Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "gauch".
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2005 Oct 11
Problems with plot function
for (i in 1:length(conc)){
choixg[i] <- (k + conc[i])^2/((k+conc[i])^n + (k+1)^n)
plot(conc, choixg, main ="fonction de choix", col= "blue", pch=20,
xlab = " concentration", ylab="proba de choisir la gauche")
Lassana KOITA
Service Technique de l'Aviation Civile (STAC)
Direction G??n??rale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC)
Tel: 01 49 56 80 60
Fax: 01 49 56 82 14
2003 Dec 06
pdf() function, screen command and graphs
(I use R1.7.0 on MacOS 10.2.8)
any idea? Is pdf() incompatible with screen?
Thanks a lot,
## create dataset
## graphs
screen(3) ## gauche en haut
boxplot(x,col=3,main="my boxplot")
screen(2) ## droite seul
barplot(table(y),col=4,main="my barplot")
screen(4) ## gauche en bas
qqnorm(x,main="mon qqnorm");qqline(x,col=5)
mtext(paste("Graphics are...
2005 Oct 13
problems with loop and plot function
...t;- NULL
simResult <- simulation (5,n)
conc <- simResult$conc
choixg <- simResult$choixg
prin("n"); print(c(k=5, n))
points(conc, log10(1-choixg), main ="fonction de choix", col= n, pch=20,
lwd = 3,
xlab = " concentration", ylab="proba de choisir la gauche", type="l")
Lassana KOITA
Etude S??curit?? et Exploitation a??roportuaires / Aerodrome Safety &
Statistical analysis
Service Technique de l'Aviation Civile (STAC) / Civil Aviation Technical
2005 Oct 12
loop for plot function
...st(choixg=choixg, conc = conc))
#choixg <- simulation(5,2)
simResult <- simulation (5,5)
#plot(mydf$conc, log10(1-mydf$choixg), main ="fonction de choix", col=
#"blue", pch=20,
#xlab = " concentration", ylab="proba de choisir la gauche")
plot(simResult$conc, log10(1-simResult$choixg), main ="fonction de choix",
"blue", pch=20, lwd = 3,
xlab = " concentration", ylab="proba de choisir la gauche")
lines(simResult$conc, log10(1-simResult$choixg), col= "red", lwd = 3)
2020 Mar 11
EuroLLVM'20 cancellation notice
Meetings and with lower attendance would not be as successful.
So what is next?
We will be giving refunds to all that have registered. This is a manual
process and will take us a while to complete.
The deadline to cancel reservations at the Marriott Rive Gauche is March
16th. Please make sure you cancel before this deadline to receive a refund
for your hotel booking. We will not cancel any hotel reservations that were
made by individuals.
EuroLLVM will not be rescheduled for 2020. We looked at several options
including delaying t...
2008 Jan 07
chi-squared with zero df (PR#10551)
Full_Name: Jerry W. Lewis
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (
pchisq(0,0,ncp=lambda) returns 0 instead of exp(-lambda/2)
pchisq(x,0,ncp=lambda) returns NaN instead of exp(-lambda/2)*(1 +
SUM_{r=0}^infty ((lambda/2)^r / r!) pchisq(x, df + 2r))
qchisq(.7,0,ncp=1) returns 1.712252 instead of 0.701297103
qchisq(exp(-1/2),0,ncp=1) returns 1.238938
2007 Apr 20
sorting data in R
...15 7 4.97 20.0
ValdeTravers 67.6 18.7 25 7 8.65 19.5
V. De Geneve 35.0 1.2 37 53 42.34 18.0
Rive Droite 44.7 46.6 16 29 50.43 18.2
Rive Gauche 42.8 27.7 22 29 58.33 19.3
Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions !
Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences...
2013 Aug 19
Build problems: klibc with Linux 3.10.7
Gauche as it may be, I am reviving an old thread from January:
Building Smoothwall Express 3.1 in a chroot jail works well. (gcc 4.7.2, linux
3.4.58, klibc 2.0.1, et alia).
I'm now working on 'express-next' to prepare for a fu...
2008 Feb 11
...title is missing).
Who can explain me that???
I work with the original 1.1.2 FLAC version.
La Religion Est Le Ferment De La B?tise Humaine
O? Quand Certains Confondent Tol?rance Et Permissivit?
Et Veulent Para?tre Plus Humanistes Que Leur Voisin
Fut-Il M?me Assis A Leur Gauche....
E-Mail : didier.eggerickx@skynet.be
-------------- next part --------------
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2006 Jun 25
Testing a FastAGI script
(I tried to post this message a week ago but I don't think it could reach
the list. Please forgive me if you already received it).
I would like to develop my first FastAGI script.
I would like to test it independently from Asterisk for the sake of
Which linux (or cygwin) tool is the best for that ?
Using this tool, I will open a FastAGI connection, throw data in and read
2013 Aug 20
Build problems: klibc with Linux 3.10.7
Le 19/08/2013 22:45, Neal Murphy a ?crit :
> Gauche as it may be, I am reviving an old thread from January:
> http://www.zytor.com/pipermail/klibc/2013-January/003402.html.
> Building Smoothwall Express 3.1 in a chroot jail works well. (gcc 4.7.2, linux
> 3.4.58, klibc 2.0.1, et alia).
> I'm now working on 'express-nex...
2011 Nov 07
ordination in vegan: what does downweight() do?
Can anyone point me in the right direction of figuring out what downweight()
is doing?
I am using vegan to perform CCA on diatom assemblage data. I have a lot of
rare species, so I want to reduce the influence of rare species in my CCA. I
have read that some authors reduce rare species by only including species
with an abundance of at least 1% in at least one sample (other authors use
5% as a
2015 Jun 25
Processed: raising severity for GCC 5 issues, please fix these now (see https://wiki.debian.org/GCC5)
...arden-of-coloured-lights: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 777860 serious
Bug #777860 [src:gargoyle-free] gargoyle-free: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 777861 serious
Bug #777861 [src:gauche-c-wrapper] gauche-c-wrapper: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 777862 serious
Bug #777862 [src:gbsplay] gbsplay: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 777863 serious
Bug #777863 [src:gcc-msp...
2015 Jun 16
Processed: raise severity of GCC 5 triggered build failures to important
...den-of-coloured-lights: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> severity 777860 important
Bug #777860 [src:gargoyle-free] gargoyle-free: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> severity 777861 important
Bug #777861 [src:gauche-c-wrapper] gauche-c-wrapper: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> severity 777862 important
Bug #777862 [src:gbsplay] gbsplay: ftbfs with GCC-5
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> severity 777863 important
Bug #777863 [src:gcc-m...
2013 Apr 18
Processed: adding new jessie tag to sid-tagged bugs
...g(s) jessie.
> tags 244924 + jessie
Bug #244924 [ssh] ssh: scp only prints file modes and exits with status 1
Added tag(s) jessie.
> tags 616923 + jessie
Bug #616923 [src:ontv] ontv: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2
Added tag(s) jessie.
> tags 620698 + jessie
Bug #620698 [gauche-gl] gauche-gl: FTBFS on mipsel: 'string required, but got #f'
Added tag(s) jessie.
> tags 701409 + jessie
Bug #701409 [src:openscap] openscap: ftbfs with eglibc-2.17
Added tag(s) jessie.
> tags 452835 + jessie
Bug #452835 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [distcc] I...