search for: geodata

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 49 matches for "geodata".

2003 Sep 28
geodata conversion
Hey, I have a data set of 1.20MB. I used read.table( ) to read in the data and then tried to convert it to geodata type. But it failed and I got "Error in vector("double", length) : cannot allocate vector of length 1351974000" message. All the commands I used were: rawdata<-read.table(file=" ") datag<-as.geodata(rawdata) BTW, what is the biggest origin data size as.g...
2008 Aug 12
Geodata object border
Sorry, this is probably quite an easy question, but I'm new to R and couldn't find the answer anywhere. I'm using geoR and geoRglm, but can't figure out how to get a border in my geodata object. Does this need to be defined when I'm importing my data, or afterwards, and how do I go about doing this? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2003 Feb 11
geoR question from new R user
Hi, I'm a new R user. My goal is to do a variogram using geoR. I started by trying to do the example in the geoR Illustrative Session using my own data. I am able to read in my Ascii data using: D <- matrix(scan("file.dat", n=530*3), 530,3, byrow=TRUE). Then I use: as.geodata(D, coords.col=1:2, data.col=3) to make the object D geodata. I check the descriptive statistics, and my data file appears to be in order. But when I try the following command: cloud1<- variog(D, option="cloud", max.dist=1), I get this error: Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1),...
2005 Dec 13
bug in geoR (?)
I've enconuntered this problem with the last cran version of geoR: > library(geoR) > day <- rep(1:2, each=5) > coords <- matrix(rep(runif(10),2), 10, 2) > data <- rnorm(10) > data[1] <- NA > as.geodata(cbind(coords, data, day), realisations=4) as.geodata: 1 points removed due to NA in the data Errore in as.geodata(cbind(coords, data, day), realisations = 4) : realisations and coords have incompatible dimensions The problem disappear if I remove the NA manually from the dataset before pas...
2011 Jul 12
How to "smoothen" a geodata set in R
...a single element (for example, the value for element [x=452, y=682] inside the matrix) and perform an operation on it in R? Question 2: is there a way to programm R into a loop, so that the same operation can be performed on all elements inside the matrix? Question 3: is it a problem if my data is geodata (made with the geoR library)? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2013 Aug 06
Hola Javier, si, y es un factor de Y. Pero ya entendí lo que tenía mal, me falta convertir Nt a valores de geodata antes de hacer el plot, es decir: date<-as.geodata(Nt) plot.geodata(date) Con relación a la actualización de mi versión de R, no me he animado porque he tenido problemas con paquetes que no tienen las actualizaciones y no me corren bien. Gracias y saludos Beatriz 2013/8/6 Marcuzzi, Javier...
2013 Aug 06
...n uno de ellos extraigo dos variables (que son coordenadas), del segundo archivo extraigo otra variable que transformo. Con estas tres variables construyo un data.frame (las tres variables tienen la misma longitud). Hasta ahí todo bien, solo que cuando quiero usar este data.frame para hacer un plot.geodata me marca el siguiente error Error en array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), : 'data' must be of a vector type Tengo activos los paquetes geoR y sp y la versión de R que uso es la 2.15 También les mando el pedacito de scrip que estoy usando data<-read.csv...
2003 Mar 25
geoR vector length error
Dear, we have a problem with geoR. We try to read an ASCII table (x,y,z) with 40000 lines. With read.geodata we get the error: Error in vector("double", length) : cannot allocate vector of length 799980000 We can read the file without any problem with read.table, but trying to convert it to the geodata class gets the same error. Any help/tips would be appreciated. Kris, Dave -- --------...
2009 Apr 16
points geodata {geoR}
I used points graphic (geoR) in this way: points(zn,pt.divide=c("quintiles"), main="Location map of Zn",lambda=1,col="gray",yl="coord y",xl="coord x",x.leg=0. 3, y.leg=5.5,dig.leg=2,cex.min=0.5,cex.max=1,) Can I reduce legend characters (a sort of cex)?
2008 Aug 18
GeoR model.control - defining covariates at prediction locations
...redictions, based on an external trend. I'm having some problems specifying my model.control, specifically how do I define my model, and also the source of the covariate data at the prediction locations? I am assuming that the covariate data at the prediction locations should be imported to a geodata object along with the prediction location coordinates - this is what I have done, but I can't get the prediction to work. So my question is: How should the prediction location and covariate data at prediction locations be stored? And also how do I specify model.control so that it recognise...
