Displaying 20 results from an estimated 34 matches for "fromhttp".
2008 May 14
New blog application post slugs
Hello. I''m creating my own RESTful blog app. I am wondering about
creating post slugs. I think Wordpress creates a slug at post
creation time and stores the string in the database, then uses that
for URLs.
I read about the acts_as_sluggable strategy (http://
agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/acts_as_sluggable) but I don''t like
having a number (the ID) in the URL.
2010 Oct 08
Suggestion for "how to" section: easy way to install the JDK?
I've read website http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/JavaOnCentOS. I am a total
newbie with CentOS, but currently, with update 21 of the Java 6 JDK and CentOS
5.5, the installing the JDK appears to be simpler:
1. Download the latest *rpm.bin jdk (as of today,jdk-6u21-linux-i586-rpm.bin)
2. chmod +x the downloaded file.
3. su
4. Execute the file.
The main advantage of this procedure is that you do not need to build an RPM.
Bob Stine
bob at waltonstine.net (703) 217-4784
Rule for living: What Would Clint Eastwood Do?
2007 Dec 18
RFacebook | Help required
Hello all,
I am developing a basic application using RFacebook. The tutorial Im
following is from
After I develop the facebook app, and start the server and send a request to, it takes me to the facebook login page
(as expected, so no issues up
2009 Apr 15
install error for rails-widgets
When i am trying to install the rails-widgets on windows vista from
http://wiki.github.com/paolodona/rails-widgets location I get an error.
Please help.
cd myrails-app
ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/paolodona/rails-widgets.git
rake widgets:setup
following is the error
rake aborted!
Don''t know how to build task
2009 Sep 03
paperclip is not saving the files
Hi all,
I''ve installed paperclips but
paperclip is not saving the files
my model has
has_attached_file :attachment,:styles => { :medium => "300x300>",
:thumb => "100x100>" }
and i have db migration as
class AddAttachmentToPolicies < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :policies,
2011 Sep 11
Weird Error when Adding ShareThis Hovering Buttons to Rails
Hi all,
I am trying to add the ShareThis Hovering buttons to my Rails 3
application but have no luck. I got the embed code from
http://sharethis.com/publishers/get-hovering-buttons. In order to
prove that the problem is specific to Rails, I put the same code into
a HTML file outside the rails app and also a pure HTML file inside the
public directory (without routed to controller) of my rails app.
2015 Oct 28
kvm-qemu-ev in testing
>From what I could find on the internet, it's this:
Live Snapshots
Live Storage Migration
Live Snapshot Merge
Block I/O Throttling
CEPH Enablement
>From https://rhsummit.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/sarathy_h_0945_red_hat_enterprise_virtualization_hypervisor.pdf
I'd love an answer with proper/current info as well. :-)
Sent from the Delta quadrant
2007 Mar 19
How to change the windows version with command line?
Dear All,
May I know can I change the windows version in wine without using the
winecfg ? (as i can't enter winecfg) .
Is there any command to do so?
thanks for all your help!!
2014 Apr 18
build opus codec with visual studio 2005
i've downloaded source code from <http://www.opus-codec.org/downloads/>
http://www.opus-codec.org/downloads/ but in the tarball there is only one
project for visual studio 2010, it builds well but if i use .lib on visual
studio 2005 they won't work... Anyone knows how to compile with visual
studio 2005?
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2008 Jan 20
Ferret Gem Installation on Windows
Trying to install ferret on my windows XP environment. Using
InstantRails 2.0 with RoR 2.0.2, and NetBeans 6.0. I had successfully
installed and built RailsSpace in InstantRails 1.7, but am trying to
upgrade RailsSpace to RoR 2.0.2 using the code that Michael has kindly
provided for us on the website.
When I run the gem install ferret command, I get the following error:
C:\Documents and
2008 May 09
Job opening: Malaria Atlas Project, Oxford University
Web developer
Grade 7: Salary range:£26,666 - £32,796
Three year post
A web developer is required to join the Malaria Atlas Project (MAP,
http://www.map.ox.ac.uk). The job will be to lead in the improvement
of the on-line presence and thus public engagement activities of MAP.
Specific responsibilities will be to implement an online database of
epidemiological information
2013 Feb 26
Can't upgrade to 4 beta 1
I had to update several gems for Bundler to accept it but now I''m stuck:
bundle update rails devise knockoutjs-rails sass-rails coffee-rails
devise-encryptable oojs
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.......
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
Resolving dependencies...
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties":
In Gemfile:
2008 Jan 30
Where can I get "authenticate_with_http_basic"?
I just installed Rails 2.0.2
[root@mymachine easyx]# ruby --version
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-linux]
[root@mymachine easyrx]# gem install rails --include-dependencies
Need to update 16 gems from http://gems.rubyforge.org
Successfully installed rails-2.0.2
[root@remandev easyrx]#
But I''m getting this error in my restful_authentication
2008 Nov 13
readPDF() -- unsure how to install xpdf to make this work?
Dear R-Help,
I need to convert a set of '.pdf' files into an equivalent set of
'.txt' files. This is so that i can do some text mining on the
In the latest R-News letter (http://cran.r-project.org/doc/Rnews/
Rnews_2008-2.pdf), the package 'tm' for text mining is mentioned. In
that lovely package, there is a function called 'readPDF()'. In order
to use
2011 Jul 07
Rails 3.1 + jQuery + jQuery UI = data is null
Trying to get jQuery UI to work with my rails 3.1 setup, but i keep
getting errors that i cant see posted anywhere, this is driving my
insane so please have a look =>
// This is a manifest file that''ll be compiled into including all the
files listed below.
// Add new JavaScript/Coffee code in separate files in this directory
and they''ll automatically
// be
2010 Aug 20
puppet dashboard gui looks odd from apache2
I downloaded the puppet-dashboard.git from
http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard and did the installation
in my
ubuntu lucid puppet server following the steps in "Installation".
Now I can run it fine using the WEBrick like this
root@sys-ubuntu { ~/git/puppet-dashboard }$ ./script/server -e production
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 2.3.5 application starting on
2010 Apr 27
how to start an edge rails app
I want to check out an issue in edge rails. I''ve never used edge
before and am having a lot of trouble getting it up and running.
Following modified instructions from
$ mkdir -p app/vendor
$ cd app
$ git clone git://github.com/rails/rails.git vendor/rails
$ ruby vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/cli.rb .
2009 Dec 01
Rails 2.3.5 - Cannot install plugin
I''m always get the message "Plugin not found: ["git://github.com/
aaronchi/jrails.git"]" when trying to install a rails plugin, even for
SVN or GIT. After google search, some people suggest that replace
"git://" with "http://" and add "/" at the end of the url. I tried and
it still does not work.
I used the ruby 1.9.1-p243 and rails
2020 Feb 29
R 3.6.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.6.3.tar.gz (codename "Holding the Windsock") this morning.
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team,
Peter Dalgaard
2020 Feb 29
R 3.6.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.6.3.tar.gz (codename "Holding the Windsock") this morning.
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team,
Peter Dalgaard