Displaying 20 results from an estimated 126 matches for "freefaculty".
2012 Dec 12
R-2.15.2 changes in computation speed. Numerical precision?
...o understand the situation. I believe R-2.15.2 introduced a tighter
requirement for precision, thus triggering longer-lasting calculations
in many example scripts. Better algorithms can avoid some of that
slowdown, as you see in this test case.
Here is the test code you can run to see:
It downloads a data file from that same directory and then runs some
multiple imputations with the Amelia package.
Here's the output from my computer
That includes the profile of the calculations...
2014 Aug 06
portableParalleSeeds Package violation, CRAN exception?
...is is handy because, when 1 run in 10,000 on the
cluster exhibits some weird behavior, we can easily re-initiate that
interactively and see what's going on.
I have a vignette "pps" that explains. I dropped a copy of that here
in case you don't want to get the package:
While working on that, I gained a considerably deeper understanding of
random generators and seeds. That is what this vignette is about
We've been running simulations on our cluster with the
portableParallelSeeds framework...
2012 Aug 11
device "mismatch", coordinates trouble with X11 and pdf devices
I'm trying to understand a problem on a Dell Laptop. Details below,
also uploaded the R working example that I pasted below.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
[7] LC_PAPER=C...
2011 Feb 19
Set up new CRAN mirror; but have questions before finalizing.
Hi, everybody
I have an account on Dreamhost.com and when I renewed it recently,
their message said my usage of storage and bandwidth had been
reasonably low. In an idle moment about 3 weeks ago, I followed your
instructions to set up a CRAN mirror on their server. Here it is:
It is not hosted at my University, but it is a working, high
availability server. Is there any reason it could not be listed as a
CRAN mirror. (Although I really have no idea where these machines
exist. I'm pretty sure it is in the USA. I'll try to find out).
Maybe you might try...
2012 Jun 12
Working on a Vignette called Rcheology
Greetings, R developers
Here are my requests today.
1. Would you care to review this vignette
http://pj.freefaculty.org/R/Rchaeology.pdf and tell me if you think it
is wrong headed, and
2. Supposing you do not think I'm completely wrong, would you care to
point me at more examples of R idioms that lead to deep insights into
the nature of R programming?
Longer more boring explanation:
In the rockchalk pa...
2011 Dec 29
3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.
...called "rockchalk". For 3d illustrations, my functions use
persp, and I've grown to like working with it. As an example of the
kind of things I like to do, you might consult my lecture on
multicollinearity, which is by far the most detailed illustration I've
I used persp mainly because I can understand it, and it can be made to
work like plot in R, with additional tools like lines and points and
such. I don't want to interact with these plots, I just need to put
them int...
2013 Apr 01
example to demonstrate benefits of poly in regression?
Here's my little discussion example for a quadratic regression:
Students press me to know the benefits of poly() over the more obvious
regression formulas.
I think I understand the theory on why poly() should be more numerically
stable, but I'm having trouble writing down an example that proves the
benefit of...
2016 Feb 12
configure statement for R-devel with updated zlib in user account
...d a solution by
adding this
but still rejection, new zlib not found.
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org http://crmda.ku.edu
2012 Dec 11
Debian packaging and openblas related crash when profiling in R
...ot. I can't tell if R runs any faster, but it does run, which
is encouraging.
Now here's the problem I see. Using Rprof causes R to crash, but only
when openblas stuff is in the picture. I wondered what you think?
Here's the code to reproduce this:
datM <- read.csv("http://pj.freefaculty.org/scraps/profile/missingDat.csv")
impA <- amelia(datM, m = 5, idvars="group")
Here's the crashed session
> datM <- read.csv("http://pj.freefaculty...
2012 Aug 15
shade overlapping portions of circles (or other shapes)
...verlapping portions of circles. These
illustrations are for Social Choice theory, a field in political
science and economics. I've wrestled together some examples so you
can see what I mean, but have not mastered the "color overlapping
sections" problem (as you will see):
The shaded area does not overlap perfectly, mainly because I isolated
the points manually with locator(). Tedious!
I've not found R functions just for this. Are there any packages?
You can get an idea of the problem if you run, for example
2016 Feb 08
something wrong in package submission procedure/website
...k 1.8.92, not the one I uploaded yesterday.
So none of the beautiful repairs I implemented show up :(
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org http://crmda.ku.edu
2009 Jan 16
Sweave documents have corrupted double quotes
...out as black boxes (as they do for me). If you
don't use Sweave, but you have a system with a working version of R
and LaTeX, the file gives the instructions you need to use to process
the file. The
The file itself explains the problem. You can see the flawed output on
my web site
I'm running Ubuntu Linux 8.10 with R 2.8.1 and TexLive 2007 (which is
provided with the distribution).
