Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "gef".
Did you mean:
2011 Jul 20
Grouping columns
> b1_3<-tapply(b3$betriebs_id,b3$umweltkompartiment,length)
> #Verbinden der Ergebnisse
> b11<-rbind(b1_1,b1_2,b1_3)
> Gesamt<-apply(X=b11,MARGIN=1, sum)
> b13<-cbind(Gesamt,b11)
> b13
Gesamt Abwasser Boden Gef?hrliche Abf?lle Luft nicht gef?hrliche
Abf?lle Wasser
b1_1 9832 432 18 3147 2839
1592 1804
b1_2 10271 413 28 3360 2920
1715 1835
b1_3 9983 404 21 3405 2741
2012 Sep 20
Line over Boxplot
...le="boxplot_tmax_$YYYY$MM$DD${HH}.pdf", height=10, width=12)
soton.df = read.table ("tmax.final.text", header=TRUE)
gfs.df = read.table ("greg.txt", header=TRUE)
boxplot (TMAX ~ HOUR, data=soton.df, xlab="Forecast Hour", ylab="MAX TEMP",
main="GEFS $YYYY$MM$DD ${HH}Z FORECAST MAX TEMPS", whiskcol="red",
col="red", outline=TRUE, ylim=c(0,100),xlim=c(1,30),xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
lines (data=gfs.df, type="o", col="green")
2007 Feb 02
broken attachments with pop3
...the mailboxes
Has anyone an idea, i havent any failure logs about that, is there a
parameter which makes logging verbose to such failures?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gef?hrliche Inhalte untersucht
und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber.
2006 Sep 26
log tools with html for dovecot
Hi @ll,
are there any recommandations for logging tools with html display for
Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gef?hrliche Inhalte untersucht
und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber.
2006 Nov 24
Dovecot, Postfix, Mysql and Virtual Users
I am looking for a guide or manual to implement Dovecot, Postfix, Mysql and
postfixadmin to manage virtual users.
Can I get a help from someone?
The main issue for me is the SMTP authentication with Mysql.
postfixadmin stores the password in md5.
How can you make that so it works on both smtp and dovecot?
Please help me out.
I am stuck with installing and re-installing.
Thank you in advance.
2006 Aug 15
Howto create a password for complex menus
with OpenSSL ?
# openssl passwd <password>
I was hunting this for over an hour and I can imagine, that lots of
other people did the same or wasn't been able to do it.
Thank you for this product, I appreciate it a lot.
Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gef?hrliche Inhalte untersucht
und ist sauber.
2012 Aug 20
Is it possible to save only some messages compressed to mdbox? (2.1.6)
...in lda delivery?
I tried to find out in the source but found it hard to see which options
are pulled in when.
Jost Krieger
| Helft Spam ausrotten! HTML in Mail ist unh?flich. |
| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager am RZ der RUB |
| Wahre Worte sind nicht gef?llig, gef?llige Worte sind nicht wahr.|
| Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |
2018 Sep 10
OpenJDK8 failed to work after compiled by LLVM 8 for X86
0x00007ffff6ae2f5b in NativeCallStack::NativeCallStack
(this=0x7ffff7315e70 <NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK>, toSkip=0x0,
fillStack=0x0) at
33 _hash_value(0) {
gef➤ c
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
The program no longer exists.
----- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< ---
I started to use and contribute clang static analyzer[2] just for
finding the bugs for open s...
2011 Jul 18
quota-warning.sh not working (lda problem?)
...vecot-lda -d $USER -o
"plugin/quota=maildir:User quota:noenforcing"
From: postmaster at domain.de
Subject: $PERCENT% Mail quota warning
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Der Speicherplatz Ihres E-Mail-Postfaches ist zu $PERCENT% gef?llt.
Bitte l?schen Sie alte und unerw?nschte E-Mails vom Server, um den
Emfang neuer E-Mails aufgrund Speicherplatzmangels nicht zu behindern.
Your mailbox with us is now more than $PERCENT% full.
To avoid mail loss due to lack of sufficient space, please remove
old and unwanted mails from the ser...
2006 Nov 28
Advanced Menu features
Hi All,
I hope to find some time to work on the Advanced menu system. I
personally no longer have a need for it (changed jobs). Since I dont
want to spend time doing stuff which will not be useful, I would to
know what features you would like.
