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2013 Jan 28
incorrect import?
Dear all, I'm not getting what I'm doing wrong. The line below from my read.fsa.bin function throws an error when just loading my AFLP package and disappears when I load the zoo package as well. #the line that throws the error Index <- which(Peak == rollmax(Peak, k = 1 + 2 * floor((min(diff(SizeStandard)) * Fs - 1) / 2), fill = -Inf)) #the error Error in UseMethod("rollmax")
2005 Dec 02
undefined local variable or method `errors' for Listing:Clas
I have a listing model in which I''m trying to validate a date (2005, 2, 29 - is not a valid date). def self.validate_date(year, month, day) unless Date::valid_date?(year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i) errors.add(:start_date, "De startdatum moet geldige datum zijn.") end end But everytime I call this code I get: undefined local variable or method `errors'' for Listing:Class Looking on the internet and in the Rails book errors.add should work and should raise an error in the view. Anybody any ideas? Kind regards Nick -- P...
2012 Nov 05
averaging a list of matrices element wise
Dear all, I have a list of n matrices which all have the same dimension (r x s). What would be a fast/elegant way to calculate the element wise average? So result[1, 1] <- mean(c(raw[[1]][1, 1] , raw[[2]][1, 1], raw[[...]][1, 1], raw[[n]][1, 1])) Here is my attempt. #create a dummy dataset n <- 3 r <- 5 s <- 6 raw <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i){ matrix(rnorm(r * s), ncol =
2010 Apr 14
GAMM : how to use a smoother for some levels of a variable, and a linear effect for other levels?
Hi, I was reading the book on "Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R" by Zuur et al. In Section 6.2, an example is discussed where a gamm-model is fitted, with a smoother for time, which differs for each value of ID (4 different bird species). In earlier versions of R, the following code was used BM2<-gamm(Birds~Rain+ID+
2009 Jul 22
Link to documentation in another package
Dear all, One of the functions that I wrote (ggsave.latex) extents the functionality of a function (ggsave) in another package (ggplot2). Instead of copying all the information I would like to create a link in the helpfile of ggsave.latex to the helpfile of ggsave. I tried \code{\link{ggsave}} and \code{\link{ggplot2::ggsave}}, but neither worked. Both cases gave a 'missing link' warning.
2012 Apr 25
Strange bug in my package
Dear all, I get a bug in the examples of my AFLP package on R-forge ( but only on the Linux version. The windows version compiles. The Mac version skips the examples and compiles. The strange thing is that the packages compiles on my Ubuntu 10.10 machine with R 2.15.0. Therefore I can't reproduce the error. I have traced the problem at
2013 Apr 04
Non-vignette sweave file in package
Dear all, I'm documenting an elaborate analysis as a private package. The package writes all required output to a database. I use a Sweave file to transform all the results from the database into a report. Now I would like to add this Sweave to my package. I'm a bit puzzled on how to do that. It is not a vignette: the data is not available when the package is build and I need to
2012 Dec 14
Problem loading .Rdata file
Dear all, I'm having troubles migrating a large matrix from one system to another. #system 1: Ubuntu 12.04, 64-bit, running R 2.15.2 # do some simulations # save the simulations > save(Output, file = "Simulations.Rdata") #Output is a numeric matrix with 6 columns and about 2M rows. Use ftp to transfer the Simulations.Rdata file to system 2 #system2: Windows XP, 32-bit running
2010 Jul 20
define subgroups based on position in table
Dear list, I have a data frame with one column (group) and want to add a second column (sub) with a serial number that says to which subgroup a cell belongs. A subgroup contains the consecutive rows of the same group. The number of a subgroup is based on its position in the table. The first subgroup of A's and B's should have nr A1 and B1, the second nr A2 and B2, etc.. I hope the
2009 Mar 11
Mixed models fixed effects
Dear All, This may sound like a dumb question but I am trying to use a mixed model to determine the predictors of bat activity along hedges within 8 sites. So my response is continuous (bat passes) my predictors fixed effects are continuous (height metres), width (metres) etc and the random effect is site - can you tell me if the fixed effects can be continuous as all the examples I have
2009 Apr 17
Generate bivariate binomial data
Dear all, Could someone point me to a function or algorithm to generate random bivariate binomial data? Some details about what I'm trying to do. I have a dataset of trees who were categorised as not damaged or damaged. Each tree is measured twice (once in two consecutive years). The trees can recover from the damage but the data is clearly correlated. As a (un)damaged tree is more likely
2009 Aug 13
un run run...
