Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "frenchcr".
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2009 Nov 03
one long column of data -> three small columns
say i have a column of data like this...
and i want it in three columns like this
...so i can make a contour plot.
How do i do this?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/one-long-column-of-data--%3E-three-small-columns-tp26163165p26163165.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Nov 13
cleanse columns and unwanted rows
hello folks,
Im trying to clean out a large file with data i dont need.
The column im manipulating in the file is called "legal_status"
There are three kinds of rows i want to remove. Those that have "Private",
"Private (Op", or "Unknown" in the legal_status column.
I wrote this code but i get errors and it says im missing a TRUE/ False
2009 Nov 21
other decriptive stats packages
i just found the following list, i wondered if anybody could add to this as i
have to characterize a large data set and am new to R...the list below was
so helpful....can you add to this???
Just to forestall confusion amongst those who would like to use one of
the functions called "describe"...
Hmisc package - describe
count of observations
count of missing
2009 Nov 04
enter "missing" into missing fields
if ive got an incomplete data set thats got thousands of rows and 80 columns
with random missing fields...like this say...
3 b 3
4 1
1 x 2
? how do i turn it into....
3 b 3
4 missing 1
1 x 2
...i.e., i want to insert the word "missing" into the fields that are empty?
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2010 Jan 21
Logistic regression
can you do Logistic regression in R, if so how do you do it and how do you
test the fit of a model?
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Logistic-regression-tp1059870p1059870.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Nov 08
Turn dates into age
Ive got a big column of dates (also some fields dont have a date so they have
NA instead),
that i have converted into date format as so...
dates<-as.character(data[,"date_commissioned"]); # converted dates to
[1] "19910101" "19860101" "19910101" "19860101" "19910101" "19910101"
2009 Nov 30
Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R) (2009 Paperback)
Is this book worth its dollar? If so, why?, if not, why not?
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Ggplot2-Elegant-Graphics-for-Data-Analysis-Use-R-2009-Paperback-tp931702p931702.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Nov 16
printing a single row, but dont know which row to print
I have 20 columns of data, and in column 5 I have a value of 17600 but I
dont know which row this value is in (i have over 300,000 rows).
I'm trying to do 2 things:
1) I want to find out which row in column 5 has this number in it.
2) Then I want to print out that row with all the column headers so i can
look at the other parameters in the row that are associated with this value.
How do i
2009 Nov 22
how do i persuade IT to install R on PCs ?? ...and should I ??
Please help me persuade IT to install R on my computer!
All suggestions welcome.
Our IT department run scared when you mention software that they have no
working experience of.
I need to know the pros and cons of having R on corporate desktops.
Please no funny stuff, this is quite a serious issue for us.
Pros and cons would be good.
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2009 Nov 14
re move row if the column "date_abandoned" has a date in it
I want to go through a column in data called
date_abandoned....data["date_abandoned"]....and remove all the rows that
have numbers greater than 1,010,000.
The dates are in the format 20091114 so i'm just going to treat them as
numbers for clean up purposes.
I know that i use subset but not sure how to proceed from there.
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2009 Nov 16
non homogeneous poisson process
I want to do a non homogeneous poisson process model in R.
Any advice, or know of places where i can get some, ive googled it but
nothing came up relating to R.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/non-homogeneous-poisson-process-tp26378037p26378037.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Nov 21
what do i do to fix missing packages...see error
> exampledata <- rnorm(10000)
> summary(exampledata)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-4.030000 -0.666200 -0.023390 -0.009384 0.664700 4.092000
> desc <- function(mydata) {
+ require(e1071)
+ quantls <- quantile(x=mydata, probs=seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.25))
+ themean <- mean(mydata)
+ thesd <- sd(mydata)
+ kurt <-
2009 Nov 23
R-help Digest, Vol 81, Issue 23
...0. Why F value and Pr are not show in summary() of an aov()
> result? (Peng Yu)
> 21. Re: how to tell if its better to standardize your data matrix
> first when you do principal (Uwe Ligges)
> 22. how do i persuade IT to install R on PCs ?? ...and should I
> ?? (frenchcr)
> 23. Computing multivariate normal probabilities. Was: Re: Problem
> with Numerical derivatives (numDeriv) and mvtnorm (Ravi Varadhan)
> 24. Re: consecutive numbering of elements in a matrix (Jim Bouldin)
> 25. Re: Why F value and Pr are not show in summary() of an aov()
2009 Dec 04
categorical vs numerical
What ways are there to plot categorical vs numerical data in R.
I have two columns: one with categorical data in 5 categories a,b,c,d,e, and
a numerical column with integers between 1 and 100.
I have used a boxplot with a,b,c,d,e on the x-axis and an increasing
numerical scale on the y-axis. This look fine but im looking for other ways
to present the data.
What other ways can i do this???
2010 Jan 28
weighted least squares vs linear regression
I need to find out the difference between the way R calculates weighted
regression and standard regression.
I want to plot a 95% confidence interval around an estimte i got from least
squares regression.
I cant find he documentation for this
ive looked in
Can anyone shed light?
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2009 Nov 28
Whats happening to the forum???
Whats happening? everthings changing round here...plus alot less
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Whats-happening-to-the-forum-tp913858p913858.html
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