search for: franches

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "franches".

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2005 Mar 02
Samba as PDC and BDC on the same network.
I have recently configured two servers to be controlers of my domain. The first one is the PDC and is configured like : domain master = yes prefered master = yes local master = yes domain logons = yes security = user os level = 99 And the second, the BDC like : domain master = no prefered master = no local master = no domain logons = yes security = user
2012 Nov 07
pseudo R-squared with likfit (geoR)
We want to compute a pseudo R-squared for a model whose parameter estimation was based on maximum likelihood (function likfit, package geoR). I tried to compute the R2 proposed by Maddala (1983) which compare the maximized likelihood for the model without any predictor and the maximized likelihood for the model with all predictors. I got a really low value (0,01%). Did I miss something? Are
2004 Jan 15
Multiple comparisons in R; multicomp
Is there a fonction for multiple comparison tests (similar to "multicomp" in Splus) in a package of R? Thanks in advance for any hint... Cheers, Patrick Giraudoux University of Franche-Comté Department of Environmental Biology EA3184 af. INRA F-25030 Besançon Cedex tel.: +33 381 665 745 fax.: +33 381 665 797 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 18
legend of maps generated by function symbols
I generated maps with the function symbols (graphics). These are basic maps generated with : symbols(x,y,circles=myvariable) where x et y are spatial coordinates corresponding to replicates of "myvariable". I would associate legend to this kind of maps, is it possible? Regards, Marion. -- Marion Jacquot Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement UMR UFC/CNRS 6249 USC INRA Universit? de
2006 Oct 29
Live/Realtime streaming
Hello List, i would like to stream to a network. I am expecting a delay/latency of 1-2ms. I have compiled and install icecast 2.3.1 on OpenSuSE10.1. I also had a look at: (1) (2) and (3) When i use Link/Way (3) i had to change
2003 Dec 16
Winedit and R
Hi all, I am trying to install add-on in R (rw1070) to work with WinEdit. Libraries Swinregistry and Rwinedt have been installed via "Install Package(s) from local zip files" from R. However, when I run library(Rwinedt) I get the following messages: > library(Rwinedt) Loading required package: SWinRegistry Error in loadNamespace(name) : package `methods' does not have a name
2007 Apr 20
sorting data in R
...Catholic with swiss data frame like below thanks Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2 Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2 Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2 Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3 Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6 Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7...
2004 Jul 18
bootstrap and nls
Hi, I am trying to bootstrap the difference between each parameters among two non linear regression (distributed loss model) as following: # data.frame > Raies[1:10,] Tps SolA Solb 1 0 32.97 35.92 2 0 32.01 31.35 3 1 21.73 22.03 4 1 23.73 18.53 5 2 19.68 18.28 6 2 18.56 16.79 7 3 18.79 15.61 8 3 17.60 13.43 9 4 14.83 12.76 10 4 17.33 14.91 etc... # non
2006 Jan 05
Memory limitation in GeoR - Windows or R?
Dear Aaron, I am really a tool user and not a tool maker (actually an ecologist doing some biostatistics)... so, I take the liberty of sending a copy of this e-mail to the r-help list where capable computer persons and true statisticians may provide more relevant information and also to Paulo Ribeiro and Peter Diggle, the authors of geoR.. I really feel that your huge matrix cannot be
2006 Oct 29
Live/Realtime streaming
Je vous prie de m'envoyer les messages en fran?ais ( franch) ----- Original Message ----- From: "mario" <> To: <> Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:10 PM Subject: [Icecast] Live/Realtime streaming > Hello List, > > i would like to stream to a network. I am expecting a delay/latency of > 1-2ms. > > I have compiled and install
2004 Jan 02
type III sum of squares - ssType
Hello, It seems that, unlike Splus, the anova.lm function of R does not take the argument ssType=3 into account. How can one get an anova table with the adjusted sum of squares in R? Thanks in advance, Patrick Giraudoux University of Franche-Comté Department of Environmental Biology EA3184 af. INRA F-25030 Besançon Cedex tel.: +33 381 665 745 fax.: +33 381 665 797
2007 Mar 13
hierarchical partitioning
Dear all, I am trying to model variation of distribution of species assemblages according to environmental variables. For that I use a log linear multinomial regression. In order to select variables that mostly discriminate the assemblages, I tried to apply a hierarchical partitioning protocol to my data set. For that I have adapted the all.regs() for multinomial model. The problem is that I
2007 Aug 15
mda and kmeans
Hello, I am using the function mda of the mda library in order to discriminate 4 groups with 8 explanatory variables. I only have 66 observations. I tested all possible combinations of those variable and run for each the Mixture Discriminant Analysis. For some iterations, I got an error message: "error in kmeans(xx, start): initial centers are not distinct". I understood that the
2006 Jan 07
maptools, write.polylistShape
Dear Roger, I am trying to use the write.polylistShape() function of maptools for the first time and realize that it handles list of polygons of class 'polylist'. However, it seems that no as.polylist() function exist in the package. The question behind that is: in your opinion, which would be the best way to convert a list of matrix of polygon nodes coordinates into an object of
2005 Oct 18
reporting bug
Exception type exceptions.ValueError Exception Handler Information Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/rhn/rhn_applet/", line 586, in refresh self.model.refresh(force) File "/usr/share/rhn/rhn_applet/", line 447, in refresh source.refresh(force) File "/usr/share/rhn/rhn_applet/", line
2007 Jun 27
Another loop avoidance question.
Hi I want to sum over one of the dimensions of a n x k1 x k2 array in which each column is the product of the corresponding columns from two matrices with dimensions n x k1 and n x k2. I can see two approaches: a loop on k1 and a loop on k2. But I cannot figure a solution that avoids the loop? Is it possible? (I don't refer to apply or lapply etc either as they are just hidden loops so,
2005 Dec 07
(no subject)
-- Jean-Michel CARICAND Laboratoire Informatique de Franche-Comt? 16 Route de Gray 25030 BESANCON CEDEX Tel : 03 81 66 20 63 Fax : 03 81 66 64 50
2007 Mar 14
cannot delete the last column of a dataframe using "[<-" (PR#9565)
...;- 1:5 > sw$new4 <- NULL # delete the column > (sw0 <- sw) Fertility Agriculture Examination Education new1 new2 new3 Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 A a A Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 B b B Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 C c C Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 D d D Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 E e E > # This works: > sw[6:8] <- list(letters[10:14], NULL, aa=1:5) # delete col7, upd...
2012 Oct 31
pseudo R-squared for model generated with spgm (splm)
I am working with the splm package. I use the spgm function: general estimation of a panel data model. Based on this approach, I know it is possible to compute a R2, eg the ratio of variation explained by a given model. My model is : bivmod<-spgm(logIKA~NBLITRE0+NBLITRE1,data=mydatap,listw=comsKnn.nbW,spatial.error=TRUE) I know that we can calculate the R^2 as the variance of the fitted
2008 Mar 13
An input channel for JACK ?
Hello everybody, I have installed wine and been using it for long (for example for WoW :D) and everything works very well ! Ok, you'll probably find that strange if I'm coming here and post something, it's a pity it's generally not the use. Anyway, my problems are : - I'm Franch, so that's not as if communicating was so easy ; ;) - I use the Jack sound server with a