This is not a new problem, I noticed it two years ago while using
TeTeX on Fedora Linux, and so I doubt that this is specific to
TeXLive. Back then, I took the path of res...
2015 Aug 27
Proposed change in file.exists() to tolerate Windows
...the file.exists documentation so Windows users can see how easy this
is to avoid?
Respectfully yours,
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org http://crmda.ku.edu
2008 Jul 24
You didn't give me some packages, so now I'm giving you some! R, TexLive, LyX, Gnumeric, etc.
...kages were built on a stock Centos 5.2 system, with
all components as usual EXCEPT for the ones I provide below or the
packages that can be downloaded from EPEL. As far as I can tell,
everything works as well as it does on Fedora, no better.
Go here in your web browser to look it over.
My PGP key is in the top directory
And under i386 you should see I've created an RPM repository.
I don't have any i686 machines for which I'm doing this work, sorry.
To use yum, I think you should spec...
2013 Apr 18
Patch proposal for R style consistency (concerning deparse.c)
...brings the output into line with the advice of the help page
for "if". The output looks more like the a randomly selected R file
from the R source or the recommended packages. I'm teaching new users
that they should study the R source code itself as a guide for
programming (http://pj.freefaculty.org/R/Rstyle.pdf). My argument
there would go more smoothly if print.function obeyed the "} else {"
policy that most of your source code and packages adhere to. We do see
r-help questions about the problem that user code can't be run
line-by-line, even when it is styled like the prin...
2016 May 31
Suggestion: pdf.options(embed=TRUE)
...rned last week that I generated a lot of PDFs and forgot to go
back and embed the fonts in them.
It would be very pleasant for me if pdf.options included an argument
to turn on font embedding and have fonts always embedded. Always.
Thanks for your time, as always.
Paul E. Johnson http://pj.freefaculty.org
Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis http://crmda.ku.edu
I only use this account for email list memberships. To write directly,
address me at pauljohn
at ku.edu.
2012 Mar 07
multi-platform equivalent of x11() ?
...r Windows and Mac users as well?
If there is none, don't you think it would be fun if there were?
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science ? ?Assoc. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 ? ? Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas ? ? ? ? ? ? ? University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org ? ? ? ? ? ?http://quant.ku.edu
2008 Apr 08
plotmath "overstrikes" in output on a Linux system
...edora Linux
8 and R 2.6.2, something funny happens: the characters "overstrike"
each other. The Greek letter "mu" is printed several spaces to the
left of the "(" that it is supposed to follow. I made an itty bitty
picture of the figure title to show you:
I can force in spaces to re-arrange the symbols so they do not
overstrike. The following looks fine in the output.
t1t2 <- bquote (paste("Normal ( ", mu== .(mu), ' , ', sigma==
.(sigma)," )") )
### Note spaces manually inserted above...
2007 Jul 25
Constructing bar charts with standard error bars
....arg=as.character(testdata$group), main="a=4.0",
xlab="Group", ylab="xbar")
xvalues <- c(0.7, 1.9, 3.1, 4.3, 5.5)
arrows(xvalues, testdata$xbar, xvalues, testdata$xbar+testdata$se, length=
0.4, angle=90, code=3)
The best clue I have so far is Rtips #5.9:
http://pj.freefaculty.org/R/Rtips.html#5.9 which is what I based my present
solution off of.
However, I do not understand how this works. It seems like there is no
concrete way to determine the arrow drawing parameters x0 and x1 for a
barplot. Moreover, the bars seem to be "cut off".
[[alternative HTML ve...
2013 Apr 11
Make barplot with error bars, anova out of a table
Helo everybody,
I'm new to R and have some issues with my data in R.
My raw data look like that:
ID Day size 1 1 7 1 1 7.2 1 1 7.1 2 1 7.3 2 1 7.4 2 1 7.2 3 1 7 3 1 7.1 3 1
7.5 4 1 7.3 4 1 7.2 4 1 7.6 1 2 7 1 2 7.2 1 2 7.1 2 2 7.1 2 2 7.4 2 2 7.2 3
2 7.5 3 2 7.1 3 2 7.5 4 2 7.2 4 2 7.2 4 2 7.3 1 3 7.4 1 3 7.2 1 3 7.1 2 3
7.2 2 3 7.4 2 3 7.2 3 3 7.4 3 3 7.2 3 3 7.5 4 3 7.4 4 3 7.2 4 3 7.7