2007 Aug 15
Geodata SQL statements with multiple results in the controller
Hi Everyone- In my project I need to take a zip code and get all the schools within the selected mile radius of that zip code. In addition I will need to check to see if the user selected any other items to add to the search. My problem is the geo code will return multiple results and I need to get that result into the final sql string. The flow is this: Get the zip code and mile radius the
2008 Nov 03
Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv
Agradeceré me ayuden con la consulta: Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv que pueda a su vez ser convertida en un objeto geodata De antemano, gracias por la atención, -- Ricardo Bandin Llanos Estudiante - Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías Universidad de Concepción, Región del Bio-Bio, Chile Celular: (0056-41) 97949957 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Aug 06
...algunas cosas, como también sus muchas ventajas. Javier From: Beatriz Marin Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 7:21 PM To: Marcuzzi, Javier Rubén Cc: Lista R Subject: Re: [R-es] data.frame Hola Javier, si, y es un factor de Y. Pero ya entendí lo que tenía mal, me falta convertir Nt a valores de geodata antes de hacer el plot, es decir: date<-as.geodata(Nt) plot.geodata(date) Con relación a la actualización de mi versión de R, no me he animado porque he tenido problemas con paquetes que no tienen las actualizaciones y no me corren bien. Gracias y saludos Beatriz 2013/8/6 Marcuzzi, Jav...
2006 Jun 02
geoR, plot of variog4 lines incomplete issue. I want to use the variog and variog4 functions of geoR to characterize the pattern of spatial autocorrelation of tree density on a forest plot. But I get incomplete line plots when I plot the output of variog4, compared to the plot for the output of variog. I'm using the same geodata for each plot. I've attached 2 graphs to illustrate. The first is a plot of a 90- degree directional variogram created using variog: > trees90.vgm<-variog(trees.geo,max.dist=100,direction=pi/2) > plot(trees90.vgm) The second is a plot of a multidirectional variogram created using...
2004 Nov 18
implementing a "loop" using by(x,x$factor,FUN) ... I just want to re-code it to avoid using the "for" loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is what I've got .... RootDev <- 600 splits <- NULL for (cutpoint in cutpoints) { LRGdata <- split(gdata, gdata[,4] <= cutpoint) vgrmL <- variog(as.geodata(LRGdata$"TRUE"), covar.col=covcol)) vgrmR <- variog(as.geodata(LRGdata$"FALSE"), covar.col=covcol)) mlL<- likfit(as.geodata(LRGdata$"TRUE"), ini=expand.grid(seq(0, max(vgrmL$v), l=10), seq(0,max(vgrmL$u), l=10))) mlR<- likfit(as.geodata(LRGdata$&qu...
2012 Oct 04
geoRglm with factor variable as covariable
Dear R users. I'm trying to fit a generalised linear spatial mode using the geoRglm package. To do so, I'm preparing my data (geodata) as follow: geoData9093 = as.geodata(data9093, coords.col= 17:18, data.col=15,* covar.col=16*) where covar.col is a factor variable (years in this case 90-91-92-93)). Then I run the model as follow: / model.5 = list(,1), cov.model='exponential', beta=1, family="poisson&q...
2002 Nov 07
negative and positive values in diff. colors
Hi R-users, I have a set of elevation residuals as geodata points. I would like to display them in the following way: -negative values using pch=20 (filled circle) -positive values using pch=1 (empty circle) while using the cex.max=5, cex.min=0.1 for points() to represent the residuals value. Basically I would like to distinguish neagtive and positive va...
2008 Aug 15
Strange error message from geoR´s likfit () lik. max. func.
...Thanks in advance Ruben x <- rnorm(50,5,2) # eastings y <- rnorm(50,25,3) # northings z <- rnorm(50,350,35) # data v <- c(rep(1,25),rep(2,25)) # two different areas w <- data.frame(cbind(x,y,z,v)) # put all together w1 <- subset(w,v == 1) # use data fron one area w1.geo <- as.geodata(w1,coords.col=1:2,data.col=3) # create geodata object summary(w1.geo) # everything looks normal #Number of data points: 25 # #Coordinates summary # x y #min 1.233673 15.82129 #max 8.464283 34.30390 # #Distance summary # min max # 0.2962488 19.5670141 # #Data summary #...
2006 Aug 30
Handling realisations in geoRglm
Dear R users: I want to model mosquito count data based on landcover attributes and meteorological variables using a Poisson GLSM in the geoRglm package. I have monthly mosquito counts over more than 20 years with repeated observations from individual trap sites over time. I have used as.geodata() to successfully read my dataset into the geodata format utilized by geoR and geoRglm, including specification of the realisations. (I know the realisations have been specified correctly because I can get data summaries by realisation from the geodata object.) However, after reading the pack...
2011 Oct 28
problem with glsm.krige: trendd and trend l must have similar specifications error
...getting the error that trend.d and trend.l must have similar specifications. I have tried numerous ways to include the covariates in the glsm.krige model, and I keep getting the same error message. The bolded part is the part that doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated! reddmcmc=glsm.mcmc(geodata, coords=geodata$coords, data=geodata$data,model=list(family="poisson",,8000),beta=c(-26,-.04,6.94),cov.model="spherical",nugget=5,trend=~powerb1+temp1),mcmc.input = mcmc.control(S.scale =.000001 ,thin=10)) prepareredd1=prepare.likfit.glsm(reddmcmc) lik.redd1.1 <...