Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "gazdefrance".
2003 Dec 22
runif and sample with reproducibility
I would like to sample a population but the result needs to be
reproducible, using 'runif' or 'sample' is the good way to do it but I
can't manage to make the results reproducible even with the 'set.seed'
My aim is that th call to 'sample(1:100,10)' gives always the same result,
how can I do that?
Eric Esposito
2005 Apr 07
I created a package with my functions, and i wand to hide the code of some functions.
Could you help me ?
Gr?gory Benmenzer
P?le Economie Statistiques et Sociologie
361 Avenue du pr?sident Wilson - BP 33
93211 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex
tel : 01 49 22 55 07
fax : 01 49 22
2003 Feb 06
Réf. : About STEM Plot in R
you can use the persp() function. The shade=0.7 option is very nice. With
matlab, it is possible to change of colors automaticalli with the value to
be plotted.
Does someone know to do that ?
f0z6305 at labs.tamu.edu@stat.math.ethz.ch on 06/02/2003 07:05:04
Envoy? par : r-help-admin at stat.math.ethz.ch
Pour : r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
cc :
Objet : [R] About
2003 Mar 04
linear model with arma errors
Dear all,
I'm looking for how can I estimate a linear model with ar(ma) errors :
y(t)=a*X(t)+e(t) with
where u is a white noise and P, Q are some polynomes.
Could you help me ?
Gr?gory Benmenzer
2003 Mar 12
How to collect the Rtools to build packages
After reading the readme.packages file, I would like to install the R tools
in order to build my own packages, but the internet portal
http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/ hasn't been working since a few days.
Where can I get the file tools.zip?
Thank you!
Eric Esposito
2003 May 07
proc arima
I'd like to know if there is a way in the proc arima of the ts package to
calculate the p-values of the parameters estimates if it used with the xreg
Thank you for your answer.
Marion Cordi?
2003 Aug 04
RDCOM interface and 17.1 R version troubles
We are using the new version 1.7.1 of R with the R-(D)COM Interface 1.2
through Excel. But we failed using the ARIMA and SUMMARY functions: the
Statconnector doesn't work even if these functions work under R.
Please, could you explain us how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot!
Marion and Jeanne
2003 Sep 01
Arima with an external regressor
Does anybody know if the function arima with an external regressor (xreg)
applies the auto correlation on the dependant variable or on the residuals.
In comparison with SAS (proc autoreg), it seems that the auto correlation
applies on the residuals but i'd like to have the confirmation.
I want to estimate:
Y[t] = a[1]*X[t] + a[2] + E[t]
with E[t]=b[1]*E[t-1]
Should I use :
2003 Oct 09
plotting graphs with Rterm
I need to execute R code contained in a file xxx.R from DOS.
The file is really simple, only:
> plot(rnorm(100))
When I launch Rterm from Dos command and then source the file xxx.R it
works, but I need to call the command from a DOS command file *.bat
Using Rterm --slave < xxx.R plots the graph in a postscript file Rplots.ps,
how can I do to get the graph in an R window.
Using a
2004 Feb 04
arima function
I am a beginner user of R and I would like to estimate a model with AR
errors. I use arima function:
My inputs are dummies for each month except one, and the same thing for
each day and each hour. I have this error message:
Warning message:
possible convergence problem: optim gave
2004 Jul 22
package nls2 for windows
Dear Madam or sir,
Does anyone know if there is a pre-compiled version of package nls2 for
windows, please?
Thank you.
2004 Oct 21
Insert image in Rd documentation files
Does anyone know if it is posssible to insert a picture (ps or jpg for example) in documentation files with Rd extension. I guess it's impossible but maybe there is a trick.
Thank you!
Eric Esposito
Direction de la Recherche
P??le Economie, Statistisques et Sociologie
361 avenue du Pr??sident Wilson - BP 33
93211 Saint-Denis La Plaine cedex
2004 Oct 21
Problem with vignettes
I'm trying to insert a vignette as a word document in my package. After compiling and installing the package, the word file is in the doc directory, but no link in the html
index for vignettes is created. I tried with a pdf file and there is the same problem. It seems that only sweave format files are taken into account, is it normal? Is there
something special to do to take other file
2005 Aug 25
question sur R
je suis elève à l'ENSAI Rennes et je suis actuellement en stage de fin
j'ai une question sur R
en fait lorsque le simule 2 lois normales qui sont mes 2 variables
explicatives continus
- une avec que des valeurs > 0 (ou que <0) X1
- l'autre peut prendre aussi bien des valeurs <0 ou >0 X2
et que je regresse le rating (facteur