search for: galkowski

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "galkowski".

2011 Jun 27
Standards for delivery of GPL software in CRAN packages
I wondered if there were standard practices in CRAN for delivery of R source implementing functions in R packages. I has encountered a couple of packages where the gzipped version of source contains very little, primarily the Help files describing the functions in the package. In some cases I can find the source as the value of the function name. Given that these packages are released as GPL,
2011 Dec 15
slight documentation error in "stats" package "arima"
...) Time series in R 1.5.0. R News, 2/2, 2–7. [2] Anyone know who I should tell about this? Thanks! - Jan References 1. 2. -- Jan Theodore Galkowski Senior Systems Software Engineer Akamai Technologies Cambridge, MA 02142 607.239.1834 (m) 607.239.1834 (h) 617.444.4995 (w) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jan 17
packages built against upcoming releases
....11.0, users get the embarrassing notice about a disconnect, and cannot do much about it. If it is tedious to roll out a new package on time, perhaps there's a possibility for automation here. Thanks. I encountered this yesterday with RHmm. I'm running R on WinXP. Happy R user! - Jan Galkowski.
2009 Apr 08
predict "interval" for lmRob?
...acks such a parameter, and the documented "type" parameter has only "response" offerred. Is there some way of obtaining prediction bands from lmRob? Is there an alternative robust (linear) regression package that offers such a capability? Thanks for any and all help. - Jan Galkowski, Akamai Technologies, Cambridge, MA.
2008 Oct 18
recovering value of scalar from false color map and image
...g R magic or package which might let me recover the value of the scalar quantity so represented given the RGB values at each point in the picture? After processing, I'd also like to push the results back through the translate to get an RGB JPEG again. Thanks for any and all pointers. - Jan Galkowski
2010 Nov 05
connecting to remote database using RMySQL
Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. I'm not aware of a mail list devoted to database interfaces. Please direct me if so. I am trying to use TSMySQL. It loads RMySQL, and apparent the CRAN version has an .onLoad script which seeks out the local MySQL server. If that fails, the package fails to load. Thing is, I'm trying to access a MySQL database on a remote machine for which
2007 Nov 14
convex optimization package for R, specifically semidefinite programming
Recently, a package for convex optimization was announced for Python, based upon the LP solver GLPK, the SDP solver in DSDP5, and the LP and QP solvers in MOSEK. I'm aware GLPK is available for R, but wondered if anyone had good packages for convex optimization along these lines for R. TIA.
2009 Jul 14
exporting list of installed packages for import on another system?
...R 2.9.1 has anything built it to do that? Is it as simple as moving something like from one machine to the other? I had a look at R-admin.pdf, and although it talks a lot about configuring on various systems, it did not address this directly. Also looked at RSeek. Thanks. --Jan Galkowski, Akamai Technologies
2009 Aug 04
"na.strings" and the like; suspending interpretation of "NA"
Can someone point me to the proper place in the documentation or on the Wiki where I can learn how to get R to stop interpreting the string "NA" as something special? I have a table in a database which contains (among other things) country codes and continent codes. The standard set of two-letter codes includes "NA" to denote "North America". I learned of the
2007 Dec 31
the woes of NA
Joyful. I'm adapting a FORTRAN 77 package for use with R. Pretty straightforward. Except for a glitch it took me some time to figure out. This existing package has subroutines which have parameters called "NA". So, I called subroutines like bnodes <- function(n, lst, lptr, lend, nodes, nb, na, nt) { ensure.all.numeric(list(n, lst, lptr, lend, nodes, nb, n.a, nt),
2007 Nov 27
voronoi/Delaunay/Dirichlet tessellation on sphere in R or S?
There's Renka's STRIPACK, and TRIPACK, respectively, ACM TOMS Algorithms 772 and 751, and there's the R package "deldir" which does the Delaunay for a plane, but does anyone have or know of the tessellation in R for a sphere? Also, is there a standard indexing scheme for Delaunay facets, and perhaps of edges in such facets? I'd expect that to be a publication reference,
2010 Oct 28
Rsolnp examples
I'm interested in the Rsolnp package. For their primary function "solnp", one example is given, and there is a reference to "unit tests". Anyone know where these can be found? Also, Rsolnp is used in a few other packages (e.g., depmixS4), but I cannot seem to find source illustrating its call sequence, and the precise definition of the functions passed. Can anyone help?
2009 May 05
documenting quirky behavior of as.POSIXct, regarding AM/PM, possibly other cases
I wanted to put this on the R Wiki, but found the suitable pages were read-only. I wanted to get it out in public to save people work. I was converting dates like "2009/03/26 01:00:00 AM" using as.POSIXct. I found that using a format of "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p" did not work correctly to distinguish AM from PM. Both were converted into the same timestamp. Indeed, what I found
2008 Mar 13
smoothest way to upgrade R, say from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2?
Like many software assemblies, R is updated frequently. Also, it creates its own release-numbered directory when it is installed. Packages get dumped into the subdirectory "library". I have a personal habit of storing documents related to R packages in the "doc" subdirectory. Here are my questions. (1) How do people manage an upgrade, from 2.6.1, say, to 2.6.2? 2.6.2 will
2010 Mar 01
Have another apparent version skew
The package "sm" was obtained twice, one using R's built-in updating of packages, the second directly. In both cases the USA-NC CRAN mirror was used. In both cases, loading the package under R 2.10.1 for Windows resulted in a 'package obsolete' kind of message. Switching the mirror to USA-CA-1 (Berkeley) got a good package that loaded without complaint. R version 2.10.1
2008 Feb 10
[R-sig-Geo] Comparing spatial point patterns - Syrjala test
...nt to wander in such scary places ;) The code and test data is here: Warning: it probably uses non canonical S syntax, sorry for those with sensitive eyes. On 2008-February-10 , at 17:02 , Jan Theodore Galkowski wrote: > I'm also interested here in comparing spatial point patterns. So, if > anyone finds any further R-based, or S-plus-based work on the > matter, or > any more recent references, might you please include me in the > distribution list? > > Thanks much! Begin forwa...
2009 Jun 29
Hi group, I found a module for adaptive kernel density estimation for Stata users, but unfortunetly I don't have access to Stata, can I find a similar approach using R? Thank u so much 4 ur time. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Feb 11
Testing for differecnes between groups, need help to find the right test in R. (Kes Knave) wander in such scary places ;) The code and test data is here: ata/lib_spatial.R Warning: it probably uses non canonical S syntax, sorry for those with sensitive eyes. On 2008-February-10 , at 17:02 , Jan Theodore Galkowski wrote: > I'm also interested here in comparing spatial point patterns. So, if > anyone finds any further R-based, or S-plus-based work on the > matter, or > any more recent references, might you please include me in the > distribution list? > > Thanks much! Begin forwa...
2008 Aug 29
availability of R packages svLab? denstrip?
I'm interested in the R packages svLab and the recently announced denstrip. For svLab, I've seen a PDF from 2003 describing it, and at least one paper or description having used it. I could not find it in the download list of packages within R or on CRAN, however. Did it get subsumed or renamed? Regarding denstrip, this was just recently announced, so I wondered what the percolation