So, alitemp (a 283 element series) changes if any of the P**
2017 Apr 28
Problem with Samba 4.6
Did the first test on two different servers both are running debian wheezy and packported samba packages. On the server still running 4.6.2 it worked without problems to add the first available printer driver (Brother-DCP116C). On the other server already running 4.6.3 it faile with the error you and marc described. So I downgraded this server to 4.6.2 but i still get the error. Am
2005 Mar 24
Optimized Codecs for Blackfin DSP
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: john.villar.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 396 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2009 Feb 13
Add columns to data frame automatically
Hello fellows: I've een trying to set up a function that performs 100 loops producing the coresponding 100 series. I want to save all those datasets in a dataframe, so I wrote this... prep <- function() # Clase[1]/Categoria[2]/Phi[3]/Rf[4] peso <- c(.0,.03,.3,.6) # Extension del calculo for (i in 1:100) { # Calculos de todas las curvas # Variables (Valor Base) abase
2005 Jun 24
The Shorewall list server is back on line
There was a lengthy power failure here in Shoreline this morning and my firewall did not come back up when power was restored. The firewall is now up and service to the server has been restored. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \
2005 Mar 24
Optimized Codecs for Blackfin DSP
Dear Jean, The source code for G.729 can be download from ITU for free. Also, some developer can do yourself as open source G.729 codec without any help. In this case each who use this codec which source code is free and open source must pay, but not to the developer. Best Regards, Miroslav Nachev JMV> Le jeudi 24 mars 2005 ? 10:08 +0000, John Villar a ?crit : >>