search for: geographies

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1580 matches for "geographies".

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2011 Dec 03
side-by-side map with different geographies using spplot
...inneapolis) plot(Cleveland) I can display a single thematic map for a city using spplot as follows: spplot(Minneapolis,"Thematic_Data_Column") But, calling the function again for Cleveland just overwrites the window. I am unsure how to use spplot's layout tools with two different geographies. Most examples use a single geography and multiple attribute columns. Alternatively, is there a way to use "par" together with spplot to allow for multiple spplot calls? thank you, -david
2012 Nov 07
LMER vs PROC MIXED estimates
Hi experts, I have just about started to use R (after using SAS for more than 5 years) and still finding my way...I have been trying to replicate PROC MIXED results in LMER but noticed that the estimates are coming different. My SAS code is as follows (trying to randomise X2 and Intercept): PROC MIXED DATA = <DATASET NAME> NAMELEN=100 METHOD=REML MAXITER=1000; CLASS GEOGRAPHY; MODEL y
2009 Jul 30
CRAN + geography = Cranography
In response to an earlier discussion about finding the fastest/best/nearest CRAN site, I geocoded (using my geonames package) the locations of the CRAN sites returned by getCRANmirrors. I've mapped them here: The geocoding may have got it wrong, so if CRAN site maintainers want to send me a real lat-long (in WGS 84 aka EPSG:4326) I'll
2004 Nov 02
Color schemes that work for people with color-deficient vision
A recent article in the earth science literature cited below and available at points out that rainbow color schemes and mixtures of green and yellow can be troublesome for people with color-deficient vision. The authors propose alternative schemes that can be viewed and downloaded in RGB, HSV, CMYK, and RGB256 formats from
2009 Nov 19
plot filled.contour over continent map
Dear all, As a newbie in R I would like to do the following (simple?) thing: to plot a filled.contour plot over a map showing country boundaries (e.g. for Europe) What i do is: map('worldHires',xlim=c(-10,40),ylim=c(35,70),boundary = TRUE,border=0.1) map.axes() filled.contour(mslp, zlim=c(1000,1020),color.palette = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white",
2013 May 02
rda variance partioning in vegan problems
This is not a request for coding help so there is no reproducible code, rather I am trying to figure out if anyone had had a similar experience. My question is related to partitioning the variance in rda (vegan) results for multiple groups of variables. I have a high dimensional dataset with 79 explanatory variables and 9 response variables. Within those 79 explanatory variables there are ~8
2013 Sep 08
PhD Studentship: Geographically Weighted Geodemographics [University of Liverpool]
Supervisors: Dr Alex Singleton; Professor Chris Brunsdon Industrial Partner: Office for National Statistics Applicants are invited for a PhD studentship at the University of Liverpool within the ESRC North West DTC. The studentship will be supervised by Dr Alex Singleton and Professor Chris Brunsdon in the Department of Geography and Planning; and is being conducted in collaboration with the
2003 Sep 21
Z aware interpolation
Hello again, There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations? It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i didn't find the right one. The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical Information
2013 Feb 04
Script for conditional sums of vectors
Hi guys, I hope you can help me with this (probably) simple query: I have a data frame: -------------------------- a=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2) b=c(1,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,2,3,4) c=c(400,200,300,100,500,300,200,100,500,400,200,100) data=data.frame(a=a,b=b,c=c) -------------------------- And I would like to get the following output: -------------------------- b a 1 2 3 4 1 900 100 500 300 2
2011 Apr 17
How to retrieve a vector of a data.frame's variable attributes?
Hi, I have a data.frame with 100 variables and I have assigned a "label", "units" and "category" attribute to each variable. I would like to reorder the variables in the data.frame by the "category" attributes but can't find a way. For example, the first variable is: > attributes(hh$aez) $levels [1] "coastal" "forest"
2010 Jan 19
OT: Software for specific visualisation of data...ideas?
Dear List, A student in the Department where I work would like to produce a graphic similar to this one: Does anyone know if the figure in the pdf can be generated in a specific software application for example? Any suggestions would be most gratefully received by the student concerned. Many thanks,
2012 Jul 24
First value in a row
Hi. This is likely a trivial problem but have not found a solution. Imagine the following dataframe: Lat Lon x1 x2 x3 01 10 NA NA .1 01 11 NA .2 .3 01 12 .4 .5 .6 I want to generate another column that consist of the first value in each row from columns x1 to x3. That is NewColumn .1 .2 .4 Any input greatly appreciated, Thanks, Camilo Camilo Mora, Ph.D.
2013 Jul 12
"Proper" way to use a "hidden" function in an R-package?
R-developers: I'm working on updating my R package "", and one thing I was wondering was the proper way to have hidden functions -- should I simply not export them to the namespace and use the ::: operator to call them (which is what I currently do)? --j -- Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD Assistant Professor Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing (GEARS)
2005 Oct 21
Finding the neighbors of the point
Dear all, I got point data of trees. I was wondering if anybody has experience in searching the neighbors within a specified distance efficiently. X Y Z 99 34 65 98 35 29 98 34 28 99 33 33 98 32 23 99 33 21 99 33 22 99 32 24 99 30 23 ... What I want to do is : searching for the neighbors with a distance R for each tree & the neighbor must have a bigger Z.
2013 Apr 16
Singular design matrix in rq
Quantreggers: I'm trying to run rq() on a dataset I posted at: (it's a 1500kb csv file named "singular.csv") and am getting the following error: mydata <- read.csv("singular.csv") fit_spl <- rq(raw_data[,1] ~ bs(raw_data[,i],df=15),tau=1) > Error in, y, tau = tau, ...) :
2002 Mar 20
Installing GRASS_0.1-4.tar.gz on RedHat7.1 Linux
Dear list, I have a problem to install the GRASS_0.1-4.tar.gz on RedHat7.1 Linux. The gmake5 is missing. But I am not quite sure what it is? Is it a gnu version of MAKE? I could not locate it on my system and I do not know what is really meant. Any experience? I get the following message: ---------------------------------------------------- bash-2.04$ R CMD INSTALL -l
2013 Mar 27
conditional Dataframe filling
Hi everyone: This may be trivial but I just have not been able to figure it out. Imagine the following dataframe: a b c d TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE I would like to create a new dataframe, in which TRUE gets 0 but if false then add 1 to the cell to the left. So the results for the example above should be something like: a b c
2012 May 02
Quickest way to make a large "empty" file on disk?
R-helpers: What would be the absolute fastest way to make a large "empty" file (e.g. filled with all zeroes) on disk, given a byte size and a given number number of empty values. I know I can use writeBin, but the "object" in this case may be far too large to store in main memory. I'm asking because I'm going to use this file in conjunction with mmap to do parallel
2002 Sep 12
normal score transform
Dear list, could someone point me to the normal score transform and it's use in R? I would like to transform my data with normal score transform, do some geostatsitical predictions and would like to transform the estimated values back including the estimation variance. Any suggestions? Ulrich -- __________________________________________________ Ulrich Leopold MSc. Department of
2004 Mar 26
How to do the significant test on Local Moran's I
Dear Danlin Yu: I read your message at Actually, I have a question about significant of Local Moran I too. based on it's function: Ii = zi [¦²j wijzj], I wonder how can I calculate it's z-value. Any suggest will be greatly appreciated. Louis Zhang Dept of Geography and Planning The Univ.