Hi All, I am running an Rscript with a bunch of algorithms that are UNSTABLE under some parameter settings. At a certain point one of them sends error massage and my whole run STOPS! What I would like is to save the error massage in some file or variable and carry on to the next command line without stopping this run... Any help or ideas would be welcome, please, with a concrete example (not
2009 Sep 25
Problem on plotting TS using GGPLOT
Hi, I have following codes : library(zoo); library(ggplot2); library(plyr) dat <- rnorm(306); vv <- letters[1:6]; dat1 <- data.frame(dat, vv) dat2 = zooreg(rnorm(51), as.yearmon(as.Date("2000-01-01")), frequency=12) ggplot(dat1) + geom_line(aes(y=dat, x=index(dat2), colour=vv), group=vv, size = 1.3) However I got error while plotting them :
2009 May 19
Coord_equal in ggplot2
Dear all, I'm plotting some points on a graph where both axes need to have the same scale. See the example below. Coord_equal does that trick but in this case it wastes a lot of space on the y-axis. Setting the limits of the y-axis myself was no avail. Any suggestions to solve this problem? library(ggplot2) ds <- data.frame(x = runif(1000, min = 0, max = 300000), y = runif(1000, min =
2012 Apr 13
Merging two data frames with different columns names
I am trying to merge two data frames, but one of the column headings are different in the two frames. How can I rjoin or rbind the tho frames? Johnny # Generate 2 blocks by confounding on abc d1 <-,1,1), p=2,"blk", treatment.names = c("A","B","C")) d2 <-,1,1), p=2,"blk",
2014 Apr 03
summary of lme4.0 model in package
Dear all, My package has Depends: lme4.0 in the DESCRIPTION. I need to extract the fixed effect of a model and their standard errors. I use coef(summary(model)) inside a function to do that. Model is the output of a call to glmer() from the lme4.0 package. coef(summary(model)) throws an error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors I have tracked it down to a problem with summary(model)
2013 Sep 30
predictions in nlme without fixed covariantes
Dear all, predict.lme() throws an error when the fixed part consists of only an intercept and using newdata. See the reproducible example below. I've tracked the error down to asOneFormula() which returns in this case NULL instead of a formula. Changing NULL instead of ~1 in that function (see below) solves the problem in the case of an intercept only model (m1). It does not solve the problem
2009 Apr 22
Gee with nested desgin
Dear all, Is it possible to incorporate a nested design in GEE? I have measurements on trees that where measured in two years. The trees are nested in plots. Each plot contains 24 trees. The number of plots is 72. Hence we would expect 2 * 24 * 72 = 3456 data points. A few are missing, so we end up wih 3431 data points. This is what I have tried until now. #assuming independence between trees
2008 Aug 07
Bug in rnorm? (PR#12016)
Full_Name: Paul Eckermann Version: 2.7.1 OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Submission from: (NULL) ( This is the first time I have submitted a bug report, so apologies if I have not followed the correct protocol. If I enter length(rnorm(100*.29)) it returns 28 rather than 29. y<-(1:100)/100 z<-sapply(y,function(x) length(rnorm(x*100))) z!=100*y indicates that it has
2009 Feb 11
Label bars in a faceted bar plot in ggplot2
Hi List, I am running R 2.8.0 on a Windows XP machine, running ggplot2 version 0.8.1 I want to label the bars in a faceted grid barplot. Reproducible R code is given below: #### reproducible facet barplot ##### library(ggplot2) # Dataset from which to create the barplot ml <- rep(1:10,2) vals <- rnorm(20,mean = 10, sd=1) type <- c(rep("MAPE",10),rep("AIC",10))