search for: funktionen

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "funktionen".

1997 Aug 04
R-alpha: scale()
Here is a version of the function scale() which may be worth adding to the distribution. No NA's yet, though. And yes, I could also write documentation if necessary ... -k *********************************************************************** scale <- function(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) { x <- as.matrix(x) nc <- ncol(x) if (is.logical(center)) { if (center) x
2020 Oct 20
Problem with LDAP-query (Active Directory) on filter by memberOf
...ks, but now we would like to restrict using IMAP to all users in the Group "Funktion - E-Mail-Konto". So I changed the query from: (&(sAMAccountName=%n)(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=*)) to (&(sAMAccountName=%n)(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=*)(memberOf=CN=Funktion - E-Mail-Konto,OU=Funktionen,OU=People,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org)) The baseDN is DC=ad,DC=company,DC=org With ldapsearch I can get all users and their attributes, but Dovecot fail with this error: Oct 20 15:57:10 mailgw02 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap(testuser,,<eLf0mhqyLwlQu2sc>): ldap_search(base=dc=ad,dc...
2008 Dec 01
Spatstat - K2 index
Hi all, I'm using spatstat to investigate the spatial structure of an arid shrub population. The first-order intensity of my data does not appear to be homogenous, so I would like to use inhomogeneous techniques. I realise there is a inhomogeneous K-function available in spatstat, but there doesn't not appear to be one for the pair-correlation function (O-ring statistic). As such I was
2009 Jan 29
Printing Error
I guess this could possibly a bug... Right now my office software runs quite fine with wine, but but unfortunatly I get an error when I try to print documents. It says (loosely translatet from the german dialog): "There has been an error. access violation at adress 7E2B8D16 in modul 'winex11.drv" Reading Adress 00000029" The printer prints anyway and it looks fine but in the
2005 Jul 25
Rmath library problems
...n anyone explain this to me? Thanks, Anders <FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial">_______________ Vi goer opmaerksom paa, at denne e-mail kan indeholde fortrolig information. Hvis du ved en fejltagelse modtager e-mailen, beder vi dig venligst informere afsender om fejlen ved at bruge svar-funktionen. Samtidig beder vi dig slette e-mailen i dit system uden at videresende eller kopiere den. Selv om e-mailen og ethvert vedhaeftet bilag efter vores overbevisning er fri for virus og andre fejl, som kan paavirke computeren eller it-systemet, hvori den modtages og laeses, aabnes den paa modtagerens e...
2017 Apr 03
Define SIP fromuser field in Dial()-command
Hello how can I set the fromuser field of the SIP INVITE when using the Dial()-command in the dialplan ? None of the below Dial() command give the correct result : exten => _XX.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}:passwdk5j6::user762 at exten => _XX.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}:passwdk5j6::user762 at${EXTEN}) exten => _XX.,n,Dial(SIP/user762:passwdk5j6::user762 at
2003 Dec 16
PXELinux over Ris server
Having the same trouble that Mark ( had over a test platform I have here. Having a redhat 7.3 with dhcp V3.0rc12 and atftp (0.6.2) on a local small hub and a W2k Server with RIS installed. If I stop binlsvc on nt server my network boot run ok to pxelinux, but as soon as binlsvc is started, RIS server always respond over my local
2007 Oct 12
Other apps checking Day/Night
I'm fairly new to Asterisk, so please bear with me if this is silly question. I'd like to run a script on my server that would take the "Call now to order" banner off my website automatically when I put my phone system on night. I can handle the webserver side of things, but I don't know where to begin on the Asterisk side of things - can a simple script be run to