What I have in my list are
* Eliminate the need to compile each menu into its own .c32 file
* Eliminate #define constants in menu.h which impose various
2006 Nov 20
duplicate emails
i'm working with dovecot-1.0.rc15
I have receive a lot of duplicate emails with microsoft outlook, i don't
have this problem with outlook express
This is in pop3
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2006 Nov 29
Quota's with Thunderbird
Does anyone know how to get Thunderbird to correctly report the mailbox
quota's? I know Dovecot is correctly enforcing the quotas on the mailbox
when using Thunderbird, but Thunderbird reports that the "server does
not support quota's" when trying to view the usage? Is Thunderbird
expecting something different?
Viewing the mailbox through Squirelmail, the quota's are
2013 Aug 01
Antispam folder names
...mething like
antispam_trash_pattern_ignorecase = Junk*;*/Junk*
which is not supported.
Working on a patch ...
| Helft Spam ausrotten! HTML in Mail ist unh?flich. |
| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager am RZ der RUB |
| Wahre Worte sind nicht gef?llig, gef?llige Worte sind nicht wahr.|
| Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |
2012 Aug 31
Possible mbox corruption if mail is saved with wrong Content-Length header (2.1.6)
...userip_connections = 50
mail_plugins = " quota zlib mail_log notify virtual imap_quota imap_zlib"
Jost Krieger
| Helft Spam ausrotten! HTML in Mail ist unh?flich. |
| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager am RZ der RUB |
| Wahre Worte sind nicht gef?llig, gef?llige Worte sind nicht wahr.|
| Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |
2006 Dec 26
Multi office samba domains
Hi all!
I've a computer acting as a PDC in a network with Samba+OpenLDAP working fairly well ina
Debian Sarge for several months (Samba servers, XP cients). It's working so well that my
company wants to deploy this system to all the offices (five offices physically separated).
Each office has it's own peculiarities so each one has to have it's own domain with shares
and so on.
2012 Aug 17
No status for INBOX/* in mbox NS (2.1.6)
...= 50
mail_plugins = " quota zlib mail_log notify virtual stats imap_quota imap_zlib imap_stats"
Jost Krieger
| Helft Spam ausrotten! HTML in Mail ist unh?flich. |
| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager am RZ der RUB |
| Wahre Worte sind nicht gef?llig, gef?llige Worte sind nicht wahr.|
| Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |
2012 Nov 28
Any chance to access read-only mdboxes?
...by walking up the directory tree, so we need
only one ACL.
A cleaner solution would be very much appreciated.
Jost Krieger
| Helft Spam ausrotten! HTML in Mail ist unh?flich. |
| Postmaster, JAPH, manchmal Wahrsager am RZ der RUB |
| Wahre Worte sind nicht gef?llig, gef?llige Worte sind nicht wahr.|
| Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |
2002 Feb 07
Help with replicating an old SPSS GLM analysis
...ing to replicate an analysis I did a few years ago, then in SPSS,
using the SPSS GLM command:
n_diffpt WITH age_i inc_i join_i work_i educ_i give_i cs_i
eff_i age_a inc_a join_a work_a educ_a give_a cs_a eff_a
age_i*age_a inc_i*inc_a join_i*join_a work_i*work_a
educ_i*educ_a give_i*give_a cs_i*cs_a eff_i*eff_a
age_i inc_i join_i work_i educ_i give_i cs_i eff_i
age_a inc_a join_a work_a educ_a give_a cs_a eff_a .
The results are cons...
2018 Sep 11
OpenJDK8 failed to work after compiled by LLVM 8 for X86
>> 0x00007ffff6ae2f5b in NativeCallStack::NativeCallStack (this=0x7ffff7315e70 <NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK>, toSkip=0x0, fillStack=0x0) at /home/xiangzhai/project/jdk8u-llvm/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/nativeCallStack.cpp:33
>> 33 _hash_value(0) {
>> gef➤ c
>> Continuing.
>> Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>> The program no longer exists.
>> gef➤
>> ----- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< ---
>> I started to use...
2018 Sep 12
OpenJDK8 failed to work after compiled by LLVM 8 for X86
...;> 0x00007ffff6ae2f5b in NativeCallStack::NativeCallStack (this=0x7ffff7315e70 <NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK>, toSkip=0x0, fillStack=0x0) at /home/xiangzhai/project/jdk8u-llvm/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/nativeCallStack.cpp:33
>>>> 33 _hash_value(0) {
>>>> gef➤ c
>>>> Continuing.
>>>> Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>>>> The program no longer exists.
>>>> gef➤
>>>> ----- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8&l...